>"You just hate it because it's new and popular!"
Name the game.
"You just hate it because it's new and popular!"
Other urls found in this thread:
(insert fotm game)
>(insert fotm game)
fallout series including the old ones and TES games.
Undertale, FNAF, Fallout 4, No Man's Sky, and Overwatch to name a few.
The only good one out of those is Overwatch desu
Every game that's ever going to come out.
I love Skyrim and I think FO4 is shit.
>Shit on a game
>You just hate it because it's popular, you fucking contrarian Sup Forums-hivemind shitlord
>Game is dropped not even a few months later because it's extremely average and boring
What's her name lads?
I have never heard this statement outside of Sup Forums.
The people I have talked to are okay with me being a retro gamer.
>prior to open beta
>it'll flop! TF2 ripoff! modern blizzard can't make a good game! ASSFAGGOTS!
>open beta begins
>D. Va is cute! CUTE!!!!
Overwatch, and it's the worst fucking game I played this year.
And I played a lot of games.
One thing that is giving me solace is that it is just a meme game that will die out the way Splatoon did.
Overwatch is the pinnacle of this i have seen in the last years here on Sup Forums
Lord help you if i point out that it's basically ASSFAGGOTS in FPS form
>But it's fun
As if that's a proper argument
>one character is basically an advertisement for ASSFAGGOTS & professional ASSFAGGOTS players
>neo-Sup Forums & reddit fell in love with her
You can't make this shit up.
it is you massive faggot
>believing the "fun is not an excuse to buy a game" meme
If it's fun, it has good gameplay. Good gameplay is what makes a good game. Overwatch has good gameplay.
Eat shit you bitter faggot.
DmC, this random dude used every logic fallacy there ever was after I said I didn't like the game.
Pretty sure I convinced him to try out DMC3 since he didn't play any of the first ones.
>Garfield a Tale of Two Kitties is good because the plot is good
Well, yeah, but how?
I could understand the appeal of Fnaf for creepypastafags, Undertale for homestuck/motherfags and even Overwatch for the fps/assfaggots but who does NMS even appeal to? It sounds unbelievably boring, I'd rather play Minecraft survival and explore the world.
It gets good 46 hours in.
>how much fun it is isn't an arguement for how good a game is, even if the main reason people play games is to have fun
>even for a purely multiplayer game like Overwatch were there isn't a campaign or a riveting story to follow so the only reason to play the game is because it's fun
Five star shitpost
>You can't say the game is bad if you didn't play it!
>You can't say the game is because you only played it for a few hours!
>You can't say the game is bad when you played it for so long!
Having fun with something does not equal it being good or having good gameplay faggot.
I played LoL for 5 years so i know what the fuck im talking about
It's the same tired mess that every other ASSFAGGOT is doing.
>buffing and nerfing characters at seeminly randomb to keep people talking about the game
>intruding new shit character
>shit community comprised of literal children and redditors
You can deniy it all you want but it's the truth
Not even Dark souls fans are defending their game as hard as you retards are doing
>You can't say the game is bad if you haven't played it
There is no reason why anybody in todays world have an excuse for buying shit.
You can literally follow a games development process almost form scratch today.
Even if you are somehow braindead and don't do that reviews and sites like this place exist.
If you couldn't tell that The Divison was gonna blow massiv balls 2 moths before it's release when the betas went live you don't deserve to play videogames as a hobby
>lolfag who got trapped for 5 years thinks he has an opinion on Videogames
>Compares Overwatch to Dark Souls when they can't even be compared in the slightest
8 stars m8 keep it up
>reading comprehension
I didn't compare Overwatch to Dark souls i was comparing their fanbase.
At least people are voicing their opinions on Dark souls 2 and 3, unlike you blizdrones that just eat up whatever they throw at you.
The funny thing is that you can't even bring yourself to writing that LoL and Overwatch is totally different because they are not.
>talking to brother about vidya
>topic is which is the best GTA
>bro says GTAV
>I say he's wrong
>"Well, it's just new and popular, you can't really explain why you hate it."
>try to explain
>he cuts me off and asks what's the bedt GTA
>I say San Andreas
>"Oh yeah, that makes sense cause you're a huge nostalgia baby."
well said
Why do some of you user have stars? Is it a new form of tripfagging? I'm confused
Pokemon go
>>You can't say the game is because you only played it for a few hours!
