How can Horde scum even compete?
How can Horde scum even compete?
how can alliance even compete
Why the fuck are the night elves, that are thousands of years old, in the same fucking combat experience level as a middle aged human?
varian is a fuckboy that died
thrall is a nu male orc that can't fight
vol'jin was a mistake
sylvanas is a undead woman on her period
Lor'themar Theron is the only person fit to lead
Does anyone over 12 even play alliance? I swear I tried to make an alliance character but it's just such a cancerous faction
Well now they can because he's dead
>Lor'themar Theron
Ally tier shitter
Well for starters, he's dead as fuck.
Secondly, the most cunning and successful character in the World of WarCraft universe has just been made Warchief.
>She's just looking out for herself.
>Doesn't give a fuck about the Forsaken.
>Don't give a fuck about the rest of the Horde (save for the Blood Elves which she may favor since when she was alive, she was one).
She's a a survivor who doesn't put honor before victory. She's accomplished many of her goals, advanced her agenda, secured her capital and the surrounding areas and now she's going to cement her position as Warchief by defeating the Legion.
You don't have to like her but you do have to admit that she gets results and is in it to win it.
Also, I think seeing her sister again Alleria again in Legion might bring some of her humanity back.
The other races might not trust her completely save for the Blood Elves but like I said, her victory against the Legion will eliminate all doubt.
The king is dead; love live the queen!
I still don't even know who the fuck this is.
He was raised as a gladiator by orcs or something?
Like the opposite of how Thrall was raised by humans are gladiator?
Anyways he's dead as fuck for depending on his mortal fucking enemies for one and two, not being properly prepared to fight an unstoppable legion of demons who have set countless other worlds to the flame.
>Brooding lone wolf who doesn't car about anything
>fucking respect
How many dicks can you fit in your mouth user?
>cunning warchief
>honorable king
Do you even know what you're typing or are you this retarded?
how can Alliance scum even compete?
See what his honor got him?
Fucking death.
Let's see what she can do with her cunning besides be victorious.
Wait, what?
He's the Lone Wolf or she is?
What about respect?
I'm sorry your honorable king died in the first 10 minutes of the 12th expansion while our Queen has seen more action and victories than he ever did.
By having a leader that didnt die for nothing, by having sub leaders that arent buttblasted faggots like Genn "I TOLD YOU THEYD BETRAY US EVEN THOUGH IT WAS MY JOB TO KEEP COMMUNICATING WITH THEM WHICH I NEGLECTED RESULTING IN MY IGNORANCE OF THEIR SITUATION RESULTING IN OUR CHANCE FOR A SAFE RETREAT BEING WASTED" Greymane and Jaina "I know nothing but ill blame the horde anyway" Dismantler Proudwhore.
Oh, and our current leader isnt a prepubescent fuccboi priest who takes black dragon cock on the sly.
>, her victory against the Legion will eliminate all doubt.
And remind how it will save her from Alliance-Argent Dawn-Ebon Blade union?
And that is why you shit queen gets BTFO by an old ass furry minutes after she gets too the Broken Shores
Oh man, being a Hunter and having the Dragon Tracking skill on in the throne room and seeing one giant fucking mark.
Typical Alliance retards.
I don't know what that is.
But here's the thing:
She's still alive while the honorable king isn't.
Look up what cunning means, summer children.
Blizzshill, please.
>that didnt die for nothing,
Actually she did, her death in WC3 literally was for nothing because she try to use old tactic against the Scourge and doomed Quel'Thalas.
>by having sub leaders
There is no subleaders in the Horde now, only numales.
Never heard of him
argent dawn is done for, tyrion got roasted alive, he forgot that he begged the light for a final blessing back in icecrown so he was all out when Krosus incinerated him
>See what his honor got him?
>Fucking death.
The honor of saving all the people on the gunship and countless other lives, both horde and alliance by killing the Reaver.
>She doesn't give a fuck about the people she's leading
when has that ever worked out for someone?
>b-b-but she died for nothing
Considering shes alive, no she didnt.
>b-b-but numales
thats cute coming from the peasants being ruled by a 16 year old long haired fairy fuckboy priest who sucks black dragon dick.
She's a usurper undead whore. She's not my queen, nor will she ever be. I served Lordaeron in life and now in this undeath I am to serve this high elf cropse? Give me a break. I'd spit on her, but I've no lower jaw to do it.
>For the Alliance
Honour even in death.
>argent dawn is done
They still hold half of Lordaeron and with Ebn Blade they are best anti-undead army.
And Malfurion "hush tyrande oh wait thats sexist ill take that back" Cuckrage
>Considering shes alive,
But she still died for nothing, actually she was response for Quel'Thalas destruction.
>thats cute coming from the peasants being ruled by a 16 year old long haired fairy fuckboy priest
Better than being slave on undead strong independant womyn.
Reminder that the Horde got their capital occupied by the Alliance. How more cucked can you be?
Is WoW worth getting into at this point
>being dead is bad
You fool, for a warrior an honourable death is the greatest accomplishment. He is up there with the legends now.
When is the best race going to become relevant again?
Nah, probably not.
>rotcucks will defend this
Legion is starting to look like it might be, but until then absolutely not.
In Legion they change their name back to Silver Hands.
What does that have to do with Genn BTFO and assuring that Shitvanas doesn't aquire more valkyr so that she can't play lich king lite.
hopefully he slaps the Stockholm Syndrome out of his daughter
People that have explored the live version of Dalaran have noticed plague devices set up in the Horde side. Jaina is already kill crazy, and Greymane obviously is sick of her shit.
