Kill Kut ku
Destroy kut ku families
Monster Hunter thread
Kill Kut ku
Destroy kut ku families
Monster Hunter thread
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Who the fuck decided to use a General image to start the last thread
Good fucking going champ
>Male hunter
>Actually don't mind the Rathalos armors aesthetically
>Almost all of them are competent
How can other trainers even compete?
Come up with a Sub-Species/Variant for your favorite monster
>Green (x2)
>Purple (x2)
>Crimson (x2)
>Still no yellow
Oh yeah, forgot to mention there's at least two white (Fatalis, Monoblos) and black (Diablos, Gravios) subspecies each
to the rounds room doing squid kid earlier, power went out so sorry about the sudden dc, but thanks for the runs, triple gunner can get pretty silly
English version never?
Phoenix and DoritosDude, I know you're from here. Fun hunts guys, besides the last one I guess
That RP shit was pretty gay though even if we were just waiting for more people
This thread seems more active than the other one
High rank turns, seriously guys I just wanna hunt some shit
i have all the shit i need on a prowler besides crit L and earplugs
should i keep on scouting?
>can't find Teostra quest anymore
whats up with that?
Those are like the most important skills to get. One or the other though unless you want options, preferably earplugs though
Some quests rotate. Enjoy.
What is this? Is this a real? It looks too pretty to be real ;___;
anyone wanna help me farm Teostra?
no password
>when a Hunting Horn bro joins your quest
How can we encourage more of this shit. The buffs are incredible from these faggots.
That framerate is much too high.
>hunted in a turns lobby with a HH guy
>never buffed
fuck you p9867 i saw you with that Attack Deflection Prevention
uncanny valley
high or low?
>no password
>Mundus Regius looks cool as fuck
>130 Atk fully upgraed
low, i want the armor
Tired as shit
anyone want to help me finish all-clearing HR 6? ive got like 14 hypers and cat shit to do
>no giant monster besides piss easy squid in a nostalgia wank title.
U wot m8? And that's even after having a complete fucking rehash in 4th gen.
What were capcom thinking?
That fur tho
Well seeing as I can't get a turns room going tonight, looks like I'm soloing shit for a while
who wants to help me hunt some velocidromes
lobby'll stay up for about an hour.
my connection kicked me out so here is the new one
Teostra farming
PW: 0000
Hunting Horn is the best shit. Dat backswing. Dat superpound. Timing attacks and song upkeep to keep optimal damage is the most fun I've ever had in Monster Hunter.
whats the best HBG?
>Shotgun Brachydios
>Can shoot slime that explodes on contact
>each shot produces wind pressure
>tail is sharpened so it can inflict bleeding
>when enraged it coughs slime
>arms have the shape of dragon dildos
>when fungasax joins your dreadqueen/king room
If I weren't shit with it I'd main hh
One spot open for HR turns
Password: 7243
I believe there are assholes who don't learn any songs, they just spam notes and expect for shit to line up
still open
Blastmire Uragaan.
Its scales are a dark, mucky brown color, while the black tar on its body is a bright slime green.
It leaves explosive slime trails behind it whenever it rolls, can fling blobs of slime off its body, and when it super-pounds the ground with its chin, it causes all slime in the area to simultaneously explode.
>Be HH user with wide range+2
>Tfw buffing everyone with the 20% attack up song plus the effect from might seeds.
So the last Monster Hunter game I played was MH3U. How does Generations compare to it?
In this one, you hit it until it dies.
ever wonder what MH3U would be like if everyone could jump 10 feet in the air whenever they wanted? its like that
>It's monster stays near the very edge of zone and your teammates try to still fight it and end up leaving the zone instead of backing out into the middle of the area episode
Quildmarm a cute
Lowlands Gobul
A variant of Gobul that lives in places like the marshlands and Primordial jungle, a vibrant yellow-green hide with orange spots, and buries itself under the loose muddy floor.
instead of a flasher to stun prey, the lowlands Gobul uses a lashing frog-like tongue to snatch items, and drags hunters into it's maw to slowly devour them.
instead of paralysis, it's element is now poison.
