recently installed a gba emulator on my psp, what are some good games for it? no pokemon games please.
Recently installed a gba emulator on my psp, what are some good games for it? no pokemon games please
Breath of Fire 1,2
Fire Emblem
Zelda: A Link to the Past
Bomberman Tournament
Fire Emblem 7 and 8
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
Zelda ALttP and Minish Cap
>he doesn't like Pokemon
Shit taste
Try Minish Cap
Shantae the half genie
Original game was released as a ga game when the ds was already released so it didn't pick up right away, but the sequels defiantly got a fan base
GBA Doom port.
Megaman and Bass
Warioland 4
Metroid Fusion
pokemon fire red
pokemon emerald
pokemon ruby
pokemon sapphire
pokemon leaf green
and pokemon crystal
>Original game was released as a ga game when the ds was already released so it didn't pick up right away, but the sequels defiantly got a fan base
no, it's a gbc game, and the psp emulator of gba cannot run it.
pokemon mistery dungeon
Golden Sun and Golden Sun: The Lost Age.
>Metroid Fusion
ewww gross. Why would you ever recommend that shit?
Because it's better than Super
Boktai: the sun is in your hand
Castlevania games
Advance wars
>Boktai: the sun is in your hand
does that game even work on emulators?
minish cap the best portatil zelda
There's a fully English patched Mother 3. If you like JRPGs, it's bretty good
The Sims: Bustin' Out
Hamtaro: Ham-ham Heartbreak and Rainbow Rescue
Mega Man Zero 2, 3, and 4
Mu psp won't connect to my wifi, how do I emulate on it?
>bomberman tournament
Seconding this.
Harvest moon Friends of mineral town
>Zelda: A Link to the Past
mah nigga
Dynasty Warriors
Pokemon Ruby
all three of those earthbound games are fucking terrible.
3 is good though
Legend of Zelda,
Harvest Moon: fomt
Advance Wars
Tony Hawks Proskater 2
Zelda Oracle of ages/Seasons
Mario Cart
The GBA was amazing
Mech Platoon
Warioland 4
Fire Emblem
Golden Sun 1 & 2
Tactics Ogre: Knight of Lodis
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
Metroid Zero Mission
Mother 3
Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising
Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town
Pokemon Emerald
You're fucking terrible. Thanks for sharing.
Battle Network. Avoid 4 like the plague.
Metroid Zero Mission
Riviera: The Promised Land
All of the Castlevania games
Drill Dozer
sequel never
No it isn't
Nokemon Gold
Metroid: Zero Mission and Metroid Fusion
Shining Soul 2
only relevant post incoming OP:
aria of sorrow
harvest moon fomt
metroid fusion + zero mission
mother 3
maybe final fantasy tactics
hamtaro rainbow rescue
thats it desu everything else has very little value
Fire Emblem games
Super Robot Taisen 1st and 2nd generation (J also has a translation patch)
Astro Boy: Omega Factor
MegaMan Battle network 1, 2 and 3 (1 is a little weak though)
Metroid games
Warioland 4
Zone of the Enders: The Fist of Mars
Castlevania CotM and Aria of Sorrow (dissonance is ok, but most people dislike it)
Mario & Luigi SuperStar Saga
Sonic Advance 1-3
Kirby and the amazing mirror
Zelda Minish Cap
Wario Land 1-4
Mario Advance
Mother 3
Get the fuck off Sup Forums with those opinions you 10 year old
>Playing weebshit of sorrow
desu Zero Mission is like 20000x better than fusion
Sort of, in the sense that your solar level is set to a fixed level iirc
warioware twisted
warning you need strong arms to spin your computer around
There are patches/mods to change the solar level at will.
he would be much better off playing a native PSP port of doom
The motherfucking Medabots RPG
most the FF ports are pretty good
Fire Emblem
Super Mario games
Metroid zero mission and fusion
Warioware and Warioland 3/4
Megaman Zero 1-4
Shining Soul 1/2
Tactics Ogre
Onimusha Tactics
>Riviera: The Promised Land
He's playing on a psp so he might as well play the psp version
Sonic Advance 3
Yugioh Dungeon Dice monsters was my shit. I'm playing through fire emblem 6 on my psp go. Also go play the Megaman Battle Network games, so damn good.
>Breath of Fire 1, 2
BoF1 GBA is the best version but it is a shit game absolutely worth skipping. So dull in this day and age.
BoF2 is better in every way on SNES with the re-translation romhack. In fact, this is the ONLY way ANYONE should be playing BoF2. SNES emulation on the PSP sucks ass though, go with anything else if you can, Vita can handle it awesome these days.
Shit game, skip this and get any of the 3 Castlevania GBA games instead.
>Megaman and Bass
Same as BoF2, Better on SNES with fan translation, GBA version crushes the screen ratio down to fit and it sucks.
Metroid Fusion & Zero Mission, Mega Man Zero 1-4 Golden Sun 1&2 are great, go with those.
Also Link to the Past on GBA is great but LttP DX is the way to play the game these days. Again, SNES.
Also iirc the only emulator that can play Boktai accurately is mGBA, if you're not playing on that don't bother.
My personal recommendation is Ninja 5-0, based little shinobi/ninja gaiden type game with a sick grappling mechanic.
OP here, thanks for the suggestions might download some more roms on top of what i have in pic related.
Riviera: The promised land
Advance Wars
Medabots AX/ Medabots
Monster Rancher Advance
Mech Platoon
Summon Night Swordcraft Story 1&2
Super Robot Taisen Original Generations 1&2
Megaman Zero Series
Battle B-Daman
Breath of Fire
Astro Boy Omega Factor
Zoids Legacy
Castlevania Aria of Sorrow/ Circle of Moon
Fire Emblem, all of them
Shining Force
Shining Soul, both
Sword of Mana
Dynasty Warriors Advance
DBZ Buu's Fury
DBZ Supersonic Warriors
Tactics Ogre
Mario & Luigi superstar saga
Megaban BN Cybeast series
Metroid Fusion
Sonic Advance
those are the ones I can remember right now
Zelda Minish Cap
Sonic Battle, probably one of the best Sonic's games
All of the Megaman Zero games
All of the megaman battle network games, avoid 4 though
The Medabots games, either Rokusho or Metabee versions
Oriental blue, very comfy underrated RPG which got a translation recently
Try golden sun and golden sun : lost age, trust me its the ultimate hidden gem
This, Golden sun, Dragon Ball Adventure and Harvest moon FoMT
Excellent fucking taste.