They weren't even at the broken shore. The Nelves had an excuse with the whole emerald nightmare so what were the Dwarves doing
Night elves who weren't born when Azshara summoned demons don't have a lot of combat experience.
So they are legitimate heir of Lordaeron.
He's actually gone full ur such a stronk proud womyn I'm so proud of you.
Yeah, what's up with that?
>Also, I think seeing her sister again Alleria again in Legion might bring some of her humanity back.
Last time that happened she tried to kill her sister so she could raise her without her consent.
>Magni wakes up
>Council of Three Hammers shits it's pants because as long as the King's alive the city belongs to him
>He speaks for Azeroth now since it's a Titan so he tells them he can't stay
>Pulls Moira aside and tells her he should have been a better father to her
that's literally it
>Tauren Mill invasion
>No flightpath to South Shore
>Suddenly remember why
There's a reason why I go AFK in a nearby field.
Yeah, that was very disappointing to me.
But now that Magni is coming back maybe they'll do something cool.
>Arthas' sister is actually in Legion
>the only living person with a claim on Lordaeron
>she does nothing the Alliance does nothing
About the time they throw the Tauren a bone, so never
She's probably 1. Too old and 2. Doesn't give a shit about being a royal anymore.
Being married to Deathwing probably ruined ruling for her.
They can't change the borders because the Forsaken are playable. Of course nothing interesting is allowed to happen in an MMO.
I think I heard his name once
I was just taking my quel delar to the sunwell and there's this random no name who started to cry something
Yeah I noticed that, I think it's because they're defending Kharanos though.
Why would age come into it?
Yes that is what they are going for she just doesn't care anymore.
Maybe you faggots shouldn't have burned turajo then should you? That was a fucking trading and peaceful post, southshore was a military place.
Who's really the bad guy here.
>too old
she's a young blonde qt in-game
She doesn't give a shit.
In fact, she wants to distance herself from her name and past.
Fuck man, if you were Hitlers brother back in the day, you wouldn't try to restart the third reich
Because what's the point of becoming ruler if you can't produce any heirs?
That's Illusion magic or something.
She was Arthas' older sister by quite a few years.
The Dwarves sent their Gnome manservant. Gotta pay the rental fee, Ironforge is hot property.
t. Perroy of the Rotgarde
I won't be able to help myself from laughing every time I hear someone from the Horde say "lok'tar ogar" anymore
Victory or run away at the slightest sign of resistance.
Whats that in Orcish?
The guy that saved the Blood Elves after Kael'Thas betrayed his people and died. He's the only Horde leader that isn't insane, dead, or a cuck.
Insane or dead maybe but a cuck? He's definately a cuck.
He IS an Elf, though.
That's pretty bad just by itself.
It was a joke buddy.
Pretty sure even Blizzard have forgotten about him since he has done fuck all in the recent past.
>Victory or Death
>Sylvanas and the Forsaken are already dead
Political loophole.
He was pretty bad ass in MoP
Why don't they make Muradin the leader of the alliance? Are they really expecting us to believe the night elves and worgen would follow some kid ?
No king rules forever, my son.
Yep, he's up in Valhalla feasting and battling for all eternity.
Point being, he's dead as fuck.
Okay well then she just has to be careful not to die again; unlike certain HONORABLE kings, kek.
Really, when did that happen?
Genn will follow Anduin out of respect for Varian.
And I guess the nelves just don't really care that much
wtf did they do to Thrall?
They were going for Genn as High King. Now Varian's death will temper the young Anduin and he is becoming a badass young paladin that will sacrifice anything to save his people.
All of Hitlers decedents refuse to have children so the Hitler genes are going to die off with them.
He had a half brother or cousin I think but he was a total fuckface who used the Hitler name and his brothers power to get whatever he wants.
I thought it was retarded for the (Orcish) horde to be lead by an undead elf, but seeing this thread she has picked up the dindu role perfectly.
I want to know why he's had anal beads this whole time, like where the fuck did that come from...
He lost Green Jesus privileges
they turned him into a nu male after he got pussywhipped by Aggra in Cataaclysm
The king of Stormwind is the head of the Alliance. Unlike the Horde scum there are traditions to follow when it comes to the honourable races.
He's a god damn priest, it doesn't always lead into becoming a loser cuck faggot.
Genn and Mekkatorque will follow Anduim out of respect for Varian.
Night Elves have always been aloof when it doesn't concern them. I guess malfurion and tyrande are more concerned the little cuck Illidan is back.
I don't know what the fuck the Draenei are doing. Velen still spunking his load over the Exodar I guess.
Stalin didnt rule over hundreds of thousands of powerful mages, warlocks, shamans, druids, death knights, paladins, priests, warriors, hunters, rogues, monks and professional demon killers, and if he tried pulling that shit on them he would have gotten fucked in the ass
He is becoming a Paladin though
Anduin and Velen are good friends, I think.
Proof? Source?
they wrote him out of the story and gave us garrosh, then they killed garrosh because kneejerk reactions and instead of putting thrall back on the mantle of warchief they gave us a literal who troll who did nothing because WoD
Velen knows that Anduin will eventually be the one to lead the charge against some big bad. Plus Anduin is a super mega priest so I figure Velen likes him for that too
>Okay well then she just has to be careful not to die again;
If you acquire a reputation as a mad dog, you'll be treated as a mad dog
>Really, when did that happen?
Trials of War.
Velen mended Anduin after Garrosh broke his butt back in MOP.
I recall Velen having some vision of Anduin leading the Alliance against the Legion in some Warhammer: End Times scenario with the Horde, Naaru and loads of other shit.
Not to mention Velen was his guardian for a while before that and got Anduin hooked on that spacegoat pussy.