>>You can't say the game is bad when you played it for so long!
goddamn I hate this shit. JRPGfags use this argument all the time.
Jojo's, minus the "new"
No Man's Sky
Mostly get this from normie friends
>you just hate it cause its different and not call of duty
every time
Why do so many people say this? Outside of Cooldowns and Ultimates the gameplay is a standard team based shooter with generic game modes like Payload, Attack/Defend, and KOTH.
There's no leveling up
There's no currency
There's no items
There's no minions
There's no towers
There's no lanes
There's no ancient
There's no jungle
The actual FPS moba is Battleborn but we know how that turned out.
>trust me, it gets better 60 hours in!
>"You just hate it because it's new and popular!"
But this is true for 80% of Sup Forums. You guys are basically neo-hipsters.
When asked why you don't like it it's always "FOUND THE SHILL LOL!", meme arguments, or people giving the most vague, bland definitions ever.
Never had that feeling about a game I think. Usually don't play new games, busy with those I already have. The ones that get hyped up I check out later though.
because after the 50th "why does Sup Forums hate ? thread" people don't feel like explaining shit again
>my new and popular game can not possibly be bad
Fuck off cunt.
better just to repost explanations
Skyrim, Fallout 4, Bioshock Infinite, The Witcher 3, Minecraft, FNAF, Undertale, The Last of Us, Uncharted
>You just hate it because of the bandwagon!
No Man's Sky, Mighty No. 9, The Division, Skyward Sword, Mass Effect 3, Dark Souls 2
I fucking hate pokemon but i don't shit on the games whenever a new one comes out because they aren't inherently bad games.
You are also one of those casual fucks that goes into all of the bait threads that don't acutally wanna talk about the game.
>Bioshock Infinite
>Not Bad
post sauce
something made by a very prolific and well known western flash animator
Bioshock Infinite is even more empty promises then No Mans Sky will ever be.
The only people that like it are the uninformed and even then the story still don't hold up
Normiemon GO
I have it
>this thread
What do I win?
Literally nothing because it doesn't happen you fucking contrarian Sup Forums-hivemind shitlord
That's what I was implying, it's absolute shit
If it's relevant, my 11 years old cousin playing on his iPad said it.
Bought Sup Forums gold pass, user
Holy fuck
But that's just delusional man.
>it's basically ASSFAGGOTS in FPS form
The only similarity between DotA and Overwatch are coordinating your ultimate abilities at a similar time in order to take objectives.
anything else is just a fucking longshot, like "oh well, in overwatch they usually have around 4 abilities, WELL SO DO MOST DOTA HEROES!"
>Sup Forums says game is bad.
>Play game it's pretty good.
Name the game.
Overwatch sucks ass you fucking weebs
but division was good.
mediocre but good
>This game is bad because it's a modern video game and you're a doodoo head for liking it
Basically the only negative things I've ever seen against Doom 2016.
Slow as fuck
But it isn't, the speed is on par with the classic games.
It's not fucking doom
Should've been the new halo or fear
Dark Souls 2
Wasn't like doom 3.
>It's not fucking doom
Based on what, because you certainly provided nothing to back up that asinine opinion. I play FEAR every couple of months and that game is nowhere near as fast as Doom 2016. It's honestly pretty fucking slow.
>Wasn't like doom 3.
But that's a good thing. Doom 3 was fucking trash.
Evolve died faster than battleborn
Persona 3
Its true tho. It's a well known form of autism to hate on popular things to feel like a special snow flake
how is that even a longshot though?
i don't really think ow is a moba, but having 4 abilities+passive is a clear similarity between dota/lol and OW
>the level design is bad, especially the stupid "arenas" which slow down the pace of the game and were clearly used as a crutch by the level designers to save themselves work
>the music is mediocre
>the guns don't sound good, with the exception of SSG
>being stunlocked for 2 seconds with the "glory kills" every other kill because the health/ammo placement is so bad that you're forced to rely on them slows down the pace of the game immensely
>The upgrade fuckery doesn't belong in a DOOM game; I just want to shoot things, not spend all day in menus
>the multiplayer is indisputably awful, and the much touted "Snapmap" mapmaker is restricted to UAC assets with no custom content and can't make anything good, so that means very low replay value, also you're forced to use multiplayer settings in co-op (loadout shit). After I beat the game on Nightmare there was nothing left to do
5/10, mediocre game, glad I didn't buy it myself
Level design is nearly the exact same type of designs you would see in the classic games with platforming and secrets everywhere.
