>He stole FFXV's release date
The madman
>He stole FFXV's release date
The madman
fuck off
Fuck you
No one cares about a waifu simulator
P5 is coming out in 2017
Does it even matter? How does Final Fantasy have any diehard fans left?
The more I see from Persona 5, the less hype it gets. The minigame thing isn't like Catherine where there's an actual playable minigame. It seems so half-assed. The characters all look the same, there's no cool tough guy like Akihiko or Kanji. The platforming/stealth sections look so forced and awkward because it's not actual platforming controls, it's just automatic with big dumb button prompts. The battle screen is a mess, with the text fucking covering the characters.
Good job designing those models, now slap on some text on top of them so we can't see them entirely. Such good game design.
>caring about the Naruto of JRPGs
Can't wait to spoil it for all you dumb niggers
Kek stay mad ffags
FFXV quite literally is the Naruto of jrpgs, though
Made me laugh.
Have a
FF is the Naruto of jrpgs.
Persona is literally the Sword Art Online of jrpgs (generic waifus, pretending to be deep and mature, Mary Sue protagonist, etc.)
No. FF is more like the Dragon Ball Z of JRPGs. It's acceptable even to the normiest of normalfags. Persona, while being normalfag as fuck compared to other games, will still make you look like a degenerate weeaboo of the worst kind. This is exacerbated by the horrendous """dub""" with honorifics.
The point of FF15 is that each game is different but with similar themes. You don't need to be a "diehard" fan to look forward to each new game because they're all distinct.
Each main series entry (except 2 and the original version of 14) has met a certain standard of quality as well. So basically, if you like JRPGs them FF will most likely be on your radar at all times.
What standard of quality did FFXIII make? It's more railroaded than even the original NES game.
>It's acceptable even to the normiest of normalfags.
at least google search what you're trying to talk about before actually saying anything
Actually, it was a Yo-kai's fault!
The battle screen isn't a mess, and the characters actually look better when the text is all around them because it also has a stylization effect.
The overall HUD may be a little tryhard, but not the battle HUD.
post yfw Atlus won
Feb 2017?
SAO is the SAO of jrpgs
As of 4 Persona is more comparable to OPM
5 is trying to be as Lupin as possible, so we'll see if that changes things at all
>not knowing moonrunes
Exactly a month from now, in the only region the devs actually give a shit about
Fucking everybody watched Dragon Ball Z. People will think nothing of it if you say you like it.
FF isn't remotely similar to DBZ on any level. There's years and years of culture that labeled FF as undesirable that hasn't actually gone anywhere.
I am kinda hoping P5 gets a delay in Japan, but keeps the international release date. Fuck avoiding spoilers for nearly 5 months.
I know moonrunes, and I was actually thinking about pre-ordering the nip release, but then I remembered that Persona 4 actually had horrible writing.
so the unplayable version
No, Persona literally is the SAO of Jrpgs.
>SAO starts with dramatic shit and end up being generic teenage melodrama/romance for the majority of the game
>protagonist is boring Mary Sue with harem of every archetype
Final Fantasy is more like the Naruto or Dragonball of Jrpgs.
4's writing wasn't great to begin with but got so much worse over the years.
Blame that on there being no design document during development, then on what there was being condensed for anime audiences, and then on the Ultimax writers being worst than most fanfiction authors.
I actually preferred the English localization.
I can see that being the case.
Last I checked, Japan loves Persona way more than Final Fantasy.
5 M O N T H S
152 D A Y S
SAO is the SAO of jrpgs, because there are SAO jrpgs. This is indisputable.
Pick something else. Like Aldnoah, that has quite a few similarities with P4.
>serious things stop happening very quickly
>protagonist is a christ figure right off the bat
>devolves into low quality monster of the week plot where no one is half as complex as they want you to believe
>harem is trash except for one girl
>all the antagonists are fucking idiots except for one
>Persona started with 4
>pretending to be deep and mature
Maybe P3 did this, but no others.
