who /warchief/ here
Who /warchief/ here
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The fuck is this special snowflake shit.
always wondered who the chicks behind her are
My guess would be her sisters but it could be those dark rangers she keeps around all the time, too.
The fuck are you talking about?
Sylvanas is not and never was a Blood Elf you mongoloid.
So since Horde warchiefs apparently expire after one expansion who do you think is going to be the one in the next expansion? None of the horde racial leaders have done anything of significance for years.
whats this shit with the stars in the name section?
i want to breed with that warchief.
How different are blood elves from high elves these days?
/fit/ meme
1 star is a Sup Forums bronze account
2 stars is Sup Forums silver account
3 stars is Sup Forums gold account
4 stars is Sup Forums platinum account
5 stars is Sup Forums diamond account
High Elves are faggots, Blood Elves are badass. At least that was the general theme until WoW. Still is really, but no one realizes it.
I meant, physically or spiritually, not for your opinion bro
blood elves using fel magic for their magic addiction (thats why their eyes are green) but apparently, that is no longer canon.
Why did Sylvie's promotion get a cinematic, but there wasn't one for the ordaining of King Motherfucking Anduin Wrynn
who even cares about the shit pile warcraft lore is. they could make warchief fucking hogger it just doesn't matter
because devs have horde bias
>Talk to Sylvanas at Vol'jin's pyre
>her first action as warchief is to passive-aggressively remark that she only tolerates me because of my actions at the Broken Shore
Count your days, clever bitch.
who /mog/ here?
I love my pet
when do player character become warcheif
Blood Elves kidnapped a Naaru and sucked on it's soul for it's power, and they also harnessed fel energy to persist. High elves just died. But they don't have the fel shit going on and there are only a few left at all.
As much as I'd want to disagree with you; I'm afraid that Sylvanas has been (moreso than Garrosh or Vol'jin) to fuck up and die fairly quickly.
Saddens me tbqh. I've always liked the dynamic the forsaken had to their leader, regardless of her making rash decisions. And contrary to "insert RAHH orc here" and "WATS GUD MON troll" positions, sylvanas' boots will never be filled by anyone else once she's gone.
thanks bro
Val'kyr, they're wearing the helmets.
Oh shit, you're right.
>Cant make a sexy undead ranger elf
>Can only make comedic hunched skeleton faggots
fuck undead
>All i want to be is another tiny cog in the horde war machine
>every expansion the player has become more important and influential somehow
>you're pretty much on a first name basis now with all of your faction's leaders
becoming warchief wouldn't be that surprising
I still have yet to find a spear that I like.
The one, true warchief
What kind of spear you looking for homie?
This is actually the next logical step
Imagine garrisons, but its Stormwind/Orgrimmar
*insert bald green crossbearer crawling jesus image here*
We need a wider variety of weapons desu
Fuck what they did to thrall
He looks like a faggot now
Smething needs to come along and kill his brown lover and their little niglet so he can go apeshit full warrior mode again
>that glorius hair
Even his sage shaman outfit looked good with his hair
Morning Star and Partisan are top tier.
Anything Troll-esque, really. Polearms tend to be severely over-designed in WoW, though, and I'd prefer to take a more stripped-down, minimalist approach in that regard.
>I no longer want Lor'themar to be Warchief cuz that just means he'll die the next expansion
He was never a 'apeshit full warrior'. He was always a pacifist shitbag with no business leading the Horde, he was useful in a time of peace and cooperation, like WC3 and parts of Vanilla, but in every crisis he's crumbled.
Not to mention due to his Grom obsession he set Garrosh down a dark path when he should've just left him in Garadar. He brought him along to lead the Warsong Offensive, which he did pretty effectively, then he basically forced him to be Warchief after he initially refused. Then he had the audacity to blame Garrosh for everything that happened after. Garrosh was right when he said Thrall made him what he was, even if Green Jesus denies it. Garrosh did nuffin wrong. He wuz a good boy.
too busy getting cucked by the elements and his hairline
Sylvanas is the best written character currently alive in Warcraft.
Look at some of the axes, think Rexxar not Dragoon
Because Broken Shore 4 minute cinematic was all about alliance and Varian?
So we got a less exciting 2 minute Orgrimmar cinematic to balance it out. Alliance still have more screentime total.
Here you go bud.
I wouldn't say that. I'd say she's written the most consistently though, which is rare enough already.
Reminder that Sylvanas is best girl and she did nothing wrong.
You misspelled Muradin Bronzebeard
That would be Kel'Thuzad.
They're green tinted from using Fel magic, but it's essentially a political thing. Basically High Elves are traitors.
>Bolvar goes insane
>Resurrects Kel'Thuzad
>both destroy the Legion
>Wrath of the Lich King 2.0: now with pandas and gliding demons
>High Elves are traitors
nice meme you kael'thas worshipper horde faggot
Oh green jesus, how far you've fallen. You were a glorious leader of a new glorious nation. But you pussied out and your people wants again fell to niggetry.
KT should be alive and knocking about somewhere anyway. His phylactery wasn't claimed or destroyed, so he should've just reconstituted of his own accord after a while. I'd love to quest for him, he's my Warcraft husbando
Blizz won't kill her off. She's massively popular unlike people like Garrosh or Meme'jin.
