Was MGSV bad?

Was MGSV bad?

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It was a great game but a bad MGS game :^)

parts of it were great. parts of it were memelegends. parts of it were serious, parts of it felt like HOLLYWOOD

No. It wasn't bad.

But it wasn't good either. Just meh at best.

I hate when people use this notion so much but it is true in this case.

This. The engine is so fucking good.

If it wan't called Metal Gear Solid V in favor of Spec-Ops Force Diamond Dogs or something it would be more popular.

No, it's great fun.

Story was complete garbage, quiet was trash, and trailers spoiled everything, but the gameplay was the best in the series albeit very very easy

I got it recently. It had the chance to be fun. But it was mostly a stupid pile of unbalanced horse shit.

All the missions in the second half should have been hard as maxed out FOBs or quiet's tank mission. I keep playing it though because I enjoy invading FOBS and upgrading Mother Base.

no it was amazing

Snake being the god emperor of CQC felt great

I've had more fun playing it than any other new game released in the past 4 years.

I think people have gotten open world fatigue recently, especially after the emptiness of other games like watch dogs and GTA. I do think though that the openness of the TPP is understated a little too much by the small mission areas, likely though it had to do with making sure the scripting didn't break on the PS360 versions.

awesome cutscenes, lackluster gameplay.

The game is undeniably metal gear, calling it something else wouldn't make sense.

The game is basically the themes of every single MGS game to date, +retroactively making the entire series about revenge. That's something only MGS could ever pull off.

The only issue with the game was the overblown marketing. If the only story trailers were the first and last, and every other trailers focused purely on the gameplay and goofy shenanigans it would have been fine.

For what it's worth, I think the ideas of the story are fascinating, but it's not at all well executed.

It was really damn great. Wish its story could've delivered on the promise of GZ though

>The game is basically the themes of every single MGS game to date
Something worth noting is that the core theme of the Metal Gear series up until MGS4 was "identity", and MGSV is the logical conclusion of this concept.


If it was marketed as an open world basebuilder spinoff game set in the metal gear universe instead of the finale chapter in the saga I think people would like it way more

I liked it a lot. Way better than MGSIV.

I was never really invested in Kojimbos autistic storytelling tho.

If you look at act 2 as an epilogue it isnt as bad. The thing is that the whole base/army building thing ended up being pretty pointless unless you want to grind for the PVP

You could have avoided this. You could have just turned off your game system like instructed!

It confirms exactly the same thing that MGS2 did; gameplay was always the most important part of the series, the plot means nothing what's important is that the characters feel real.

But seriously, replay MGS2 before talking shit about MGSV's story. There's a reason V's prologue; main mission structure and twist is the same, and why Outer Heaven looks so much like Big Shell.

Don't like the gameplay? My only comment is that you really have to let yourself enjoy the game. Limiting yourself to a tranq the whole game is never going to be the Big Boss power fantasy you wanted.

>The only issue with the game's presentation*

no, thats just a meme

I hate when people talk shit about "muh ending was bad" and they mean the Truth mission.

It's not an ending. It's an epilogue. Sahelanthropus in Afghanistan is the final boss, killing Skull Face is where Metal Gear Solid V "ends."

The rest is just THE PHANTOM PAIN

No. It was a good game objectively. It was perhaps one of the best, if not the best, open world games ever.

But it is objectively shit if you're a long time fan. Both arguments are correct.

Kojima didn't want to do another game, there was an incredible amount of internal turmoil at Konami that got Kojima and his studio fucked over far before they were fired, and the game came out unfinished, with markers deliberately left in the files; evidence showing that the game ended up as a shell compared to what it could have been.

Then they stripped the bug testing for single player stuff, ham fisted the multi-player aspect, and took out features to port the game to last gen consoles. We all felt the pain. The hype was incredible and for once looked like expectations would be met.

Then we felt the Phantom pain. A developer fired who lost his vision and had his child lobotomized in front of him. A fan base that saw what little spirit the game had.

Look up the Konami turmoil. It's a wonder the game came out at all with what they were doing.

If you like MGSV's story, I'd highly recommend reading this article. it's my favorite take on the twist I've read to date.


Personally, I like how much is left up to the players interpretation about the game. It's something Kojima doesn't allow the player to do very often.

Don't forget mandatory PS360 version

nope, it's pretty great. has flaws though.

it is an epilogue though. it was supposed to be a wind down. which was the reason why 51 was cut. Because it didn't fit right in their eyes.

