Other FPSs similar to pic related?

Other FPSs similar to pic related?


Painkiller, SW2013, Hard Reset, Devil's Daggers.

That's an oldschool ego-shooter, not a modern arena-shooter, son.

Wolfenstein the new order and old blood

What does this mean?

I'm not surprised. They did the level design and whatnot in Doom 4.

that you're too young to remember the golden era, child.

who cares about these old games, grandpa

Most of the "Today FPS" are about a decade old now. The newer ones are half a decade old maybe.

There needs to be a new "Today FPS" and show all the Hero-Shooter trash we have nowadays.

the master-race, cool kids, and me.

>There needs to be a new "Today FPS" and show all the Hero-Shooter trash we have nowadays.
whooping two games? Wow, such trend! So different! The typical normie dudebros are still addicted to Cowa and BF

wow, those old fps games were so good, runnin around endless similar corridors while 2d sprites ran at you man. fuckin wild

>runnin around endless similar corridors
Yeah I get it, your dad was just born when these came out, and wasn't allowed to play them.

Most of the older games in that picture are 3D.

Speaking of that, how can so many good games get released in a time span of just a few years?

>tf2 in there
Feels pretty out of place with its cartoony style compared to all those others

>how can so many good games get released in a time span of just a few years?
tech improved tremendously almost each year, and most of the now influential devs were not yet turned into money-hungry jews or mobile-app devs, and had instead ambitions and crazy ideas.

Old Blood was good but The New Order missed the point hard.

>lets take out all the stuff that makes wolfenstein unique, the occult stuff, and make some generic nazis won WWII plot
>tons of filler missions that have you navigating sewers or finding toys for based max hass while the protagonist whines to himself about how the world is all fucked up
>a plot that involves jew magic and nazis going to the moon, that also tries to have 'deep and serious' character development

The gameplay was okay for the most part and it had one of if not the best implementation of a lean function ever, but it was't very good at the end of the day. Was everything else that came out in 2014 just garbage?

>Wow, such trend! So different!

And let's not fucking forget Carmack's genius idea to bloat the filesize and make the game run and look like my colon.

>those textures
Welp, seems like the Mega Textures™ still shows its power like always!

>8 hour single player only linear shooter, with anywhere from 2-4 of those hours being shameless filler
>Almost 50GB

Fucking RAGE was less than half that size, was open world, and had a MP component. Why the hell was Wolfenstein so big?

As a long standing fan of the franchise who has played every Tribes game, the gameplay of Tribes Ascend was more fun than the first Tribes. The only problem with T:A were the shitty devs that neglected the game and let it rot before it was even out of open beta. No fucking new maps, No custom map creator, ruin existing maps by just cutting out parts that players give feedback on saying they could be fixed, ect. Then a year later with goty edition they just release a few "new" unfinished maps and then abandon the game again for a few more years.

Fuck all the people that said it was p2w though, the basic spinfusors were the most op weapons in the game its just that most of Sup Forums failed to actually git gud. The only weapons that were legit overpowered were the plasma cannon and the release jackal (in the right hands it was absurdly op, but its kinda useless now).

And FEAR ran like shit

>Ascend more fun
>gut half of the things from the originals

>And FEAR ran like shit
You played on consoles by any chance?
Because on PC it ran fucking beautifully!

I still remember being amazed how smooth it ran on my P4 + Geforce 6600 128mb machine in '05, at 1024x768 and ~medium settings. Still looked good as well.

Any machine made after 08 should have no issues almost maxing it out.

IIRC the PS3 version ran like complete shit

>Fuck all the people that said it was p2w though, the basic spinfusors were the most op weapons in the game
It's the principle, not the result. "pay2win" isn't literal unless you're arguing in favour of it.

both console ports ran like shit, no matter that they had downgraded the visuals.

I still remember my 6600GT getting 40+ fps over 50% of the time in the benchmark tool, never going below 30.

MegaTexture is actually a technique for huge outdoor areas where basically the whole level is one huge texture and accessed like a spritesheet

it means a mountain, a field, and a road can all be one texture, avoiding tiling, and blending of 3 textures, so a field can have miles of unique grass texture, not just a repeated tile

it doesn't give you hd telephones

Megatextures should be banned in interiors.

in other words, it's borderline useless creation, since the devs don't even bother using it like they should, and the layered textures work convincingly enough nowadays, all while looking better and taking less space ?