>Got Green Fire when it was relevant
>Come Legion it doesn't affect ANYTHING in Demo or Affliction
>Only affects the 4 spells Destro has left and a mount nobody uses
>Apparently green fire causes caster animation bugs now as well
Just fuck my shit up
Thrall I admired, Garrosh I hated. I felt nothing for Vol'jin, but Sylvanas I've always respected. Sure she's a little crazy, but that's her devotion to her people. She takes her role as leader very seriously and her devotion to the Horde never wavered. She threw herself into battle to save Vol'jin on the Broken Shore.
She'll Make the Horde Great Again.
How long has Magni been unfrozen
I went to look at him but he was gone
The fuck? That was their defining trait. The fuck happened?
I was as original as I could be. I hope you guys like.
Gloves are placeholders.
They got the Sunwell back in 2.4.3
Are you seriously fucking pretending this is a recent change
tfw i forgot image
>Sure she's a little crazy
>devotion to the Horde never wavered
> devotion to her people
>the fickle untrustworthy, selfish bitch
What fucking game did you play user?
What did he mean by this?
not that user but why do they still have green glowing eyes now that they are demon magic free?
I thought BE keep using fel magic cause it tasted better.
t. alliance
They're not
Why aren't Orcs brown even though Mannoroth died fucking ages ago
user no matter how hard you try you're never gonna be original with WOW's ludicrous, over-designed armors unless you can change the mesh.
>Hey user, come home and make Quel'Thalas great again
>oh no, fuck you I'm going to hang with these filthy little gnomes
I understand Veressa - she's got human fever - but the rest of you? Enjoy your exile in Stormwind. We got fireworks, we got wine, we got magic fucking brooms.
>inb4 they retcon her into being a selfish bitch so she can die as a villian in the next expansion
Do you think Sylvanas lezes out with her dark rangers when she's bored?
Whats the difference between High elves, Night elves and Blood Elves?
Sylv was a High elf but not a Belf yet she looks like one?
Feels good to be living in literal paradise while everyone else scrounges in mud huts and gets rekt by dragon aspects, undead/legion invasions and elementals every other year.
>retcon her into being a selfish bitch
>Why aren't Orcs brown even though Mannoroth died fucking ages ago
because they still have his blood inside them. that one make sense. its part of their bodies now.
why would blood elves still use fel magic now that they have their sunwell back?
They don't have to use Fel magic at all - the Sunwell radiates throughout time and space apparently.
I just did the Quel'Delar questline - there's high elves and blood elves making pilgrimage to the Sunwell so they can bask in it's overwhelming goodness.
I recon she is no longer capable of feeling sexual pleasures due to physical rot. That is why shes so crossed all the fucking time.
Lor'themar naturally
>Sylvanas is a super bitch
>She pulls Koltira down to her pleasure dungeon
>Next time we see her she's helping everyone and even defending Varian on the broken shore
Must have been some serious dick.
Then why did she upgrade her lover Nathanos with a new body?
She is not going to rot. She would be a skeleton by now if so. But she probably do not feel mcuh sexual pleasure.
That's not true. She preserves her body and sensations through some sorcery or something, she did the same thing for Blightcaller and gave him a fresh pseudo-alive body too. So she can fuck him.
At least we can have tits and ass, I guess.
High Elves- Cucks who decided to stay with the Alliance.
Blood Elves- Stuck it up with Kael. Stayed behind on Quel'Thalas when he went to Outland.
Night Elves- Mutated faggy trolls.
High Elves are the descendants of magic using Night Elves who left 10,000 years ago when the Well of Eternity blew up and the NE said "fuck you" when they wanted to restore it. (Turns out it was fucking essential to the planet)
Blood Elves are what the High Elves in Quel'Thalas call themselves now and have joined the Horde. The remaining High Elves in the Alliance just continue to call themselves "High Elves".
>What fucking game did you play user?
World of Warcraft, you?
This. She's in for the long run, unless they make players themselves becoma Warchief / High King.
She's defintiely getting a redemption arc in Legion. She'll make an ultimate sacrifice of some sort and be reborn as a val'kyr.
Undead paladins next expansion.
Night elves are the OG elves. They draw their magic from the moonwell.
High elves are Night-elf High-borne remnants who fled to azeroth, they made the sunwell to quell their magic thirst.
When Arthas invaded Quel'Thalas and destroyed the sunwell. Some high elves are forced to consume fel'magic thus becoming Blood-Elves. Though the actual faction called "Blood-elves" was created by prince Kael'thas.
Cause they fight for the spilled blood of Quel'thalas.
I thought that she was hate-fucking Koltira Deathweaver because he was a weak death knight.
Demonic corruption is part of Blood Elf bodies too. They may use different power source now, but they're forever twisted by Fel.
All the Windrunner sisters are canonically race traitors. She wouldn't fuck an elf, they all want human dick.
Yeah, but I think in the lore not all blood elves have gotten off fel, the stuff is still canonically addicting.
I'd almost bet money that she'll make some sort of sacrifice to save Anduin, which will lay the groundwork for the end of WoW in a few years and future warcraft games. Possibly even forcing Greymane (or some other alliance figure, I just say Greymane because of the issues between the Forsaken and the Worgens) to save her from Jaina or something in her weakened state suddenly making Sylvanas the victim-hero and ERRRRYBODY'S favorite.
Like damn, I feel like I already see this shit happening before my eyes.
Fel hookah bars still exist in silvermoon.