>playing any other race than human
What are you, a furfag?
>playing any other race than human
What are you, a furfag?
>dozen or so playable races
>play human
Why are you so boring?
>humans are the most boring race
>almost everything looks best on them
fucking hell
>Not Aryan.
I have 5 humans a dwarf.
Only races I like on Alliance.
I play all UD for horde.
>playing a girl
Come out of the closet yet, faggot?
>picks a human in a fantasy game
the biggest meme complaint on Sup Forums? I swear you cunts only parrot this shit because you read in it in a thread and thought it was expected of you
>he doesn't play undead
>being different for the sake of being different
*worgen rogue teleports behind you
Also human's were objectively the best pvp race and pvp is like the only reason to play WoW (BC/Wotlk days).
Human females benefitted the most from the model update.
>Playing WoW in 2016
that looks like a fucking ps2 game
>Using current year meme in 2016
That's like picking vanilla when you go to get ice cream. Boring.
>shitposting on Sup Forums in 2016
have a (you) for free
>Not playing orcs
>playing as a male
Aren't you more of a faggot?
>wanting to play something more interesting than cardboard is bad
Whatever you say sport.
pvp has always been ass and it acts as a containment for the worst of the worst.
I always have at least one female draenei shaman for the hips
>not playing as a jew
People have spoken, and humans, or at least humanoids are supreme.
>I play Charr, Goblins, and Roegadyn
>I like charr because their male voices are cool
>I like Goblins and Roegadyn because they fulfill my odd height kink
Why do I want to breed goblins on the spot
Because they too want to breed with you on the spot.
But Femroe is literally the best and cutest race in FFXIV
P-pls user stop
Uh, no.
I'm an Elf.
What are you, a skinfag?
>Time to get fucked, stud!
>About to stick it in
>There is a chastity belt that doesn't come off until you input 10 gold
Fucking goblins
quick post more
they completely ruined humans it's almost hilarious the men run like they just got tagged in the ass by a tauren and the women look like garbage
orcs and undead got it bad though, all their faces fucking suck
>I'm a lala fruit faggot
>not playing troll/orc/tauren
Only cool Ally races are NE and Dwarves.
Alliance are cuckolds
Stormwind the cuckiest of the cuckolds
She's going to steal the rest of your gold in the morning anyway.
>What are you, a furfag?
Only half of the time.
I'm also a Night Elf, too.
Best mistress and wife
>muh epic spam on bosses
>not shittery
PvP is the meat and potatoes of gameplay.
well yeah
unless I can marry one then thats when i go human
Male Human x Female Anthro is the way God intended
There should be huge questlines that allow you to race and gender switch.
That's my favorite meme.
I want to play as Worgen but there so ugly and have the worst animations ever.
> Friends are playing Horde
> My Demon Hunter therefore has to be a Blood Elf
Spoken like a true shitter that just butts heads with other retards all day, we'll be over here perfecting the classes and squeezing out everyone ounce of dps with precision while you spam instants at each other.
Does the male human part help for self insert?
>you will never slip a gold coin down her ass cheeks
>tfw furfag but play exclusively human
The Human species must dominate all others
Nice photoshop
No, I play the pure Aryan race:
Blood Elves.
And I'm a QT22/7.
>Playing a troll
>Playing a filthy mutant
>Playing a dindu refugee
Pick one and only one, shit races.
I never understood the why with all the variety of races you would choose the most boring.
How in the fuck does playing as a dwarf make me a furfag?
The character looks pretty Iranian to me, tbqh.
Is ESO fun?
>bot could PvE
>can't PvP
Conversation won.
After seeing the recent ingame cinematic I actually want to make a male worgen (I'm not a furry.
That being said I play a shaman, so I'll continue to be a qt draenei female.
Are you fucking kidding? pvp is literally infested with bots.
Not well.
Blood Elf females, got EMBROIDERED bras and panties.
not really though
I play a Pandaren because i loved brewmaster in WC 3 and they are basically fat neckbeard weeaboos
it's funny how the best characters in every elderscrolls game (most memorable/ most entertaining) are always Khajiit
Yet nobody has botted any current raids have they?
>WoW models
>Tfw orcs are actually B and C.