So what did you think of neo-doom? Was it decent as it's own thing?

it was just horrible, repetitious modern console trash. Literally tainting the Doom's name, and only causing confusion by using the exact same name as the 1993 original.

it was literally a "Brutal Painkiller RPG".

It was like a new Quake in the DOOM setting with a little arena shooter thrown in here and there.

I enjoyed it.

>do i fit in yet???

I had a good time the first time through, the movement and guns feel really good and the exploration is fun, but there's a lack of depth to the combat that made trying to replay it boring. All the guns feel viable all the time, there's never any ammo shortage, and as long as you keep mindlessly moving in combat you'll live. Still a pretty good game though, definitely worth picking up on sale.

>there's a lack of depth to the combat
Compared to the first game right

Yeah. First game isn't deep by any means, but still required regular weapon switching, enemy prioritization, and spatial awareness. New Doom's weapons are viable in almost every situation, and enemies don't lead their targets, so as long as you keep moving you'll be okay.

>modern console trash
Name one modern console game like D44M.


>all the guns feel viable all the time

I don't mind this, the combat is as varied as you want it to be.

So will you just pretend that the super shotgun never existed in Doom 2?

>regular weapon switching, enemy prioritization, and spatial awareness.
Hey, kinda like D44M huh

You could snipe with the shotgun in the original DOOM.

>fpses today

>killing floor
>serious sam 3
>half-life 2 episode 1

Either this image is old or it's bait

is that samuel hayden?


dat sum Talos Principle

Nah, new Doom's enemies all blend together. The only prioritization you need to worry about is leaving some small ones around to get easy heals off of, and because they don't lead their targets the only spatial awareness you need is to make sure you don't end up in a dead end in arenas designed to never get you stuck in a dead end. Finally, the game shits ammo in your general direction constantly, so you're never at risk of running out. Couple that with a bunch of redundant weapons and alt fires and you can comfortably go through the entire game using one or two weapons. Doom 2 didn't have that. Super shot gun was good, yes, but there were plenty of times you needed the BFG, plasma gun, minigun or rocket launcher.

Whats your point? It didn't do any where near enough damage to get you out of every situation.

I played the demo on Nightmare and thought it was shit. Later, through the wonders of Steam's family share, I played the full version on Ultra-Violence (because Nightmare is a tedious waste of time), stopped four levels in (at the start of Argent Tower I believe) and have no desire to pick it up again.

I'd have to say the highlight of my experience with the game is that both times I played it, within a day I had forgetten almost everything about it apart from the key conclusions I made about the game's quality. That has never happened to me before.

Shadow Warrior (2013). Also a Shadow Warrior 2 is coming soon probably next year since they still won't give us a date for it.

My point is you're complaining about the new DOOM having too much weapon viability when the shotgun is only useful in close range and in the old DOOM it's useful at all ranges.

All of those things are in D44M. The only things it really flopped on hard that set Doom 1/2/Final apart was level design and skillful movement. I think it's unrealistic to expect the latter to be completely on par with the originals, but level design was a let down. Still a fun game, though.

pretty spot on. It seems like they did all they could this time around to make doomguy feel strong. they tried hard to avoid really anything survival horror-esque in this game.

>The only prioritization you need to worry about is leaving some small ones around to get easy heals off of
So you're implying that all enemies are equally as dangerous

>the only spatial awareness you need is to make sure you don't end up in a dead end in arenas designed to never get you stuck in a dead end
So you do need spacial awareness, gotcha. What enemies led their targets in Doom?

> the game shits ammo in your general direction constantly, so you're never at risk of running out
Damn I guess all those old Doom maps that gave you tons of ammo are shit too now then

>you can comfortably go through the entire game using one or two weapons. Doom 2 didn't have that.
What's the magical one weapon that can get you through the entire game then? And I don't think you played Doom 2 if you can't see how broken the super shotgun is. The weapon balance in D44M is as bad as in Doom 2. Weapons are still mostly differentiated from one another with some overlap, there are clear uses for each like how the Gauss cannon is for long range, shotguns are for short range, minigun is for clustered weak enemies, rocket launcher can lock on etc

>lead their targets
like shooting ahead of you?

