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Video Games #3485
Video Games
Lmao dude chill it's just a game
Well played Gamescom... Well played
Why does this game run so fucking bad while running like shit?!
"That thing on your wrist - it's a convenience. It tells you where to go, what to do, dulls your brain...
Final Fantasy XV
What are good Sentai/Toku games out there, Sup Forums?
Let's hear your game idea, Mr user
Why do people prefer watching gameplay on YouTube instead of playing games? My cousin's are 12...
Deus ex mankind divided
One day I will own this board
Is this Sup Forums can agree about?
Can we have a shelf/collection thread?
Are you playing Warhammer 40k: Eternal Crusade, Sup Forums?
Nintendo will retweet comics that make fun of the company, but won't tweet about the 30th anniversary of Metroid
Now the dust has settled is it fun?
Console-tan Tuesday
Saturn Emulation!
Are you prepared?
See enemy has a genji
ITT: Best maps in their respective series
Now that Overwatch has all these hot girls in it, TF2 looks kind of gay in retrospect
Hail the GOTY pls
Top tier PC games for the last five years? I have a lot of catching up to do. No cross-platforms
Bud Light? Never heard of 'em
We're experiencing history right now
Can someone explain to me why there's suddenly a vehement and delusional defense force for this game here...
Get kicked out of the village for being single
Trigger Sup Forums
How do I beat "Out of the Frying Pan" in Monster Hunter?
We succeeded in taking that picture, and, if you look at it, you see a dot. That's here. That's home...
If you play on easy mode it ends just before the final boss
Help me think of a good name for my new Animal Crossing town
Why does every single turd developer think they are the destined one to create the next big digital card game?
He uses shotos, charge characters, grapplers, or zoners
Dead Rising 4
Like a game
In competitive games...
Little sister has bigger tits that you
Getting good is literally the worst thing that you can do in this series. Everything becomes so boring
Am I a faggot for liking it?
Why do people keep buying hollywood shit? Why do people want videogames to be movies...
Hmm, haven't heard about that game before
Post future god tier games
Darkstalker thread
What is Sup Forums opinion on Assassin's Creed series? What's the best game of the franchise?
Time to get the dust off your 3DS Sup Forums
Guys, we're running out of time, so let's quickly cobble together a strong enemy without play testing it
Are you ready for EVERSPACE™?
Grand Theft Auto
Any games worth waiting for?
3x3 thread. Show off your shit taste
Sequel changes the main characters voice actor
Have you knelt in worship of the Literally Perfect Goddess today?
Are you toxic in multiplayer games? Why?
Mafia III - The Heist Gamescom 2016 Trailer
PSVUE is a pretty decent value
Who /UNO/ here?
Finally it's happening!
Help a brutha out
What vidya character could they have possibly seen!? Who could make the great Lord Frieza and Cell tremble?
Electric boss
Dead rising
ITT: Series with no good games
It's out
Persona Series
Zero Time Dilemma
Looking for a friend to play this with since I don't really have any. I'm pretty shitty(rank 62)...
What are some Sup Forums approved game devs? Pic very related
No, I won't switch, I main [character]
Nuka World
Convince me
Is Alice's game fun?
"Will there be DLC?" - "No!"
I need a game that will consume my all my free time. And I have a lot of free time...
So Sup Forums whats the best licensed music in vidya?
God Eater Resurrection
Did you make the kino of your dreams yet, Sup Forums?
Kojima confirmed to be working on new Lego game
Still playing those video games, son?
Making a game, what should i call it?
Game has a gender slider
Open paint
Why are actually thick vidya girls so rare?
Why do we hate No Man's Sky?
I watered all the seeds, the fuck am I supposed to do now?
Im playing Super Metroid for the first Time, and Im stuck at this room. What am i supposed to do?
Do you read the loreshit that games offer you via Computers and Books?
Мeaиwhile oи sovieт Sup Forums
Why PC98 games have the best pixel art? Why nobody tried to copy it?
Teens Play Dark Souls
Your appointment to FEMA should be finalized within the week. I've already discussed the matter with the senator
No Math's Sky
Names that trigger you
Ambition is really keeping me waiting this time
Anyone care to suggest some good gaming mice in the $100-ish range? Just came off one of these...
Holy shit, this is fucking great
Dying Light appreciation thread anyone?
Just softmodded my Wii
What would you like a character based on your looks to be like?
Beloved game franchise has a reboot
Whew so far so good hey that's
Millennials are born hypocrites
No Man's Sky
Game has different endings
What type of gamer are you?
Why are you playing subpar stealth games when you could be playing the greatest stealth series of all time?