What's a better endgame DB; the Firestorm, or the Enflamed Slicers?
>Hunting Horn
>wide range +2
you're an insult for hunting horn users, for hunters in general and even an insult for shitters
Same. Especially since strange set gives maestro and destroyer.
And turns my huntress into a viera.
Fungal Barroth
Lives in dense temperate forests and nearby caves.
Sleeps for long periods of time and the crevices in its crown and plates are ideal for bacteria and fungus to grow.
Can shake off poisonous spores.
kut-ku a cute
What does Sup Forums want to see in MH5?
>when you accidentally hold down the power button in the middle of a quest
Fucking New 3DS... This has happened to me eight times.
>its a ian/los flies around outside the map all hunt episode.
Seregios subspecies.
for it to be higher res than 240p
Pale Mizutsune, a female counterpart that's considerably uglier and much more aggressive
I'd like to see a revamp of how zones work.
Nothing is worse then being hit and sent flying through a load zone, and then you have to sit through another one just to get back into the fight.
Pub rooms that aren't shit
Palico type companions, but with baby monsters.
Ammo Saver is a lot more useful for my Bow than I thought it'd be. I can actually notice a difference. Bringing Ammo Saver and combines I haven't ran out of Power Coatings in any quest yet.
>hunt-a-thon with random infinite monsters
>fighting alongside a baby bubble dragon
Reworked styles that aren't based off modifying the roll/block and are more of an alternative moveset.
Limit hunter arts to only one that's a weapon exclusive move. Absolute Evade/Readiness was too good.
Every returning monster either getting overhauled or their moveset expanded to make them more interesting fights.
Gunlance shell damage being scaled to raw like CB phials without somehow being worse than they currently are, maybe some extra tools/mobility.
4U guardpointing restored, they can take out the quickdial AED but come the fuck on
>Zinogre's use of thunder relates to Zeus
Sygian Zinogre's name is in reference to the River Styx where Hades is
>It would be logical the a rare species Zinogre would use water elements to correspond to Poseidon
Should I make the Duramboros HH or stick with the Tetsu HH?
They have the same songs except the Duramboros has a heal and a heal+antidote and the Tetsu has Psychic, Negate Stun, and Bind Res
>Multiplayer Free Hunt
>New weapons (Hunting Hound or wyvern boomerang plz)
>Maybe Loc Lac?
Aisha best girl
I need more jho for my computer. Post jho.
Mostly Gen 3, 4, and 5 new monsters.
Bring a few Gen 1 and 2s like Tigrex, Rajang, Kut Ku, Narga, Diablos and Black Diablos.
>Atlantean Zinogre
>You can fight it underwater
is hayabusa feather the best helm in the game/
aerial combat with jetpacks
expert is piss easy to get into most mixed sets. barrage earring is superior.
I like that one comic with him and peco
Monster taming
Does anyone else reckon Deviljho's unstable gimmick is kind of wearing thin by now?
Same goes for Rajang, at least in a non G-Rank title without being able to chain the Blanka ball.
His idle animation is bobbing and swaying
His variation of normal moves have him doing weird dance-like movements
He wears giant shades and a flashy vest, possibly a gaudy necklace
>not posting funky Brachy
Step it up, senpai.
Heal songs aren't recommended and it'll be faster to just drink an antidote than playing the song.
If you want to avoid poison then try Fungasax it negates poison and other status.
Don't tell me what to do
Over 150 hours in
Would play but wirelessly backing up data
Maxed out 3 variant armors
Almost hr 100
Paria is best monster!
>Feeling burned out on the grind as a weapon collector
>Want to start using another weapon
>Realize I would be starting an entirely new grind for that weapon
I just want fully upgraded weapons. Those crowns are taunting me and it feels like I'm never making any progress towards them.
>wide range
>on anything besides sns
please, stop embarrassing yourself
Anyone want to clear HR 6 with me? Obviously I'll reciprocate urgents. Room I.D. is
32-7921-5478-3702 pw is 1337
I do what I want.