This game is CUTE

This game is CUTE


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Shovel Knight?

Yes, just finished it, amazing game

It is an amazing game. Favorite part?

My favorite part has to be the Tower of Fate because although hard the boss rush and the last boss with Shield Knight were so fucking amazing 10/10 will play again, yours?

I wanted to make a thread about it but apparently not everybody understood the pic

My cousin snagged a second hand Shovel Knight amiibo the other day and we started co-op. We made it to specter knight before we had to take a break because we kept killing each other in the dark sections.

You play Plague of Shadows yet?

Why does all the promotional artwork for Shovel Knight make him look like a fag?

This run pose makes him look like a fag and they use it everywhere

Ill have to wait till tomorrow, its 2am and I just closed the game, I didnt try Challenge mode either, should I start it now or go to sleep?

Those part were hard for one player, I cant imagine for two at the same time

>hurr durr I want my heroes to act like burly MEN!!
the only fag here is you

How do I stop sucking at this game, dont mind the time I used to leave the game open on pause while eating or watching videos


>Not posting the full sized version

I really wish they'd add co-op to the non wii-u versions

Even then, having it locked behind an amiibo is fucking retarded

thanks man I couldnt find it

I'm playing through this game now. Is there a limit to how much you can upgrade magic and hp?

Also the bosses are easy but the fucking levels keep fucking ruseing me, I'm dieing way more than I thought.

When does the new DLC come out?

Max Magic is 100, 200 with Conjurer's Cloak. Max HP is ten circles.

This is as long as Ive get it but Ive just finished the main quest and havent try the Challenge mode or the New Game+ so Im not sure

Anytime, user.

I don't think they've announced a release date yet.

They didnt and in the news section they are talking about lotsa stuff but none of them is a release date

"Yacht Club Games is staying vague on the release date, saying only that Specter Knight will arrive "sooner than the wait between Shovel Knight and [second campaign] Plague Knight"."

"Yacht Club also reveals that it's working on the remaining stretch goals simultaneously, including the King Knight campaign, Body Swap Mode (gender switching for the entire cast) and Battle Mode. One of those modes will accompany each new campaign as it's released.

Best of all, every update is free."

If I were to guess, Specter Knight's campaign will probably be out by the end of the year.

Post cool Shovel Knight fanart?


That'll do.

>feel kind of neutral about plague knight in my playthrough of the normal game, don't really care that much about him either way
>Plague of Shadows makes him my favorite character by far

Make sure you play the expansion, OP.

>Not posting the full thing

Might as well post the other one too.

Plague KnightxMona is the OTP.

>when you try to dance in front of her, Plague Knight acts like a cliche shy kid
Most adorable Knight by far

>no flying or scythe throwing
>he's a midget now

What's the point then

His relic equivalents will probably restore some of his other powers, much like Plague Knight's arcana did. Also because the credits of Plague of Shadows showed he some connection to the Phase Locket, which is an interesting plot hook.

I hope they'll add more new stuff for King and spectre knight.

Plague knight was good and wove well into the shovel knight story but I think they'll have to mix things up a bit. I don't want to go through the same (slightly changed) stages in the same order with the same music and bosses.

Mix up the ordering, have song remixes, add a new stage or 2. Maybe that's asking a lot, I don't know.

I suppose we'll just have to wait and see. Seems as if we'll at least get different final bosses for each though.

Something tells me that they will switch up Specter Knight's stages a bit more to accommodate for his diagonal slashing and wall running.

Why draw him with human hands when he is a fish person?

What is this

He can't be a fish person. A fish head wouldn't fit in his helmet.

>paying 30$ for physical DLC to unlock local multiplayer exclusive to one system

Fuck this game

At least all the other DLC is free?

You're right. Co-op just looks like a fuckton of dumb fun to play with a friend. But paying 30$ for a little stupid amiibo is ridiculous.

Cant wait for the next Knight expansion, Plague of Shadows was amazing.
The changes they made to the JP version are also really interesting.

>you will never dance with Mona
>you will never see Mona's thicc thighs in motion
Why even live?

How do you know they're thicc. She's made of squares