What are some bad experiences that you've had with MMO communities?
This game is shit because all the people who play it are shitty
We'd only been married a short time. By now, she had been dead longer than I knew her
Rotcucks will defend this
Times Sup Forums was wrong
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
What do you want to see in the next mainline Mario games?
Why do you still support nintendo?
Show me a good water level in ANY GAME Sup Forums, i dare you!
Split screen when?
Help me come up with a good name for my new Animal Crossing town
Who /squad/ here?
Does this game prove that realism fags are the worst?
What's your GOTY so far, Sup Forums?
The wait is finally over
Seriously .. Sup Forums no trolling - VR Gimmick this year
Ask someone who got the game early anything
Fallout 4 season pass
World of Final Fantasy adds Bartz, Boco, and Terra
How could we possibly improve this chapter as it's proven to be quite short?
What went right
So now that we got shut down again for having porn in the thread...
There Can only be 1 Sup Forums
Do you like Metroid?
Elder Scrolls 6 leaks
Project Sonic
Is LoK ever getting a reboot?
Me and my girlfriend, we're a gamer couple
How do you respond when someone in public asks you if you're a "GAMER"?
I decided to start the Neptunia series this week, so went to buy the first one on Steam...
It's a shame that a game with so much charm probably will have a mediocre gameplay
Is it dead yet?
GamesCom soon. Expectations? Fears?
ITT: Post your favorite lie about a video game
What did he mean by this?
Why is the new Jojo game so awful?
Skill ranking will be set in tiers bronze, silver, gold etc
ITT; Characters literally nobody likes
Mai Natsume confirmed as playable in Blazblue Central Fiction
Why would you put a healstrip over a sock?
Mai is added to BB
1 more week, who hyped?
Time for a filename thread
Some Steam keys for Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair:
Is this game a 1:1 remake of Metroid 2 or not? I played Metroid 2 when I was a kid so I can't remember
What do you do if you're an "Idea Guy"?
What's the most insane game in existence?
This is Lucina!
Fucking hipster's sandbox
Stop right there, criminal scum!
Anyone else playing this?
Webm thread
What are the most comfiest games and why?
Monster Hunter
Poorly describe the ending of your favorite game and let others guess what it is
Is this the most assravaged that Sup Forums-at large has ever been over a platform exclusive?
I want you to tell me, modern games with necromancer class's
What games did you play today user
Test your reaction time Sup Forums. I have really bad reaction time...
Hurr durr controllers are superior for gaming, leave your mouse at the office
How many game series follow this pattern?
Monkey Paw: Vidya Edition
Life is officially unfair
Just found this hot garbage at a comic store
Is there any reason to own a dedicated sound card these days, or are they just an outdated meme?
Anyone still play this?
The final boss is YOU
This was released at Steam today. Should I get it?
Join game
ITT: Games women will never understand
GoldenEye Source
Is 3DS a good console?
You know the drill
Just try and post a comfier game than this...You can't
Yfw too intellectual to waste my time and money on video games
Why wont you love her?
Do you remember when the Xbox One was going to be Online-Only Sup Forums? I remember
Denuvo is updated, Again
Name ONE game you're amazing at. It doesn't matter what game it is, you just have to be good at it...
What do you tell your friends when they ask what video games you play?
We're experiencing history right now
So long, gay Bowser!
Is this officially the best Final Fantasy game?
Do you like Jimbo? I like Jimbo
Vidya Reaction Image Thread
Titanfall 2 no PC beta
Tfw too intelligent for fighting games
I had this terrible nightmare that FFXV was delayed 2 months. Woke up in a cold sweat. I'm just glad it's over. haha
Casual filters
What does Sup Forums think of watchdawgs
Unreal Tournament 4
All releasing around the same time
What's up with all the Japanese games on Steam lately?
Finally making changes to competitive
Did you find Star Road (and Special World) on your own, or you got spoiled?
Not using your gameboy as a screen
Choose best girl
What does Sup Forums think of No More Heroes?
Since everyone's excited about Nioh, why don't we have a thread devoted to other great samurai and ninja games?
Hey there
Persona 5
Destiny has a better backstory and universe than story and actual gameplay
Is this the death of the Far Cry franchise?
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
The worst Assassin's Creed games
Name the best RTS you've ever played
Is there a reason to buy No Mans Sky when Spore exist?
Just started. So what's the best way to play this weird-ass game? Also
Do you play as boys on vidya?
What should I play first?
Fifty dollars
What went wrong?
Ready for the new Obsidian Fallout?
