Hey, Sup Forums...
You got a mic?
Hey, Sup Forums...
You got a mic?
Other urls found in this thread:
Yep. But I don't ever use it since I hate my voice.
Nope. Been playing games for over a quarter of a century without one. Why change now?
Yes I do, I have a Snowflake mic.
Sorry. I'm mute.
Oh, neat. I've actually got a snowball, which is really nice.
Even though I never use it. except in vocaroo threads.
I'm not afraid of voice chatting. I like getting shy people in voice chat and speaking with them. It's fun making them feel uncomfortable, hearing them stutter as they try and hold a conversation with you. It's almost adorable.
That almost sounds like reverse bullying, user.
I'm jealous of whoever you do that to because embarrassment is totally my fetish
Oh no, it's bullying in it's purest form. Noting reversed about it.
you sound really gay
Vocaroo links WHEN? I don't wanna be the first one to post.
That I am.
Is this the big name affordable quality mic these days? My headset is getting up there in years and I hate how it ruins my hair.
Why does she have a banana on her ear?
You like being forced into uncomfortable situations?
I'm sure she was just curious
Not that user, but y-yes.
You sound pretty generic user.
I definitely wouldn't think anything of you if you were in my multiplayer lobby, so don't beat yourself up.
Mhm. That's my fetish to a T.
Also videogames.
I'm glad, you didn't light yourself on fire.
Yea, that's why i'm not going to reply to a degenerate like you again.
She's listening! To you, user!
$50 isn't that bad and I love mine. It's been around for a while and has been popular as a standalone mic for like let's plays and shit.
You're goddamn right I do. Blue Snowball with a stand, one of the better purchases I've made.
How perverted.
Stay cute for me please.
It mostly shows when I'm excited I think. I guess everyone is self conscious about their voice, thanks.
How about just for voice chat with friends/online games? 50$ is about the price of a decent headset anyway.
Yep. It's pretty degenerate. But is liking being bullied really worse than doing the bullying?
>girl joins server
>starts singing
>it's actually pretty good
>everyone vote kicks her
That's what I use mine for. It works really nicely. I have a pair of studio headphones with it and it's comfy as fuck.
>tfw too shy to sing over mic
pretty sweet, user
I wish I could sing.
There's a song I'd love to be able to sing but I can't hit the high note.
When I get mad at people in an online game I just burp into my mic for about half an hour straight. I do this thing where I suck air into my stomach and it makes these huge burps on command.
I'll try!
I won't lie, I am a pervert although I do think people who like to be bullied are absolutely pathetic which is makes it that much more erotic to be an asshole.
Man this thread turned into gay shit. Can't wait until it dies, fucking losers.
What do you think of youtube.com
I feel like i know you.
>be me
>join Overwatch Quick Play Match
>hear obnoxious dude shouting on mic
>leave voice channel
>see in chat "Enjoy the loss"
>leave, because it's quick play and who gives a shit?
Why do people like this exist.
I-is there a problem, user?
>I do think people who like to be bullied are absolutely pathetic
Isn't calling me pathetic for liking being bullied just feeding into it anyways?
I ripped one off a cheap set of headphones and turned it into a desk mic. It doesn't have bad sound quality honestly but I only ever meant to use it as a temporary option. Sadly in a year I haven't found anything cheap but high quality that I'm willing to buy.
What type of mic should I get that is sensitive enough for it to be 2 or so feet away but also not have to worry about background noise and just general static? The way I deal with that now is in the realtek driver settings for the microphone.
Only thinking about spending maybe 20-30 at the most
Also I don't use push to talk because fuck that shit
sing for me, Sup Forums
Well, they're weebs one of which being an avatarfag, so what'd you expect?
Mic check mic check.
What kind of faggot joins a server just to sing
I'm in to synth music. Who are you, user? Maybe we do know each other.
i'm kinda sick but here you go vocaroo.com
sing for me, Sup Forums!
>...just feeding into it anyways?
I think that's the idea.
avatars are cancer but I'll be damned if foxgirls aren't cute. CUTE!
yes I do. what's up?
