Why do you always play as a girl, user?

>Why do you always play as a girl, user?

How am I supposed to answer this? Just come up with some bullshit answer?

There are only two answers, since there are only two genders.

Now post some sexy pokegirls.

Just tell them to fuck off.

Why DO you play as a girl, user?

oh great this thread again
>ur a fag 4 playing as a woman
>ur a fag 4 looking at a mans ass all day

Who cares, post more Donuts-chan

I like cute things, and the female character usually tends to be cuter.

Because they look better.
I did not pick the girl in HeartGold because her hat looked retarded.

Because you like designing characters and exploring stories?
Because playing Males all the time in video games is hardly exploring a fantasy idea, or at worst is a simple self insert?
Because playing dress up is fun?

Didn't we have this thread yesterday?

Haven't we had this thread hundreds of times already?

>play as the character that is more visually appealing
>in games with more esthetics, usually a 50/50 split between male/female based on how they move, attack, etc
>games with avatar customization, female, they always have more options

Only if its a loli.

"I don't always play as a girl"

I play as a girl character most of the time. Because I want to be a girl. It's pretty simple.

Tell them the truth: you wish you were born a girl.

People these days are pretty tolerant.

Because i like girls.

BW2's a win-win. Either you play as a cute girl or you get to romance one.

Why not?

Wait, so Pineapple gets to fug Donuts?

I like girls *and* I want to be a girl. Checkmate.


"I like to watch her get hurt whenever I die."

If I'm going to look at somebodys back for the entire game, it might as well be a female butt.
Also, free items, user.

I am a degenerate user, I just can't help myself

Same desu

I publicly wish I were a girl. Thank god for having an accepting family and friends.

>i like wearing dresses and being treated as a slut
It's not that fucking hard.

The only valid reason is because the guy looks retarded

>because she's cute

I am neither a girl nor a pokemon trainer in real life.
It's a video game.

I always play as the boy, because I think boys are cute!

Because I wanna be a lesbian. Like a tranny lesbian, actually. Periods suck.

No, but pineapple gets to fug a cuter girl. And gets some good pokermans out of it.

Same, user. Skirts are also acceptable.

If the choice is between a girl and a cute boy like that I always find myself unable to choose

It's pretty fun. You should give it a try.

i'm jealous. my family isn't gonna take it too bad i think but i'm still too scared to out myself.

Why would I tell people I want to be treated as a slut?

I genuinely wish I was a girl.
Being a male isn't that bad, and is miles better than being a transexual abomination, but skirts are too cute.

I roleplay characters in different games and files.
That's all there is to it.

First play through male, second female

because people won't treat you like the slut you are otherwise?

>tfw my hatred for being male outweighed everything else
Ah well, better than wanting to kill myself on the daily

So they'll treat you like a slut. Duh.

The worst part for me was talking to my mom about it, but it went well. Good luck to you.

Worse taste user

Cause the girl has an excuse to dress like a bitch

ITT: Sup Forums admitting its hidden ambitions to be a little girl.

>"because the dude is awful"
This worked for me for all games but 5th generation, then I sad girl was cuter.

Because it's the truth and don't you fucking lie to me bitch.

This. I may not be 100% female, but at least I'm moderately attractive and not suicidal.

>"I like girls"

>hidden ambitions

New around here?

Now seriously, if you could chose wouldn't you pick being a little girl?

i mean all of them could just as well be 12 year old girls but the later generations aren't even trying to pretend to be a boy anymore.

The hell is that? A qunari? Or whatever Bioware stole that concept from?

I can't justify, I really like playing as cute girls.

i'm far ahead of you, user. i'm already taking my hormones daily :3


I'd like to wear a skirt too. Looks comfy as fuck.
Scotts get to do it, we should be able to without looking like complete fags.

The latest one is, but no one is buying it.

because I like girls.

which one do you like, user?

It must be comfy feeling the breeze caress your bare legs and reach your underwear.
It's also nice how easy it'd be to bend you over and rape you without having to take it off first.

"Because I wish I was a cute pokegirl getting fucked raw by huge pokeknots all day"
Here, was it really that hard?

If you casually walk about wearing a kilt in most areas of Scotland, people will look at you pretty funny.

Honestly I hate the customizable characters. They just seem so lifeless to me. I get it gives more control over your appearance but I am just not a fan.

i play as a girl for shits and giggles

That's not true.

the left looks like a worse looking girl.

Thanks for the "choice" Japan.

>not coming up with a dead sister story and saying you do it to remember her

Fucking normies

I saw some old fat bearded bloke with a kilt on in Wales. As long as you're not either a numale or a neckbeard you can probably pull off a kilt.

That said, tartan kilts are often left for ceremonies.

Well then it doesn't apply to you. But knowing Sup Forums it's probably true anyways, you just don't know it yet.

I like to play as a female because I can pretend she's my girlfriend and I can dress her as pretty and pure as I would like her to be

Why are pokegirls always drawn like old hag cowtits when they are like 13?

>because i'm not a faggot
come on, what kind of homo do you have to be to consciously choose watching male ass on your screen instead of female one

What are some games where I can play as a boy and wear cute girl clothes?

They're older in 5th generation or something like that?

Life. At least, it works for me.

>Why did you dress your sister dressed like an underage hooker?

Because 13 year olds aren't attractive.


>Because 13 year olds aren't attractive.


I'll have to wait until I move out for that, it would be pretty weird otherwise

Animal Crossing, user. We had a huge community full of traps in here, now the general is almost dead.

I always play as the male because I am male.

That is the way it should be.

With Pokemon it's easy, just tell them it's because the male character designs are awful and make them look like faggots.

That way you can cover up your deeply hidden desire to be a cute lesbian. The hurt is real.

Well then, this. Someday you'll know the pleasure of panties and a skirt. That's pretty much what I lounge around in all day.

AnonAnim on paheal

Why do you always play as girls?

I like alternating between them because I like the designs, I like to see if dialog changes. Playing as a girl isn't always about self inserting, though that can be fun.

>calling others new

Most people aren't pedos like you and they tend to draw characters with their own preferences.


that's what i was telling myself while i was still in denial. it's 2016, user, you can stop lying to yourself now.

As that user said, I need to wait a little bit more until I move. I'm curious as hell and I don't want a fake girlfriend just to wear her clothes.

Thanks, I'll try it.

I wish Agemono would go back to drawing Red with his Pokemon.

>picture of a Pignite
she'd be getting his drill. Not a knot.

I like to remember her as she lived

>Why are you playing as a girl?
Are you autistic?

Can I have a day off from these threads please?
Anyone got some complimentary (You)s?