The alt fire grenade is good at range though.

What is the game third column from the right at the very top called? In the "what FPS used to be like" section. Looks fun

>shit game
>shit game
what's the difference?

>what's the magical weapon that can get you through the game

The Guass Cannon

>So you're implying that all enemies are equally as dangerous

I'm implying all enemies are equally easy to avoid. Only real enemies you have to take out are those spawner guys for obvious reasons.

>So you do need spacial awareness, gotcha. What enemies led their targets in Doom?

Barely, that's my point. Arenas are design so you don't need to think about routing, there's always a way forward. Also mancubi lead their targets, while revenants and archviles were able to hit strafing targets, and the hitscan enemies were hitscan.

>Damn I guess all those old Doom maps that gave you tons of ammo are shit too now then

This goes back to the point of all weapons are viable. You either limit ammo so you have to use multiple weapons, or make the weapons more situational. New Doom did neither.

>What's the magical one weapon that can get you through the entire game then?

SSG or railgun can get you through any fight.

He probably means the 2013 version of Shadow Warrior.

Also, to add on to the leading target thing, projectiles are so fast that as long as you move to the side when they're fired you're not going to get hit, while in original Doom projectiles would hang in the air long enough to affect your ability to dodge other projectiles.

the fact that your taste's shit.

The weapon that's objectively bad at close range?

>I'm implying all enemies are equally easy to avoid.
That's not true though, a charging baron is going to be more dangerous than something like a hell razor. If that was backing you into a corner, you'd obviously prioritise that first. Lost souls are an enemy that you literally need to prioritise or else you'll take damage. Even if it were true that they were equally easy to avoid, the fact that they do different amounts of damage would still mean that prioritising targets would be valuable.
>you have to take out are those spawner guys for obvious reasons
So you admit that you do have to prioritise targets anyway

>Arenas are design so you don't need to think about routing, there's always a way forward
Oh, guess all those fights that took place in open areas in the first two games were shit then
>mancubi lead their targets, while revenants and archviles
So Doom 1 didn't even have enemies that led their targets, what a shit game

>make the weapons more situational
Good thing they did that then. You don't have enough ammo to stick to one weapon and not worry about ammo either. Did you not see how fast the minigun burns ammo?

Hey like in Doom 2
Do you mean the gauss rifle? That was clearly made to be used a long range

>projectiles are so fast that as long as you move to the side when they're fired you're not going to get hit
So you're just going to act as though circle strafing didn't let you dodge the vast majority of Doom's attacks

different user, but D44M was just shit, and played nothing like the old games, which were more exploration and supply-management focused experiences.

D4 is literally just:
>empty corridor
>combat arena
>empty corridor
>combat arena
>empty corridor...

>D44M was just shit
Damn you finally convinced me to not like a game

>combat arenas!!!
And? The combat was enjoyable enough to keep me interested the whole way through

The shotgun is only used as a "sniper" for clearing imps/zombies off a ledge or similar because shotgun ammo is usually the most plentiful and it's hitscan. It's not an overall effective long range weapon.

I got tired of them within the first couple maps alone. Especially when it became painfully obvious that they could only show less than a dozen enemies on screen at once, and thus compensated with those stretched out wave-shooting rooms. It's even worse knowing that there's usually no enemies to be found outside these "arenas", and that the route to the next arena is a literal pipe.

What's even more annoying is that "secrets" are literally found by walking to an item pickup by accident, on paths you could easily mistake as the route you were meant to take anyway. On top of that, the devs seemed to love the idea of first-person platforming sections, and playing a slow paced cutscene every time you pick up something new, open a door, or reach an "objective". And finally, we got yet another set of hamfisted upgrade-tree and level up systems!

>Even if it were true that they were equally easy to avoid, the fact that they do different amounts of damage would still mean that prioritising targets would be valuable.

Except losing health doesn't matter as much because you can heal back so easily.