Just another user, really. I don't think we do.
Well, you don't know me at least. I'll continue to stalk you for as long as i can.
I know that feel user...
>record my voice one day
>i sound like a girl
>or just a very effeminate male
>try to deepen my voice
>sounds even worse
It's worse when you can barely discern "mic check" behind the ear-splitting garbled static.
I like it user, but idk what to sing because my voice range is weird.
Someone that wants attention.
I've got kinda the opposite problem
>record voice
>sound like a guy
Everyone hates their own voice, though. I've had people tell me I sound like a girl just fine so idk.
I can't stop you!
Now I wanna hear both of ya.
Post vocaroos, nerds.
Are you a girl? because that would be pretty hot and deceitful if you were.
I guess that's fair enough.
oh god if they're a girl it makes the whole thing way hotter.
That's right so don't even try!
I'll be watching you. Don't even think of getting close to fire.
Your voice is fucking awesome. Do more
Literally sounds fine. Like, not even hugboxing, its probably just how it sounds to you.
Snowball is a great mic to get, but it's typically the mic you get when you can't afford a Blue Yeti, or simply don't want a Blue Yeti because you associate them with e-celebs.
I stay away!
Stay safe, stay cute.
am i the only one who isnt self conscious about their voice, but rather prefers to not use a mic because i dont want to annoy the other people living in my home?
You too, user.
>why are you whispering user
>is everything alright
>tfw bought a Yeti
>all i use it for is TeamSpeak
I feel like it's a waste, but damn I sound good until TS compresses it to hell
o im laffin.
Wait who's the other person? And why'd they break the mood?
Your voice is also generic and fine. I think I hear the hint of an accent maybe? But it's still fine, I wouldn't spare it a second thought if I heard you in a game lobby.
The people who aren't self-conscious don't come here looking for validation?
I'm on the mic a lot. I talk a lot about games.
Skype: lycheebun
What do you want me to talk about?
This is great video game discussion by the way.
Somehow, I find anons bullyflirting like in this thread to be strangely erotic. I'm pretty sure this makes me more gay than either party, though.
[Lie] no mine broke
>Who's the other person?
My roommate. He likes screwing with me. Although I really broke the mood myself. I couldn't keep myself from laughing.
I hate my voice so much. And when I hear my voice echo back from someone else's mic? Fucking shit that's the worst
Bully-flirting is literally Sup Forums in a nutshell. And it's fucking great.
>tfw joining a voice chat with new people
Having a southern accent is the worst, but no one else seems to mind.
This one guy in my FC in ff14 sounds just like you.
I love southern accents
speak to me user
That was magnificent.
You have a pleasant voice.
I'm impressed you held out as long as you did.
I wish it got more in depth, but this is Sup Forums and we need to maintain the facade of vidya.
Speaking of
I know right? I sure do love videogames.
I need more games that let me have hardcore serious comms though. Stuff like Arma and EVE where a commander is yelling orders. It's always fun.
EVE had some people with the best voices. Had a great Irishman in my corp.
I don't know how to speak english properly and I hate my voice
Why are weebs so fucking gay
I mute voicechat to lower my ping.
>I know right? I sure do love videogames.
Hit me up then :^)
Only if you'll play vidya with me.
maybe your name is that generic or I know you I don't know.
I do, doesn't have a noise canceller though, which sucks since people can hear me exhaling and snorting.
I don't like talking with randoms desu.
It's hard for me to get acclimated with people and feel comfortable.
user, what?
I mean you don't have to talk to me on mic. There's such a thing as text you know. :^)
Sup Forums is always pushing this.
Cheap as fuck, I attached it to a boom I fixed to some Superlux cans to make a proper headset. As for no push to talk, you'll have to fine tune your settings to get it to work, it is rather sensitive. Sound quality is great though.
why are prison inmates so fucking gay
same question
it's p nice, confirmed.
I guess. Not really in the mood to meet people anyways, I guess.
Hi user. I'm pretty shy and I'd love it if we talk and you know...
This is my skype: acuteghost