What dps classes and specs are good for PvE after the pre-patch? Fury warrior is ridiculous
SEGA does
Save the princess, Sup Forums
Join healslut discord for laughs
A 5 star user says your favorite game is shit
So does Link use a longsword or a shortsword?
Haven't played my 3DS in years. Looking to get back into it. What are the most God-Tier games?
Overwatch has the deepest lore
Post dream NX launch titles
Name a more disastrous launch in video games history than NMS
What's the deal with Yume Nikki?
What's her name?
Ace Attorney
You know... FO4 wasn't really that bad. It was an awful fallout game for sure...
Puzzle Games
10 years in the making
Spaceengine thread
Resident Evil 4 for PS4
Fall for the Linux gaming meme
How's that gaming channel?
What went wrong?
ITT: Weapons in a game you would only use if you want to make life harder for yourself or want an extra challenge...
Gta v gripes you dont think people have heard yet
The main heroine or the girl you romanced in the last game you played now has a smoker's voice
What the fuck where they thinking with these '''''''puzzles'''''''
Mega Man Battle Network HD announced!!!
Do you still enjoy pokemon Sup Forums?
What's the best video game about Friendship?
I want Sup Forums to apologize to Sean and Hello Games. And I want you to do it NOW
This is a Swiss Field Medic ageing well into her forties
ITT: Games you really wanted to like but couldn't
Why haven't Sony or MS started their own toys to life to compete with amiibo?
Can we have an ACTUAL underrated thread?
This is your healer tonight
Mercy new ability ideas?
You have been banned
He doesn't smoke weed while playing vidya
Is this the most overrated """""""great""""""" game?
What are some good games that feature kitties?
Ok /v, what do you think of vinesauce
Why haven't you preordered Neros game?
Tfw fat
What does Sup Forums think of Furi?
Mousepad thread
Patriarchy really an top issue in first world countries
Girl joins the clan
What games did you play today?
How is pic related? It's at 14...
Filename thread
No REAL Kirby game
Only 6% of players got to rank 60 or above
It says here that you want an oficial Sonic H dating game. Is it true user?
Hey Sup Forums whats the most autistic thing you have done in a game?
Which version are you getting Sup Forums?
That one autistic friend who would spend minutes organizing his attache case
Describe your ideal Metroid Dread
Admit it, Sup Forums. If all these legendary devs worked together, we would have the best game in history
Same voice actor thread
Is this shit real?
He plays as a girl
No fighting's been a while! I'm back to give away steam codes! Sorry for being gone so long. I've been being lazy
Pathologic thread
What are the best Sup Forums related games?
Metroid 2 Remake
ITT: Famous people you would like to play vidya with
ITT: times when you felt like the Joker in video games
What's got her pouting, Sup Forums?
When does this game start? I'm chapter seven and all I did was fuck around...
Destiny The Collection
There was a time when video games didn't exist
Hey Sup Forums
Give me one good reason why you refuse to purchase this game, m8?
I-its not a complex space game, its an exploration game?
What does Sup Forums think of Haydee?
Why has Nintendo been fixing Daisy's model recently?
What does Sup Forums think of Satoru Iwata?
Who would win in a fight?
I asked my SJW sister to rate Overwatch characters by showing her pictures of them
RTS Thread
How do we make her viable without going full Zenyatta and making her OP?
Why isn't Lucio Jamaican?
Dawn of War 3 Confirmed no sync kills
Main antagonist's overall motive is simply to have more power
Just woke up from a 7 year coma
Explain this, Fromcücks
Just finished this game. What did you guys think about it? I missed all the pre and post release threads about it...
600,000 copies at $60
ITT: cancer
What vidya girl has the best armpits?
If you haven't beaten ten Final Fantasy games, y
Warcraft 3 thread
ITT: unsettling areas in non-horror vidya
This game will NEVER be moddable
Why was this console gen so short?
What's his name again?
Is this the best Mega Man game?
Meanwhile, in the grim-dark future of Sup Forums
When is the next weeb sale on PSN?
The TRUE best girl
Legion Pre-Patch
ITT: games that were too hard for you so you quit
ITT: Your favorite game, biggest secret, and have you been to a beach
Bungie commercials for the most part we're top tier
Dolphin Netplay
Farewell, ashen one. Mayst thou thy peace discov'r
Games you first played long after release
ITT: Games worshipped by overly vocal contrarian hipsters who will cite arbitrary reasons for their lower-than-expected...
Is this the most powerful protagonist in video games?
Who's the best and worst video game characters iyo?
Dom "The Big Dawg" Vanner is on the front page of Reddit right now and has a tweet with 25,000 retweets...
What are some must-play Barney games?