>extreme restrictions for the development team after 2014
>Konami boots Kojima in March of 2015
>tears most of the darkness from the story and cuts nearly half of the single player campaign
>still manage to get it out with a skeleton crew of whatever was left from Kojima studios
>the Phantom pain themes are far heavier than any other in the game because of this

>Konami is still going down the drain because they spent money on gold and stopped when it was mostly lead still because they're retarded
>mgsv brought them the only revenue bump and growth they had for any quarter of the last 4 years

Japanese business is an oxymoron most of the time. Jesus Christ.

>Muh profit margins
>"we've lost 70% of our revenue and downsized considerably, what are you doing"
>pachinko, profit margins XD

The CEO of Konami went senile

No its shit.

Even mechanically.

But at least we have the hope that we almost had a game.

It's seriously the worst game I can think of. It is nothing more than an enormous and intentional middle finger to anyone that loved MGS prior to TPP.

That comment about motherbase quarantine is fucking retarded. Obviously you're not a bad person for in that moment shooting them. You're a bad person for having fultoned them and built mother base in the first place.

Overall good with some glaring flaws that keep it from being truly great. It's also incomplete on top of that.

So was MGS2 and people seem to have accepted that nowadays. MGSV was just hammering 2's points in, while finally giving fans the unhindered gameplay they've been begging for since 4 at least if not 2.

Even then, Venom Snake isn't to blame for that either: Big Boss, Ocelot, and Zero are.

Game of the year 2015 Witcher can suck a fat cock with its shallow themes and shitty gameplay

>It's seriously the worst game I can think of.
You haven't played many games then.


Good games can have flaws.

Yeah I said that with taking out features to port to last gen consoles. Such a waste of time and money.

Also, get this. Konami had gutted most of its banking, sold off all hardware sections, destroyed their international business offices, and then slowly fucked the software division until a meltdown in 2015 when they cut the last thread of international revenue like a man deep in delirium cutting off all his good limbs while leaving the gangrenous parts stagnate until it kills him.

They downsized and focused on a Japanese only entertainment venture that will negatively grow for God knows what reason. Their banking sector and business sector (what's left of it) is basically blacklisted because of the company being retarded and international business having nothing to gain by operating with them in any way.

All for fucking pachinko. Dude profit margins XD doesn't count when you lose billions in profit you once had. This is a case study for giant businesses failing and turning into irrelevant selling bait for large companies not run by idiots.

It's far from bad, but you can clearly see where it all went to shit. aka everything after the prologue.

>play the whole game with marking and reflex
>this game feels easy!!

There's a reason the reflex option sits next to the Chicken Hat. Beyond that, marking is like Soliton radar except entirely unnecessary, if you haven't turned it off yet you're denying yourself the best sneaking in the series since 3.

>best gameplay in the series
>worst game you ever played

You poor sheltered little snowflake... how hard you have suffered...

The mechanics where badly used, but the core gameplay is great. I can see it being used in any game with a similar linear path (with open space) like MGS3 and it would rock

It was pretty bad, yea.

Very lifeless and barren levels. No proper difficulty selector. Pointless R&D timers.

>this thread is almost 3 years od

You don't understand lads.

The hype was incredible. Kojima had to put out ground zeroes just to get more funding and in the end the game came out lifeless (for many reasons).

If you aren't an MGS fan and were not on the hype train just as the nip down the line was spotted carrying rails, you'll never understand. We asked questions but stayed on until it derailed.

It's the worst kind of game because it could have been so much better.

And from the evidence we've seen, it was going to be as good as we thought before things were literally torn out of the game. Some of it was still in there to show us what we missed out on.

Kojima didn't go full meta with this phantom pain shit, but it ended up being that way.

>tfw I made that edit for /mgg/ back in its pre-release glory days
The friends I've lost. The hype I've lost. It won't stop hurting.

I enjoyed MGSV for what it was though, I refuse to let what it wasn't get in the way

If the definitive edition leak has any of the cut content I will literally eat shit.
About cut content sometimes guards will say shit like "Did you find him boy?" "Whats that boy?" as if they were supposed to have guard dogs.

don't tell me I don't understand, I lived through it just the same as you, having played every metal gear and experiencing the same hype.

You're the one who has yet to understand.

I'm not saying you can't think MGSV is shit, but to say it's "the worst game ever" is fucking insane.

The one good thing about MGSV is that a certain contingent of Big Boss faggots didn't get the story they thought they would get. Plus their character had their voice actor replaced.