Look at the lift.
Probably not.
Just go back to fighting on the roads.
>playing the descendants of black people
There are addons to tell the character exactly what's happening. How could they not incorporate that into a botting tool?
>pve is oh so cool
>spamming the same shit
Amazing how human pvp racial nerf and giving eveyone a trinket spell has shifted it back for Legion. Alliance is underplayed again.
That isn't that impressive. The ears look better, though.
What of it? Humans are boring. I'm a human in real life. Why would I want things to be close to reality when playing video games, something that exists in part for escapism as well as something that allows for endless creativity, allows me to be something else?
>It's a big character
The type of guy that probably takes his fortune cookie too seriously.
>playing alliance in a game where humans regularly get BLACKED by
>good orcs (Thrall)
>neutral orcs (Saurfang)
>bad orcs (Garrosh)
>blood elves
>literally every undead rogue ever and Slyvanas
>trolls (Voljin)
Alliance: white family in rich black neighborhood
Humans: your white daughter
Horde: rich blacks
Orcs: Jamal, who is fucking your daughter right next to you but you can't do shit except for watching her getting banged by 5 more orcs on ORCED.com later on
face it, the alliance are the KEKOLDS of the WoW universe and there is nothing that you or your shitty human racial can do about it.
also, we have metzen on our side.
u mad? get ganked
No, it's for normie to join in and be sucked into the furry hive mind during the first session. You figuratively shed your human skin and don the furry figure from hence forth.
>It's a small cute character
>but watch out they are actually INSANE
i hate these fantasy stereotype
>Fantasy elf race
>Canonically your character has lived for thousands maybe hundreds of years
>has witnessed crazy shit
>You still start out the exact same as some nobody human rancher
The fuck
>play on a deadish sever
>12 characters on it
>want to move to a higher pop server for more pve/pvp/guild options
>$25 per character transfer
Why are they such Jews? They need to either merge more servers or provide a reasonably priced mass character transfer.
He's as Horde as it gets. Thing is, he's just not retarded and knows when a greater threat is more important and will lead even the Alliance to victory. See the AQ event where Saurfang was the leader of that whole thing.
Why would you make characters on a dead server in the first place?
Adhanced elfen lifespan and game balance don't work well together.
I seriously don't understand why people go to such length to write about wf x bm cuckold fantasies.
>roleplaying as a girl
>not a literal homo
Whatever, fag.
>ywn have a quarian gf
just kill me bros
Then make it work.
I'm a little tires of the massive split from "game cannon" and "lore cannon".
Maybe have elves start out at a higher level. Have Humans start out at level 1 and they rightfully earn their stripes. Where as elves start out at like 15 but don't get near as much praise and gear as humans.
go home bbc
>playing as h*mans
>play mass effect
>aiming to romance Tali
>one day, open the door to the engine room
>see garrus and Tali making out
>got cucked by my best friend
my favourite moment of the series. I'm still mad at garrus.
Personally I don't mind either faction, but my guild of buds has been Horde for so long that I'd really like a change of pace. Most of us even seemed okay with the idea except for two of them: one doesn't like Alliance because "they're mostly assholes" since he got ganked frequently when we played on a PvP server, and the other just flat out dislikes it for no reason. It's a tad frustrating.
>Everytime i see shit like this i want to play goblin ladies
>Everytime i never get past the character creation because the character models are butt ugly and look outdated as hell in comparison to everything else now
It didn't die until WoD.
You have to romance her before the final mission otherwise Garrus steals her from you
I had already romanced miranda so I wasn't that bothered, but I brought Garrus and Tali along for the final battle, only for them both to be vaporized by harbingers laser
Sad times my dude
they look like shit but apparently there'll be a new model soon
hope it looks as good as genn in the cinematic
>we'll be over here perfecting the classes
You just watch videos and copy what the top guilds do. Most of you can barely break 1500 in arena with the best gear in the game because you don't know how any of the classes actually work.
2700 in 3v3 arena is the only even moderately difficult achievement in this shitty game.
>Played a charr in GW2
>dwarf in WoW
>those dragon dudes in Tera
>roegadyn in FFXIV
I like beast races when I can't play a dwarf.