Enter ancient tomb that has been sealed for 3000 years
Are you ready, Sup Forums?
Kill Kut ku
So who's the sexiest Tales girl?
What games should I play if I'm a black female basketball player?
Why do people freak out if you say that you need to grind in a jrpg...
Ff lol
Would you want to play Polybius? Does anybody here believe in it?
So who's looking forward to the DaS3 DLC?
Open game case
Played the demo for Stella Glow, and it seemed pretty good to me, but I have to ask you guys what you thought...
What are some games I can play as an Egyptian in ?
Just started playing this and it's great so far. Why did it get so much hate...
/DSP/ general
I know we are all divided over this game Sup Forums..but, for those who have played it...
Smash Flash 2 Final Roster
Game has romance options
Space Engine thread
Give me a game that I could beat only using one finger
Recommend me a game
Steam friend removes you
What is this Sup Forums
Reviewers where too hasty
SCORN - Have you heard of it?
Meanwhile in Zanarkand Sup Forums
Monster Hunter thread
Leaving for gamestop in 10 mins with the last of my cash (bills done) dubs picks what game i buy
Name any other developer that communicates with their players like this
What's the most blatant in-game advertising you've ever seen?
Let's have a PM thread
Huh.. is it good ?
Anyone get theirs yet?
What went wrong?
Post games you hope you could someday emulate
Sean Murray Says He Was “Perhaps Naive” in Saying No Man’s Sky Won’t Have Paid DLC
This looks like such shlock
Tfw you will never play Dark Souls for the first time ever again
The you're 19 but Gamestop refuses to sell you 16+ games because you look underage
Game manual is a page
You guys hyped for the NX?
ITT: vidya girls with nice "assets"
Beast Races Thread
Final boss is a ticklefight
10/10 Games
Is this an accurate representation of Brazil in video games?
Being a male player
WoW - Warcraft - Legion
Boss produces so many particles that framerate drops
It's fun if you turn your brain off
Sup Forums will defend this
Which Resident Evil girl is best?
Will we ever get a new 2D Mario game that isn't a continuation of bland-as-fuck nu-Mario style?
How does blizzard maker her viable? Maybe add 50 armor? She's literally in a suit of armor
Game where you can play as a beast race
What's up with that ending?
Opinions? I'm about to spend $5 on it
Is hentai game discussion allowed?
Will arcades ever make a comeback?
Weapon degradation is bad
We're lazy. Thanks for doing our jobs for us <3
Why is Oblivion garbage compared to the rest of the series?
It's kind of coincidental how like in most games pigs are evil
Coffee in video game
Solid 8.5/10
Half Life 3 confirmed at gamescon
First dragon's dogma run
What went so terribly right?
I can't believe Sup Forums likes this bullshit
Is John Marston the best Rockstar protagonist?
Do you watch anyone regularly? Have you ever thought about making your own channel?
Have 30$, what gamecube game should I pick up?
Who takes the gold?
ITT: Mechanics everyone absolutely fucking hates, but devs keep putting them in games anyway
I'm mad
Why are good Lovecraftian games so rare?
So got this from local game store today currently downloading patch 1.01
Has any game ever had a level more bullshit than this?
Is 2016 the year of blunders?
Barely beat friend in game
Did someone just say what I think they said?
This is a godawful platformer
Not even a thousand deaths would be fitting punishment for thy sins! I shall smite thee...
Guild leader has a Japanese sounding name
Buff when?
Cost 1/6th the price of Mighty No 9
ITT: games that have aged like fine wine
The game is the litmus test for shit taste
Let's be honest Sup Forums Final Fantasy XV was in trouble the moment Tetsuya Nomura was no longer in charge...
Sup Forums plays Fire Emblem 9
Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma Thread
Why has spritework deteriorated so much in recent years, despite the surge in popularity 2D games have received?
Paid DLC for No Mans Sky confirmed
So after watching a bunch of Twin Perfect videos I'm pretty much convinced how unimportant any game after 4 is...
What game lets me play as a shark?
Massive online war games
Have you ever bought a game just for the online multiplayer and didn't regret it?
Seriously Sup Forums? If you aren't calling for this shit to be nerfed you are the cancer killing Call of Birdie...
No Man's Sky: a successful launch in Sweden
Sup Sup Forums?
All right, how would you make a proper space game?
Say what you will about FO4, bethesda and it's DLC policies, but you gotta admit these guys look pretty bitchin'
This game is the litmus test for shit taste
What games do turn-based combat well, Sup Forums? What makes turn-based combat good?
Mfw this is the greatest game i have played all year, and i've bought and played most major AAA releases
This boss fight is shit. I don't want to play this game anymore. Fuck you
How will it be Sup Forums?