Now you know how it feels to have your series stolen, you pieces of shit. This series should have never strayed away from Solid Snake.

>You don't understand lads.
How fucking dare you tell me I don't understand.


It was fucking amazing.

Why is that troll sad about eating a coconut? :(

I hated Phantom Pain, but I enjoyed Ground Zeroes a little more. Visually and mechanically they are good games, but the story, characters and voice acting is notably bad and has been since MGS3.

Gameplay/gunplay is best

You're both faggots

Was MGR your first Metal Gear?

I wasn't on the hype train because despite being a MGS fan, I wasn't a colossal faggot like you dipshits who made hourly threads about MGS V sharing every fan theory and over-analyzing every single frame from trailers and over-hyping the fuck out of the game.

I lived my life and when the game came out, I played it and enjoyed it, because it was great. Did it have disappointing elements? Yes, but all games do. But it's no surprise that the same faggots that were constantly posting about the latest trailer and smallest tidbit of information are the same faggots who cry impotent tears because the game didn't deliver on every one of your retarded expectations.

And for reference: Fuck MGS 4, that's the actual terrible game of the franchise. Piece of shit.

big boss is a faggot and based solid is the one and only mgs protag


You're right but also the game surprised me with levels of feces I never thought possible. I had no idea those R&D timers would be in the game. What a complete joke of a game.

mgs4 was the second best mgs you double nigger.

It's funny because the same twist they used to fuck up Big Boss fanboys in V they used to fuck up you Solid Snake fanboys in 2. Get recked.

Not necessarily MGSV related but does anyone else wish that they would get in a freak accident and get their right eye taken out, so they could look like Big boss?

Joke's on you. I love MGS2 and didn't mind Raiden aside from some bad voice acting moments. Not to mention the whole game made out Solid Snake to be this legendary badass and the rerelease of MGS2 let you play as Solid Snake in Snake Tales, Boss Survival, and hundreds of VR missions.

Eat shit you Big Boss quadruple nigger.

Whatever Konami does in a year there will be "MGSV was great" threads.
No matter what Kojimas next game is people will say its shit

It's also not the same twist. They're fundamentally different.

MGS2 is about a guy who is manipulated into being Snake but throws that away and becomes his own man.

MGSV is about a guy who is manipulated into being Big Boss and embraces it because he doesn't really have a say in the matter.

literally every single plot point in MGS4 only serves to punish faggots like you. You think Kojima wasn't making fun of you when he made meryl marry the guy who spent the first act shitting himself? Or forcing us to watch Sunny be retarded for at least half an hour every act? Or that shitting monkey?

Not to mention the fact that the whole game turns the series canon into a giant stinking turd.

You are a black whole of niggerness if you think anyone matters but Snake. People like you are the reason Kojima made Solid Snake an old faggot virgin in 4.

MGSV had the chance to change MGS4's retarded story elements.

It did not, and instead tried to explain them (like Dr. Clark's gender not being known or Zero and Big Boss' feud)

MGSV is complicit and therefore also guilty of MGS4's shitty story.

>you don't understand

It's like spore. It wasn't an overhyped piece of shit game, and had every sign pre 2015 (or 2014 depending on how much you think the Konami going bats hit with workers did) of being what we thought it was going to be.

And when we were disappointed, there was evidence in the game showing how much of it was gutted. 50% of the story was cut. All of the small details like animals on mother base was cut. Weapons were cut, storylines were cut. That's why it sucks. It can be called worst game ever from that perspective.

Yes. There were. They were too lazy to cut the dialogue. Same with the Mujahideen and most of the story in Africa.

Really the only thing they kept from that was the tank hunt mission and the single mute fag from the honeybee mission.

Don't give a shit faggot. Had best gameplay of series (until V). Had Solid Snake. Had the best moments of the series (rex vs ray, snake vs liquid, microwave room). Sorry you can't enjoy things

>goes nuclear
Except he doesn't

People who hated MGS2 is the reason we got a shitty MGS4. See what they did to Raiden (talking about MGS4 Raiden, not Rising Raiden which is its own thing).

mgs4 was better than mgs2 raiden

I don't get it, Sup Forums does nothing but shit on this game yet the overwhelming majority are saying the game is great, fantastic or at the very least, good.

WHICH IS IT Sup Forums?


Sup Forums is a generally popular board with many different users, user.

