what are some original xbox games i should burn?
What are some original xbox games i should burn?
Jade Empire
Crimson Skies
Ninja Gaiden Black
Panzer Dragoon Orta
Crimson Skies
Dead or Alive 3
Dark Souls
thanks senpai
This one's a real gem.
This beautiful monster if you can find it. Also Phantom Dust.
Kingdom Under Fire
Is this the game where you had to collect orbs to stay alive? I always liked the game when I rented it, but that turned me off from ever buying it
Is there a way to softmod an original xbox with just an exploit burnt onto a dvd, I don't have a flash drive or a way to connect one
Also I have spare DVDs for some reason
To my knowledge no. I would reccomend just spending the 10 bucks on a 8gb flash drive and a copy of Splinter Cell since it's both a great game and the easiest game to find that allows you to flash the console.
I know the original mechassault is an exploit game, how much harder is it with that?
Most likely the same. I just recommend Splinter cell because it's typically the easiest to find.
If I bought a used og xbox to play Phantasy Star Online (offline part, of course), am I fucked out?
The only choice, beside Kingdom U der Fire Heroes!
Well its ok because I already have the original mech assault so woo
Phantom Dust
Also, will it ruin the game?
you should just ftp them tbqhiimbqhwum
no. just get one of those adapters off ebay they're like $4 from hong kong.
freedom fighters
no because there's a hacked version that has offline play and you can play it local multiplayer too.
Found this in a local used games shop.
Clerk told me how intense it was and how you had to eject or you start over from the start.
Sounded pretty cool, wish I could've played.
doesnt work, you need an xbox live account on the console to play it at all. it is the second best version of pso tho
Anyone know a link where it can show me how to mod my Xbox to play burned games?
Grabbed by the Goulies, the best thing to come out of Rare
None, they're all trash. Ninja Gaiden Black included.
Find something else to do user.
Don't bother, most Xbox optical drives are notoriously bad at reading burned DVDs and I experienced this first hand trying to play Metal Wolf Chaos. Instead you should do the hard drive upgrade and upload the games directly onto the HDD. Far more convenient than juggling those discs and works slightly faster to boot.
No, it doesn't touch your legit saves at all. It runs off a separate boobytrapped save file.
>Panzer Dragoon Orta
Muh nigga
I made a guide from Sup Forumss favourites a little while back.