You have 10 seconds to prove that demon hunters aren't underpowered

you have 10 seconds to prove that demon hunters aren't underpowered

>protip: you cant

demon hunters are so fucking bad this patch and you are wasting your time playing them

also i dont know how to do webms

Other urls found in this thread:

It's the prepatch. No shit everything is broken.



holy shit gtfo

>blood elf
>those horrible animation addons
Do I even need to say it?

>those horrible animations blocking your field of vision
>having your quest log open during a pvp match
Jesus christ.

>demon hunters are missing a good half (if not more) of their kit

never go full retard.

but seems that being a retard is your deafult

if they are missing half of their kit then why the fuck do people play them

>Trying to play Demon Hunters competitively
>When most of their talents are locked

How can people be this fucking stupid?

Because its the new shiny thing that they can access before the expansion comes out. I take it you weren't around for WotLK when the servers were 50% death knight? Or BC when huge amounts of horde players became blood elves?

>that ui

to get ready for the release? get a hang of them?

also this

Because they're new, and there hasn't been a new class in 4 years.

And people have been asking for Demon Hunters for far longer than that.

Holy fuck that UI.

I've seen some terrible UI's in my time, but just what the fuck. Why would you ever want to cover your screen in that garbage? Especially with the huge KILLING BLOW message blocking your entire screen.

fuck meme hunters, tinkers for gob/gnomes WHEN

I'll go ahead and ask in this thread since /vg/ is cancer and I didn't see any other WoW threads up. How is DH tanking shaping up? I've fiddled around with it and it kind of reminds me of old style blood tanking, but it seems like your soul shards don't spawn fast enough to reliably get a full set of them to heal with when you use your spender.

And the brand cooldown seems stupid since it only debuffs the damage of one target against you, which means its gonna be next to useless against groups of adds even with the talent.

They really need some sort of self heal, even if it's a shit one.

Well they were 50% death knights because they were overpowered as fuck for three expansions.

>level 100

No artifact, no talents. Meaningless.

>male blood elf
>that fucking ui

They do, its the talent that drops the orbs

Only overpowered at Wrath launch and then never again. Stay bad, kid.

Those are some fucking obnoxious addons you have there.

>Gems are Outrageous
>Gay elf
>Can't into proper ui

like pottery

in pvp they are garbage
in raid content they can do 745i tier damage with 699i gear

with their current kit?

>>demon hunters are missing a good half (if not more) of their kit
I was slammed by a cat with one rake, three Brutal Slashes and one ferocious bite. The 110 kit won't fix that shit.

>not being able to do 100k dps as tank DH
stay bad

>aoe dps counts

rope, neck, apply

>shard of azzinoth
>illidari tab
every rogue tmog, ever sans cursed vision

>2 talents

there I just did

that's single target boyo
goomba stomp, immolation aura and that shit you poop on the ground does fuck tons of damage

OP here

Removed all unecessary addons so you can rest easy

>I was slammed by a class that has full kit and is most likely geared with shit that amplifies their dmg.

what are you trying to prove exactly?

>Rogues are the new WotLK launch DK's in PvP

>World of WoW

Talents and your Artifact ability give you way more reliable ways of getting lesser soul shards out to pull in to yourself.

It's the prepatch

How many brain cells do you have?

The argument presented was that they don't have their full kit available. The contrasting example I gave proves one specific thing. I'll let you guess what that is.

Arthãssx didnt play DK because it was overpowered. He played it because he was an edgy faggot who would post "I wish I could join the lich king XD" on the forums

That rogue's energy regen makes my dick rock hard.

Nice, want to spam bgs together?

DH tanks are mediocre in the beta and have only utility and some mobility going their way

Just go Guardian like everyone else and just faceroll through everything with your retarded reg and high HP

>your face when he shows up in the Tanaris Invasions

ahhh, you are whining about ferals capability to kill people in 1 stunlock.

watch this and you will have something to really worry about.

also, problems with PvP in this pre patch are as follows
>lacking pvp talents

and that's it.
why is DH shitty in PvP right now?

take a look at what you are missing.

also there is a problem of overall PvP balance that will be shit cause new expansion

>being so shit that these things actually impact your performance

Jesus christ.