>Oh, guess all those fights that took place in open areas in the first two games were shit then

Don't be intentionally dense. I've already been over how the originals made large fights harder by requiring you actually dodge projectiles, not just run in a straight line. All these mechanics work together to make the new game's fights more samey.

>So Doom 1 didn't even have enemies that led their targets, what a shit game

Already covered this. Slower projectiles make them actually a threat.

>That was clearly made to be used a long range

And yet worked really well at short range.

Yeah, that works great in a crowd.

Rise of the Triad

>there's usually no enemies to be found outside these "arenas", and that the route to the next arena is a literal pipe.
So did you drop it after the first couple of levels?

>"secrets" are literally found by walking to an item pickup by accident
Doesn't matter, you obviously can't find everything that way

>slow paced cutscene every time you pick up something new, open a door, or reach an "objective"
Love this nitpick

>Except losing health doesn't matter as much because you can heal back so easily.
Am I really going to have to explain that you can die in this game? And that there are actual consequences for dying since they ditched quicksaves in favour of checkpoints?

>I've already been over how the originals made large fights harder by requiring you actually dodge projectiles, not just run in a straight line.
So you're saying that every fight in Doom 1 + 2 that took place in an open area was actually shit, since you could just run in a straight line. Meaning that most of the game was shit, and it would've been much better if it took place entirely in tight corridors and rooms

>Slower projectiles make them actually a threat.
Already covered this. You can just circle strafe to dodge because of shit level design.

>And yet worked really well at short range.
You know what works better at short range? A short range weapon.

>Yeah, that works great in a crowd.
So did you just run straight into crowds instead of strafing around them?

>So did you drop it after the first couple of levels?
a random possessed or a "path showing" Lost Soul doesn't change the fact that you're never fighting for your life outside the "arenas", like in original gmaes.

>doesn't matter, ur just bad!
Sasuga Bethesda-fag; your arguments leave me speechless. Especially when the fucking Map shows you everything anyway!

>Love this nitpick
for a game so praised for "no bullshit, direct action", you definitely sit around doing nothing awfully lot.

user, its very clear you're oversimplifying the original Doom's design to try and make cheap points. Group fights there were built around enemies coming at your from multiple directions, meaning you couldn't simply circle strafe. New Doom does the same thing, but because no target leading and fast projectiles, you just need to move in a straight line.

Also yes, a short range weapon should work better. My entire point is that's not how it worked out. And the health system is a whole different can of worms with how easy it is to go from 0 to full a dozen times a fight, which contributes to the monotony.

>not like the originals, so bad!

>>doesn't matter, ur just bad!
I actually don't know where I wrote that. Are you that sensitive?

>you definitely sit around doing for about 20 minutes total

>the game plays itself and doesn't posses any kind of thinking or challenge
>not bad
and don't try the ancient "lol u played on easy mode??" trick here.

>I actually don't know where I wrote that
you're a bit thick?

>20 minutes in total
compared to ZERO minutes in original?
Yeah, it's terrible. Especially when the acting and plot are awful.

Reminder that inane bs myths like the golden era of FPS are nothing more than delusions of the mustard gassed race to hide the fact that PC gaming is irrevocably dead and has no reason to exist.
I would be mad but I personally pity them.

Quake, Heretic, Classic Doom

It's objective fact that FPS games were better before consoles wanted a piece of the pie. Even Call of Duty was better.

Is this just showing how much of the screen is obscured by gun models?

>High gore level
>Spooky monsters

>user, its very clear you're oversimplifying the original Doom's design to try and make cheap points
Hey, a little like you're doing right? If it's so easy to dodge everything in D44M that you had to "move in a straight line", then you must've made it through the entire thing without being hit. After all, who could fuck up moving in a line?

>Group fights there were built around enemies coming at your from multiple directions, meaning you couldn't simply circle strafe.
And obviously not every group fight was like that, meaning that the ones that weren't were shit

>no target leading
Hey like Doom 1

> My entire point is that's not how it worked out.
Okay, you can pretend that it has higher DPS than the short range weapons if you want

>the health system contributes to the monotony.
It was actually much more exciting than the originals because you were so close to death all the time. How much damage could you take in the first two games at 200/200? In D44M you're always just a few mistakes away from getting killed. Also you get health through combat, not just by walking over medkits, so that keeps up the fast pace

>the game plays itself and doesn't posses any kind of thinking or challenge
What? How, and what's that got to do with the game not being like the originals?