Music is subjective, I liked it.
Weapon sounds are subjective, again I think they're fine.
>Running out of ammo to the point where you have to rely on glory kills all the time
The mechanic was included for shitters like you who don't know how to swap weapons and miss constantly. Do you need a two weapon limit and tons of ammo to babysit you?
>The upgrade fuckery doesn't belong in a DOOM game
Right, a system being in place to let you choose the alt fire of your weapon and increase variety is bad. Fuck off.
>I just want to shoot things, not spend all day in menus
Right, three seconds in a menu half way through a level is spending all day reading. Do you have ADD?
Nobody defends nor cares for the multiplayer.
>Level design is nearly the exact same type of designs you would see in the classic games
Some of the Doom 2 levels, maybe, but even at the time people were calling Doom 2 level design in many areas shit. D44M lacks the same complexity of levels, + has those shitty pace-ruining arenas. I will agree the platforming elements were a OK addition though.
You liked whiney noises?
Weapon sounds are underwhelming and the RL hits like a wet noodle.
I don't miss constantly, fucktard. Even with hitting every shot in Nightmare you need to use the stupid glory kills occasionally to have enough resources to continue. Also enemies exploding into ammo and health looks really fucking stupid. You shouldn't be locked into 2 second stun animations at all.
>Do you need a two weapon limit and tons of ammo to babysit you?
Oh wait, that would be this shit game's multiplayer and co-op, wouldn't it?
>Right, a system being in place to let you choose the alt fire of your weapon and increase variety is bad
They could have accomplished that with actual weapon VARIETY instead of fucking around with the stats of numbers. The way they implemented it adds nothing to what makes the game good, which is fast-paced shooting.
>Right, three seconds in a menu half way through a level is spending all day reading
I didn't say "reading", I just said "menus". Doom was in no way improved by the addition of this stupid "now you do +10% damage while jumping in midair if you add one more upboat point to your semen meter!" bullshit, and it should have stayed out of the game.
If the effort they put into it had gone into improving MP, D44M would've been multiple times better.
>Nobody defends nor cares for the multiplayer
Hence, reduced replay value. Which is a huge blow to a title with a linear SP campaign. You beat it on Nightmare and you've experienced everything of any remote kind of quality the game has to offer, which as explained in my above posts is not a whole lot.
If it was going to die out it would have by now. However it has only grown since release. I'm sorry user
I thought she was supposed to be a Starcraft player.
Anything. Fucking anything at all.
Once something reaches mainstream popularity, it's run straight into the ground because normies don't know the meaning of the word moderation.
Looks like I hit a nerve.
Just kidding, I fucking love Doom, I just wanted to let you guys know even in this thread because I thought you might be interested.
>people ITT
A game being fun is enough reason to play and enjoy it. On the actual thread subject
>Fucking Bioshock Infinite
No man;s sky
Woah woah woah guys, I think we all know nobody hates or likes overwatch, it's a shit game with great fap material, and will always sit in the middlest of middle ground because of that.
no man sky
or just anything that Sup Forums hates
this desu
people use this phrase whenever Sup Forums hates anything
No Man's Sky
And I had this reply on Sup Forums! JESUS
Uhh guise no man's sky is actually shot though.
I'm gonna go with BF1 and CoD games.
Just call him racist and everything will be fine.
This, I get this response all the time when I shit on CoD and BF on Sup Forums now. Also happens with Halo a lot.
OP, I don't understand, do you want me to name games that I feel get hated on because they're popular, or games that I feel get hated on for legit reasons while people insinuate the fact that they're new and popular is the only reason they get hated on?
A game that's good and gets hated on because it's new and popular is SFV
A game that has flaws and where people claim I only dislike it because it's hip to do so... goes for everything that's popular really but MGR and Dark Souls come to mind as the worst offenders.
>not undertale
>It's another "I don't actually remember how fast Doom 1 was" post
>is actually shot though.
Shot? What did he mean by this?