>attack dummy
>no damage meters
god damn you're retarded

They were laughably broken in wotlk to the point where every fucking PVP match was like 80% DKs and the rest were pally. Cata and MoP they were merely strong. I mained frost mage from wotlk up to mop where I quit for good and I fucking raped everybody with no issues. One of the top mages on my server.

>this thread
>the itch of pvp
i was a vanilla baby and it still calls to me to this day

Of all the things that people don't like about modern WoW, pvp is what I see people complain about the least. You get shit like people complaining about X being overpowered or Y needing a buff, but I don't see too many people outright saying that the pvp is unfun. I've never been a big fan of pvp myself other than some world pvp though, so I can't really say.

Nope. I was pointing out that talents alone can't prevent somebody only 5 ilvls above me from hitting 65k brutal slashes. This isn't an issue that can be fixed with 20% damage reduction or 100% leech. They're simply too squishy in contrast to other melee dps.

>was resto druid
>watch how one plague strike removed every fucking HoT I put on my partner

i was ashamed by my dps so i did /Recount toggle

MMO PvP is a lost art. It's so sterilized and boring these days. There's no risk.

That's why I miss it so much.

pretty shitty opener. waste of a vanish, time waiting for energy

here's how to do the ass opener in legion

dude demon hunters have like, 4 abillties atm dont they? They are getting the rest at higher levels right?

yeah DH aren't worth playing 'seriously'

and havoc is significantly weaker in pvp than vengeance

>that ui

you get no new abilities in the sense of levling other than the talents you pick in spec (which are either passives that improve your existing shit or 2-3 new abilities)

other then that you get one new ability from artifact

>playing the most overpowered class and build this patch meaning assassination, while whining that DH is bad

You sure showed me OP.

how me a rogue do outlaw pvp

They are only OP at 110.

step 1
step 2 roll them bones
step 3 shoot ur gun

you rethink what you want and roll ass

warlock the strongest class this patch

Get a pirate transmog



this cant be true. that gives demon hunters like 6-8 abillites since 9/10s of their talent and artficat shit is passive.

every other class has 6 abilities
welcome to legion
hope you didnt preorder

They're gimped until 110. If you had read up on them properly you'd have known that.

Why anyone is playing them pre legion is beyond me. Honestly they're fucking cringy to look at anyways so I'm glad they're slowly fucking off.

Why not just play a fucking moba if you play like this?. Curious how people would play if you can't play top down at all.

He thinks dot spam with no kills means anything lol!



Not part of the discussion in this thread. but you seem to be the guy who knows what he's talking about.

is Ass the best across the board in legion?

or will outlaw be more versatile in pvp due to its simplicity?

not even subbed forutently. i just occasionally check up on wow because im still bitter about wod, but i also have nostiglia about the glory days of wow.

If you're gonna play like that, and not even have a angle to see if people are flanking or not, what the fuck are you doing?. Doesn't even have a angle top down to see where fucks are going, and he isn't even a large battle to make sense of this angle.

i don't know what will be the best but outlaw is an RNG spec

there's a lot of complaints because two equal scenarios of play can have night and day outcomes when playing outlaw

a bad player with bad gear can do more dps than a good player with good gear if he gets lucky with 1.5% boners

hey warlock

You have 10 seconds to explain why you haven't dropped WoW after BC or WotLK.

sunk cost

mop was pretty gud

don't be ridiculous.

everyone here has; it's just that everyone also came back hoping for better times.

now leave and go be jaded elsewhere.

Figured as much. Guess i'll be sticking with Ass on my rogue then. Still seems the most straightforward and plain effective class in nearly any situation.

>sunk cost
Damn m8. I'm glad I quit when I still cosidered WoW to be good. Only pleasant memories.

>everyone also came back hoping for better times.
And how did that work out?

>durrr so glad i'm not wasting time on WoW anymore
>still visiting WoW threads telling everyone they shouldn't play

How's your first week on Sup Forums bub?

>finish him
>killing blow

what is 90% of threads on Sup Forums please alex

>Playing on mage alt to gather nethershards
>DH attacks me
>almost kill him but hes in a raid group with healers
>rez and fight him again and jump off a hill
>looks at me and runs
>too pussy to fight without healers
Demon hunters were a mistake.

fuck i know user, seeing that webm genuinely makes me want to pick up the game again, but it's just not worth it.

Woah. shit blocking your vision impacting your performance? Who would have thought? Certainly not a dumbfuck that downloads garbage like that.