ITT: Find your ideal vidya girl using Akinator

ITT: Find your ideal vidya girl using Akinator

>Go to Akinator
>When asked if person is a girl say "yes"
>When asked if person is from a video game say "yes"
>When asked if from a specific franchise or company say "I don't know"
>Answer every other question honestly to describe your ideal type of girl
>Post results

I really need to play FF7

God Damnit



God damn it.

I keep getting a guy who gambles on everything.

He asked for her gender five times, then asked if 'he is the father of someone close to you', then gave a meme random answer guess.



tfw no gf

>Is she from a video game
>Is she over 18?
>couple more questions
>I think of Loli

This stupid mother fucker

maybe take the hint and come out of the closet already

>thinking of Maiden in Black
>he got it

Guess it was meant to be

But does he know that my ideal girl has a dick?





Ok i guess

Who the fuck is this?

Ok I guess.

Oh, you must've missed that. Evaxephon now has a Tumblr fanbase that draws porn of him and worships him. What a time to be alive.

Have your new gf introduce me to Monokuma. Huge fan of that dude

>trigger discipline

Well, looks like it's time to play Danganronpa.

Same. I just end up answering "don't know" to a lot of these, they don't really ask about what kind of girl they are personality wise.

I've tried a few more times and got a loli and Tifa. I was trying to be a vague as possible to not get a character I know. I said I don't know and probably not so it thinks I'm randomly choosing.

Good Taste

>Does your character fight?
>Does your character use guns?
>Does your character go to school?
>Does your character wear a school uniform?
>Is your character Japanese

I can really tell which questions you said "Yes" to.

Got this like three times in a row

Monna the vampire. Used to be on tv here in Canada like 15 years ago

>Well, looks like it's time to play Danganronpa.
Good taste my nig.

>Aiko Yumi

Well, she is best girl.

Mona the vampire u fuck

It's awfully hard to get questions about the character themself when every question is about the fucking developer.

>tfw you get le clever gambling guy
fuck this faggot genie

Itsumi from Sakura Santa, akinator didnt have an image

Nah, it was more.

>Is your character bad?
>Does your character fight?
>Does your character use guns?

Then it kept asking me if they were from Batman, sports teams, or shitty meme games.

what the fuck

Got Mii Kouryuuji from ProjectxZone 3 times now.

This seems weirdly appropriate and completely wrong at the same time.



i do too, akinator

>Ask for an anime/vidya heterochromatic redhead with freckles
>Get a black pornstar with none of these traits

she's so cute :3



I really wish Advance wars would get a good sequel. A days of ruin sequel is also fine.

Female dog

Never played TLS.

Gay fag here, and I got my husbando.

>taught Akinator who my waifu is months ago
>keep getting non-characters like "noob" and "guy who gambles on everything" by following OP's directions
>first vidya character who pops up is her
She is without a doubt perfect!

literally not real x2

Didn't ask me about videogames but I'll take it all the same


Not bad

Not bad.



Oh well

who is this semen demon

Good shit



>answer 60 questions
>all three times he thinks i'm randomly answering

>literally picks my ideal woman/all time #1 favorite vidya woman
akinator is magic

Look at my basic bitch girl

Which game is this from?

*cackle* *cackle*

What do I win

a trip to a viewing of a hot blurry mess of a hentai

I don't know this hoe


Literal perfection

This is depressing

Literally who.

Idk who she is

Couldn't guess Pisha from Vtmb







I wonder if there's Unknown porn.

I'm pretty sure I answered "I don't know" to whether she was above or below 20 y/o. HOW DID HE KNOW

>is your character female
>is your character male
>is your character's gender female
>is your character from a video game
>is your character a youtuber
>is your character associated with philadelphia
this thing fuckin sucks and I keep getting the gambles on everything answer


Never even play the game

>is your character male?
>proceed to answer questions


then after 50 questions he guesses

I tried the same thing for real people and got this


He's not bad.

Lucky bastard

Accept it man, find a qt fujoshi and let her play with your butt

how do

I can squeeze my spewtube to that.

>a guy who gambles on everything

Nvm I'm retarded and didn't understand the point of this thread. My waifu preferably isn't a criminal

>a guy who gambles on everything

Thank goodness.

>Is your character fat
>Im thinking of... Miss nancy

Fuck this guy

Honestly if you're getting anything but the gambling guy answer you're probably not answering honestly. "Does your character use guns " should be a no for you pussies.

>does your character weigh over a ton
Do not bully the Samus