I just finished this and it is without a doubt the worst game I have ever played. Not the Steam release, emulated the NES version.
I just finished this and it is without a doubt the worst game I have ever played. Not the Steam release...
Well then time for you to play FF2.
You're a faggot. FF3 is an amazing ambitious rpg for the Famicom. Great visuals, great soundtrack, and had some really cool gimmicks like intentionally turning your team Mini to get into small places.
Shit taste
I've beat the first 6 FF games.
>having to turn yourself mini was a great gimmick
Yeah, I especially liked how once you enter the area as mini you cant attack anything because of your size, you just have to run away from every single encounter in the entire dungeon. That sure was fun, great gameplay choice, great fun selecting run for every combat encounter in that dungeon.
I especially loved the dungeon with the enemies that would split every time you attacked them. So much fun constantly spamming the run button hoping that you would get lucky and be able to escape.
And that final boss isn't overpowered at all. That final boss was a perfectly fair fight made by talented developers who new how to make a fair fun game.
Then how can you possibly find 2 better than 3?
>That final boss was a perfectly fair fight made by talented developers who new how to make a fair fun game.
Ah yes, a challenging gauntlet of bosses is now unfair.
What's funnier is that you were playing the Famicom release instead of the later revisions so it's even easier due to how exploitable everything is.
>he didn't like the Famicom version
I still remember getting the boss battle theme on my LG KG rington wayback in the day. Nah OP, I digged FF3 a nearly two decades ago and still love it to this day. I always thought it was a title that pushed the Famicom to the limit with multitude of classes, large overworld, crystal tower, and the possibility of getting stuck in Castle Argus cause lamo he didn't change jobs to Dragoon!
Really, the DS version should be criticized and allowed Matrix to continue making shit chibi models at 30 frames per second.
Are you a real life meme that repeat what everyone says?
FF2 is one of the best FF games. People that hate can't see Kawazu as their lord and savior.
As for FF3 I would like it better if they didn't give you so many classes. Not because of so many choices but because nearly all the classes are either fucking pointless or just worthless. It feels like the game loves giving you just an upgrade to an existing class which to me is fucking retarded.
I just don't have shit taste.
They essentially made it so each crystal gave you advanced jobs to the basic jobs you were given initially after defeating the turtle. Personally, I felt they were trying to make branches which later evolved to what you see in XI. Besides, it's not like FFV shat out 1/2 as useful jobs than FFIII did.
Is there really any advantage to playing the original nes and snes versions of 1-4 rather than the gba and psp remakes other than being "authentic"?
It's among my top 3 classic FF games, so I'm really curious.
Every class in FF5 had some use. Maybe not all great but I can find a great use for every class. FF3 however felt like the team was just trying to think of as many classes as possible without any rhyme nor reason. If they are going to give you upgrade it really should have just boosted your class instead of making them pointless afterwards. Since by the end you are carrying so many classes but because of the upgraded classes you will never touch anything from the first group of classes.
Which FF should I play if I liked the job system of XII?
GBA and beyond removed spell usage and opt for MP mechanics that most players are familiar with nowadays. It is considered more difficult since you must level up to gain spell usage. If you don't care for that garbage then just play the PSP versions.
There are people that just like the look and music of the NES. FF1 has a romhack that fixes all the bugs and add a run button and other QoL chances. But if you are going to play FF1 only play either the romhack or PSX because all version after that fucks it up big time.
FF2 GBA onward makes it so you never loss stats which was a issue for some people.
As for FF3 I prefer the NES version mostly because I hate the new balancing they tried to do. They upped the worseless classes and decreased the good classes but in the end you are still more likely than not going to just pick to good classes because even a slight better worseless class in FF3 is still worseless. They also made magic weaker which to me was pretty dumb move since it made spell casters and healers just annoying to play.
FF4 PSP is the best way to play it personally. DS is still a great version too.
I refuse to recommend the DS versions of III or IV to anyone, they literally put 1/2 the budget into the stupid CGI opening and that's it; Matrix developers are a fraud.
You clearly never played I, II, IV, VI, or IX then.
if we're talking about NES RPGs it's pretty good, it's okay even when you ignore the time it was made
it's not like there's a huge selection of good NES RPGs with interesting mechanics/stories/characters, a lot of them are just DQ clones
FFI was kinda meh with a bland job system (if you can even call it that) and the only good version of II is on the GBA (which I liked a lot tbqh)