Actually, tl;dr: The people that got disappointed in the game were faggots who over-hyped it

Play as Solid Snake in the Prologue, Play as Raiden for the main mission

Play as Big Boss for the Prologue, Play as Big Medic for the main mission

In both games the prologue ends on a cliffhanger involving Snake disappearing for several years. The real Snake comes back in the main mission to help guide the player (every single sequence in the Hospital demonstrates a gameplay mechanic exactly the way it works in game, even laying with the bodies in the hallway.)

Outer Heaven even looks exactly like Big Shell

>Sorry you can't enjoy things
But I can. I enjoyed MGS V, the actual game with good gameplay that wasn't bogged down by cutscenes smothering it at every second and a plot that took a turd all over the story and characters of the series like MGS 4 did.

Every single strawpoll i've seen agrees that MGSV was pretty great. The majority consensus is that it's good but disappointing.

Nowhere near as bad as MGS4 or PW (which weren't even that bad in the first place), just not as strong as MGS3 which to be fair, hardly any games come anywhere close imo.

>even laying with the bodies
Does hiding with bodies work? don't make me actually test this shit

4 has its moments, but they are just moments. You have to wade through a seas of turd to reach the Rex vs Ray fight, the entire game is like an exercise in proving that the Metal Gear continuity is the worst part about Metal Gear, while it overcomes it occasionally it inevitably is terrible for the hours it wastes making sure everything is shit enough to prevent another Metal Gear from ever being made.

My problem with the series is that it felt like nothing else needed to be made after MGS3. Portable Ops was a fun little side game, but other than that MGS4 and V were neat games, but the story was just so upsetting.

Solid Snake has a far more significant presence in MGS2 than Big Boss in V.

Big Boss in V is a non-entity. The game itself is adamant about the concept that Big Boss is more of an idea at that point.

No, its meant to demonstrate that enemies won't notice you if you're lying still until they're right on top of you if you're "blending in" (translates to camo)

Same as how that sequence where you go into intrusion mode under the hospital bed and watch the guy get shot 2 inches in front of you serves to show that you are literally invisible in intrusion mode.

Big Boss also demonstrates how to shoot out of cover but he doesn't mention it you just see it.

Can we talk about the directing of the cutscenes for a second?

Who thought that having a single take for every scene was a good idea? MGS4 is shit but it has pretty well done cutscenes as far as cinematography is concerned.

The quarantine mission was great.

their "presence" in the story doesn't change jack shit, they serve the same exact role and its the same twist. Of course they aren't going to function exactly the same, but Kojima doing "the worst thing to ever happen to Metal Gear fans" to them for a second time is an obvious fucking cue to draw comparisons, of which there are many.

It's Kino deal with it

MGSV is like a much more perverse take on the MGS2 twist. "The real Snake" in 2 is there to help you the whole way where in V he just makes sure your basic functions work and fucks off.

This, it's the difference between the characters of Boss and Snake that make their roles different.

For the twist to be the same, Raiden and Venom would have to be equivalents. They're not.

MGS2 was about saying that the player is NOT Solid Snake. Raiden is NOT some legendary hero mercenary. And in fact at the end, Raiden throws away the player. MGSV is the complete opposite. It's about making the player turn into Big Boss.

>giant whale in the beginning that makes absolutely no sense
Did Psycho fucking feed on some whale's anger that surpassed Volgin's?
Fucking retarded
Also, that whole escape was incredibly risky and shitty, what if Venom died?
What would Big Boss and Ocelot do? Fuck around and start elsewhere?
Also here's my main serious question
At what point did Kaz find out that he wasn't dealing with the real Big Boss and instead playing around with Venom?
There's no way it was in the beginning because he was mad as shit and said "how was I told about this so late?"
Was there a mission that tipped him off? What point in the game? After the TRUTH mission? That's stupid too
God this game needed another fucking half a year in development
Fuck it makes me so mad

At least 1, 2, 3, and 4 all make fucking sense and answer questions, if raising a few as well.

Unfinished with a shit story that only total Kojimadrones will defend to the death as brilliant and bold.

What kills me about Sup Forums is that if it were any other AAA game from any other dev, it would be as much of a laughing stock as No Man's Land or any other horrible game is, perhaps even more-so because of how unfinished it is. But because Kojima made it and got shitcanned after he fucked it up, suddenly it's a tragic sendoff from a visionary genius who was unfairly treated by big bad Konami. It's laughable.

It doesn't have to be one or the other. The failure can be both due to Kojima and to Konami.

Everything with regards to game design and story are Kojima's fault. But the rushed release and all the bullshit surrounding the online MB Coins/FOB/Whatever-The-Fuck is Konami.

>low standards