>you're a bit thick?
I genuinely never wrote that, you're just overly sensitive

>i cant be passive for seconds at a time!
That's too bad for you I guess

two thousand seben

As I already said notions such as the golden age of FPS only exist in the heads of the dying irrelevant mustard race. There is no factuality behind it. It is literally "my tastes are the law" made incarnate.
I know it is hard to admit the irrelevancy of PC "gaming" but it has to be done at some point and you have to move on.

SS3 did what D4 claimed to do, and better, already 5 years ago.

Yeah, nope.
Golden age of vidya in general literally ended after 6th console generations.

Literally no vidya genre has improved after 2005. On the contrary, actually.

>id perfects Megatextures and texture streaming almost immediately after Carmack leaves

>And obviously not every group fight was like that, meaning that the ones that weren't were shit

No one said that user. Fight like that are fine in moderation. And as I said, I very much enjoyed new Doom my first time through. But the fact of the matter is its the same thing for 12 hours with no variety and simplistic gameplay even by Doom standards. Everything contributes to this. The health mechanics mean every fight is just going between full and zero health constantly, the projectile mechanics mean every projectile can be avoided thoughtlessly, the arena design means you can always just go straight and never have to plan your route. Its all fun, but lacks any substance, and that shows on repeat playthroughs.

>serious sam 3 was 5 years ago

oh my god i feel like crying

We'll get a new one any day now.

Seeing how well Neo Doom and Wolfenstein have done, will we ever get a Heretic/Hexen reboot Sup Forums?

>We will never EVER get another Turok...

Okay, I did enjoy D44M better than the original, probably based on the new healing system and removal of quicksaving, even though it was repetitive compared to the first two. I disagree that the strategy was removed since different weapons are more/less useful in different situations and different enemies require different tactics to fight effectively. I don't get how your health fluctuating in every fight is supposed to be bad, isn't that danger when you're on low health exciting?

campaign is acceptable I guess. not really a doom game. didn't feel like an id software game at all, they acted like it would be fast, but the movement is the most boring shit until you get the air control rune, but even then, it doesn't make it much faster. they removed strafejumping and circlejumping, both of which were present in the previous iteration of the engine, which RAGE ran on. if they had left those in, it would be more fun and much more fast. also the gauss cannon shouldn't fucking exist

story and lore was a joke, turning the main character into some kind of hell legend, didn't really sit right with me, since Doom was always about uac and hell clashing. when the main guy is pretty much part of hell's history it takes away from the doom feel, but that's just my ultra specific standard for the series' lore which no one really cares about anyway. plus why is the UAC hyper evil cult level shit now? when the blue hologram guy pops up and says "The UAC, where you get fucked" for the twentieth time it's not really entertaining anymore. doom 3 did it much much better in the story and lore department

while it is not confirmed, carmack likely worked on id tech 6. it is confirmed that he worked on snapmap which I would think was in development at the same time as the engine.

The issue I had was having low health meant less in Doom 4. In the original if you suddenly dropped to low health in the middle of a fight, you were in serious trouble, and that trouble lasted. In Doom 4 you can just take out the nearest imp and you're fine again. They replaced a rare but very exciting moment with a common and thus less exciting moment, which contributed to the monotony of the game.
As a corollary, since you can get health back so much easier in Doom 4, it also makes avoiding projectiles less tense as you know you can get that health back easier.

>94 posts into this thread
>no one has posted Descent, which was always the patrician's choice over Doom

I don't think either method is inherently worse, they just emphasised the short term consequences in D44M and all but removed the long term consequences. That must've been better for balancing, since in the originals they couldn't assume that everyone would've found the secrets that gave them tons of health/armour, and it was more tense to me because damage was scaled up so far that it always felt as though you were on the verge of a restart, compared to the originals where you could always just quicksave constantly for no penalty

Doom was such a crispy game. Extra crispy.

Oh, but we did get another one.

Infinite replenishable resources also removes the tight level/encounter design and resource management.