When will Nintendo die so someone can buy all of their IP's and give this fantastic series the respect it deserves?

When will Nintendo die so someone can buy all of their IP's and give this fantastic series the respect it deserves?

This would be a huge franchise it if was in the hands of literally any other company.

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Christ no, Nintendo is fucking up hard but Metroid in anyone else's hands would probably be turned into Mass Effect and inject "grrrl power" bullshit everywhere.

or it would become call of samus.

6 hour cutscenes with 1 hour gameplay...no thanks

That would be a million times better than this.


Happy Anniversary, Samus.

Why do Nintendo fans seem to think any game not made by Nintendo are bad?

Zelda, Star Fox and Metroid would all be much better series if they were owned by any other gaming company. Nintendo doesn't know how to make anything that isn't a 2D platformer.

Nah, FF has cute art. It would look like CoD or Halo in anyone elses hands

Federation Force's art is fucking horrendous, are you kidding me?

What's said is that this shit game will flop and Nintendo will think no one wants Metroid anymore. But maybe that's good, an actual Metroid game made by modern Nintendo would be ass anyways.

just give it back to retro.

Nintendo is the best company to make Zelda.

When will you die so I can talk to your family and get your computer, phone and games? I can't wait. Please get sick and just die already.

>Zelda, Star Fox and Metroid would all be much better series if they were owned by any other gaming company
What the fuck are you on?

Nintendo owns some great series, but all of them are handcuffed by Nintendo's traditional japanese philosophies. Star Fox, Metroid and Zelda would be HUGE series if other companies got their hands on them.

just no


Already huge.

>Star Fox

This isn't the pre-360 days anymore. How many big games stars furry animals as main characters?


Would be made into a shitty FPS if anyone other than Retro makes it.


>Nintendo doesn't know how to make anything that isn't a 2D platformer.

present tense

>What's said is that this shit game will flop and Nintendo will think no one wants Metroid anymore
But Other M flopped so bad even Reggie admitted it and yet FF was made.

the guys that made that game are still around.

they said they started making a game back in November, most certainly for the NX.

Ironically enough, only allowed to make 2D platformers. It's like when people want Naughty Dog to make Crash again and get rightfully laughed it because it would be a waste of their talent, yet Nintendo actually does that shit and wastes Retro's talent.

That game released in 2002 is certainly a modern game.

BiS and Paper Jam were pretty good.

>Ironically enough, only allowed to make 2D platformers
What ass did you pull that out of?

then tell me how you think a better zelda/metroid could be?

Zelda BoW, looks gigantic and awesome. If Sony or else would do this game, you would get shitty gameplay, shitty story and 90% cinematic cutscenes.

Nintendo knows how they should do it, Zelda is a game where the best part is the gameplay. Not some shitty cinematic experience.

And no I am not a nintendofag, I would love a dark souls-eske zelda sure, but other companies would fuck this shit up.

>Ironically enough, only allowed to make 2D platformers
Except you know, they co-developed Mario Kart games inbetween DKCR and TF.

If you think Retro's NX project will be anything but another fucking Donkey Kong game I don't know what to tell you. People thinking Nintendo will let them work on anything else will be disappointed.

Retro should break off from Nintendo, the company is wasting their talent.

>>Nintendo doesn't know how to make anything that isn't a 2D platformer.
Prime was developed by a studio in Texas.

The lead developer for the Prime series already left and is making ReCore so I've given up on 3D Metroid all together at this point.

Watching No Man's Sky being played made me realize how cool a format that could be for a game with actual content and competent design. Adapt something like that into a game where you can organically uncover the story and it could be neat.

Like, cross Metroid Prime with Star Control 2, and you can get an idea of what I'm proposing. You discover a planet. Planet has a violent atmosphere and you can't penetrate it yet or has an advanced defense grid that will annihilate you. Your scanners detect something there, but you don't know what. Go elsewhere. Stealthmode as you detect pirates. Ghost them back or engage them to discover where they were headed. Infiltrate or gun your way through depending on your progress and playstyle. Manage to find a ship upgrade part or a security hacker that lets you access that other planet.

If there has been one thing I learned through all my years as a Metroid fan: I absolutely hate when Samus moves from planet to planet.

It works for most space games, but for some reason it almost ruins Prime 3 and Hunters for me.