P3 didn't even. The whole thing was just a small elaboration on a near death experience that Hashino had, and was all about living life to the fullest. There wasn't even a forced existential crisis thing with Aigis, her story revolved around the same thing everyone else's did.
>persona 4
>it's not the fourth mainline installment
Are the Shadows finally demons again because he finally came back, or because Nyarly came back?
Won what? P5 is next year.
30 days bitch
>jap version
>30 days
Are we getting an English PS3 version or are Atlus forcing me to buy a PS4 finally?
But without the subtitles whats the point?
IIRC one of the Famitsu articles said that the demons in this game think that they're shadows. It's likely that they've started to turn back into demons, interesting because the Tatsuya Scenario in Eternal Punishment PSP dealt with demons reverting back into shadows.
Who knows if Atlus will give an explanation though, although I'd like one seeing how P5 is looking to be taking inspiration from the P2 games.
you can get your subtitles, just not in game. There's like 5 different importer guides for this one game and one of them will have non-story shit done 9 days before the game even comes out
So the useless version
There actually is a cool guy kind of like that, but for some reason Atlus is doing everything they can to not show him at all. He's on the boxart, though
>if I can't read it without help, it's not actually coming out
>>protagonist is boring
It's a self insert, that says more about you than anything
So the useless version
>PS3 version is fully English patched a few months after release
Kami-sama please
that would be kind of pointless unless it came before January, which it won't.
Tough luck, the Japanese version already completely finished development a few weeks ago.
But really though. WHY do you want to play it in japanese unless you understand the language that is.
I don't even care that FFXV is getting delayed XV-kun btfo whatever, but are you seriously getting P5 before FFXV comes out?
FFXV is going to be worth the wait
Persona 5 is also going to be good.
By the time you finish Persona 5, FFXV should be right around the corner unless it gets delayed again.
yes, we are
Good, P5 looks great.
The more they show of XV the more I hate it. I'd rather play WoF
Pirate Persona V on PS3
Why don't you have a hacked PS3 Sup Forums?
I hope it gets delayed again. All that means is that the game is gets better and lives up to the hype
>XV delayed due to a day one patch that people without internet can't get
So if there is another day one patch, are they just going to delay it again?
Duke Nukem Forever
>are you seriously getting P5 before FFXV comes out?
there's no reason not to, I played P4 when I was going into high school and knew about as much Japanese as a dudebro, and all the help I had back then was fucking Gamefaqs, Wikipedia and a skill sheet from SMT3. Still enjoyed it thoroughly, and now 8 years later people in the same boat have way more to work with than I ever did.
I'll actually buy the Jap version if someone makes a guide with a translation of the whole script.
>FFXV is going to be worth the wait
You have to be fucking delusional if you think a Nomura game is going to be good.
>It's a why haven't you hacked X yet post again
Because we look down on thieving faggots here. But we're all super proud and impressed that you hacked something. Thanks for letting us all know, now get the fuck out.
you're getting at least 2 subbed playthroughs uploaded to youtube, and whatever the story section of the big tradukosoft guide is actually going to contain (some people say just the traditional summaries but that hasn't been confirmed anywhere yet).
>Mary Sue protagonist
You mean the series where the MC literally has no default name and is developed solely based on your actions?
It's like you don't read what you type before you post.
Was it actually hard to play P4 that way? Like, was it actually more time-consuming?
WITHOUT any kind of subbed material and just very brief summaries? It was when it came to figuring what was happening in the story. Thankfully P4's plot is pretty simple, the only part of the whole game where I was confused about something was during the Nanako arc.
As for getting through the gameplay, only when you had to stop and look up who you needed to talk to in order to open the next dungeon, otherwise it took as much time as usual.
>when you had to stop and look up who you needed to talk to in order to open the next dungeon
>implying everyone didn't do this anyway