Mega man's creator took everyone on a ride, delayed a game 3 years, and released a turd
Use all of your video game knowledge to get the cake
This design is superior to the Zero Suit
What is a game that will allow me to temporarily escape from my crippling major depression?
What are some games, that have an unexpected twist?
Why aren't you playing Sega Saturn right now?
Why are you browsing Sup Forums now? Arent you afraid of spoilers for the biggest game of the year?
ITT: post a webm that sums up the entirety of a game
Afternoon, Sup Forums!
Would you play with a girl who has autism?
Is there something I'm missing with the Counter-Strike series? What is it with the weapon accuracy in every game...
ITT: Fuck you, I liked it. Pic related
PS4 4.00 Update Coming Soon
WoW thread
ITT: Games you liked but noone else played
Is this the cutest video game character ever?
Garbage games that Sup Forums tricked you into playing
What's a good game where I can play the part of the antagonist?
Name a villain more perfect than Cell
Shill Thread
So Sup Forums what are your thoughts about Quake Champions...
Puts me to fill in for a shitter team that is getting his shit pushed in so hard its not even funny and there are less...
What's your GOTY so far, Sup Forums?
What's this?
Game features sexy characters
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
More lull?
What is the most american video game ever?
Is Heavy Rain good?
New Splatoon Testfire
Brb smoke break
Stop being a lazy nodev and get back to work on that hit new indie title Sup Forums
Post your 3x3s and rate others
Name a better soundtrack than this one
What is the best extreme sports game?
Is Quiet is the most interesting and strongest MGS Character?
Game has fantasy races
He'll come back to us someday... r-right?
What was her problem?
Objectively the best gameplay in the series
Anyone else pissed?
Half Life 3
Name a better, more complex video game than Dwarf Fortress
Parappa the Rapper thread
Should the Sonic series just proceed with these 6 characters?
It's not going to suck... is it?
Is DA:I any good? Worth a playthrough as it's dirt cheap right now...
ITT: Games that actually fit the definition of "artificial difficulty"
Finally shipped
Here you ever met a real girl in a videogame, user? and had fun with her
Alright Sup Forums
Final Fantasy XV
How do we fix Sup Forums?
Why do console editions trigger Sup Forums so much?
ITT games that Sup Forums told you were not good but are in fact masterpieces
Here's your controller bro
How can Rosalina be a heavy weight in Mario Kart when she's as thin as a rake?
Do you enjoy playing scary games or are you too much of a pussy?
The great debate
Casual filters
What went wrong?
Why are american gamers such cunts?
Fuck off ben
Rayman Legends
PS2 Portable Emulation
Sequels that ruined the franchise
Steam avatars thread
Everyone hates game grumps
SCORN - Have you heard of it?
Meanwhile in Cyberpunk Sup Forums
Most female trainers revealed are lolis
Good news...
You will play my game when it comes out, right Sup Forums?
What is your opinion on Legend of Zelda?
Monster Hunter fucking sucks
No Man's Scam
How do we make GTA 5 great again
I don't remember what people were saying about this game around its release. How was it received?
Best. Game. Ever
You are sent into the last video game you've played, how fucked are you?
What did they mean by this?
Thoughts on the warioware series?
Reminder that Wii U is still the best console this generation
Does Sonic have the worst fanbase?
The great debate
Do you ever feel the need to stick up for kids who get bullied in online games? Not even banter...
Just launched a new browser game with a friend
I got the new firmware, jealous?
Why does this trigger Sup Forums so much?
Are there RPGs where losing or reducing some stats is part of normal gameplay? That is...
What are the best Pac-Man games?
Sup Forums tells a game is good
Battlestation thread
Varian's character development
Zero Escape was a fun trilogy
ITT: You hear it, you lose
Your opinion on Spyro 2
Has there ever been a moment like this in gaming? Where the protege climbs up the ranks to beat the master?
Why do you always play as a girl, user?
Was it a good ending?
How do I into this game? I want to have fun and stuff like the stories I've read on here
Miss me yet, Sup Forums?
I really liked this
Is it true that sexual predators utilize popular mobile game "Pokemon GO" to lure unsuspecting children into sexual...
King of Fighters XIV
GoldenEye 007 gets a remake with modern graphics
So, this happened:
Excuse him
Will pink haired Super Saiyan be in Xenoverse 2?
Anyone remembers this game? Anyone? I really don't think so
I just finished this and it is without a doubt the worst game I have ever played. Not the Steam release...
Anyone here bought less games since Denuvo?
She will be replaced soon
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...