King of Fighters XIV

Unrequited love edition

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She's perfection.


Everyone's favorite character returns.

Will Kensou ever score?


So are these threads gonna be about the game and playing with each other or is it just gonna be some waifu trash I should filter?

Probably the former once everyone gets their copy but there will always be waifufags.

Never ever.

Why is Mai such a bitch?

No idea

Because she's the same character she's always been. If your asking about since the beginning, I dunno.

How the fuck is dude playing this

Will you play with me when I get my copy senpai?

That's not Kasumi


so gents

have you seen that announcement about top fighting game pro's battling each other in King of Fighters XIV ?

She needs to get laid.

Like...anybody else who got an early copy?

This dude's voice is annoying me somehow. Also just sitting there for literally the first minute.

So how do you acquire an early copy?

Oh you know.


I'm so fucking envy, the premium edition looks great


U telling me that Kukri is Ash ?

because I would love that, even if it IS an asspull

I don't think that's what happened, user.

well, it should have

Kukri is working for Elizabeth, it seems. And they revive Ash.
Although I'm confused - Ash was literally erased from existence in the current timeline, so this must be an Ash from some other timeline. So does that mean in another universe, Ash just suddenly vanishes?

>Wins a Fighting Tournament
>Burns all of the Prize Money while yelling nonsense

Oh Xanadu, you're so silly

Dont question the plot of KOF, it went haywire after rugal

I need that team mexico art as wallpaper right FUCKING NOW

Kukri could still be working with Those from the past.

But in order to bring back Saiki he would also beed to bring back Ash.

the final boss rezzed a bunch of people when he died

Yeah but Ash didn't just die, he was erased from existence. You can't resurrect something that never existed in the first place.

Its orochi magic, I aint gotta explain shit

it's magic aint gotta explain shit

Orochi saga was still pretty easy to understand. Then there was NESTS, leading with the "let's build an army of one dude to take over the world, nobody will be suspicious of those 5 guys with the exact same face and outfit hanging out at the park."

As long as we're all on the same page, I guess.

I like to think Iori spent that entire year doing nothing but killing Kyo Clones.

It was the best year of his life.

What an ape. This dude is hollering at literally nothing, and it's so fucking annoying.

It wasn't be build an infiltration army, they were basically shock troops. Who needs subtlety when you have an army of clones based on a guy who defeated a god?

>killing them instead of taking them home for a big clone orgy

You had one job Yagami

who bitch this be

>everyone laughed at KOF XIV first graphics showcase
>now the game looks amazing
why dont more devs do this?

>now the game looks amazing


Where are they today?
like, I know Kyo-1 and 2 were a thing, I can't remember what happened to them

are there just a bunch of dudes living their own lives running around with Kyo's face now?

Yeah, since last week.

For second I was hyped for alternative costumes page, but then I saw that the full title was Unused alternative costume designs.
What a let down.

I want another UM. Or, at least, another game with XI cast.

Likely all destroyed when Krizalid's lab blew up since he seemed to be the main guy behind it and the clones aren't really mentioned again after '99.

>nobody will be suspicious of those 5 guys with the exact same face and outfit hanging out at the park."
It was not an infiltration mission, it was literal attack of Kyo clones.

I fucking NEED that artbook.

Shes always been a diva

Also dickstarved. The withdrawal symptoms are nasty

I'll sell you mine for 1000 dollars.

Most of them seem to have died after NESTS collapsed, but who knows? If Sylvie and Angel managed to survive and start a new life, maybe some clones are also living pacifically somewhere.

>tfw kyo's clones finish school before he does

The absolute madman!

>tfw can't figure out who my third is

Is ramon as busted as he seemed at evo?

This game is shit lmaoooo



>Kyo clones are able to finish high school and college
>the original Kyo is a drop out that if not for the dojo, would be without work and homeless.

I wonder if Saisyu would consider adopting them.
I wonder if how baffling it is to them that they are cloned from that no-good buffoon.

>you will never adopt your own Kyo

> Kyo can kill a god
> Yet he couldn't even finish High School

If you want those day-1 Ws.
Probably less good in long term.

W... why is Kyo crying?

This is not the secure about himself, asshole Kyo that I know. Where's the real Kyo!

Shion makes me rock hard should have been in this game

He found out that Kusanagi Kyo 1 and Kyo 2 started a succesful boy bamd

>Kyo 1 graduated in administration and is working in a large company
>Kyo 2 opened his own bike shop and is doing pretty well
>Kyo 346 was seem in a park, having a picknick with his adorable waifu and their 2 little kids

If I where Saisyu, I would threaten disinherit Kyo and take one of the clones as my new son.

Dumb stutterposter.

Technically all the clone Kyo's are his sons.

Each time i think of KoF, i think about Mexico


OST playlist

Disc 1
1. FOLLOW ME (Opening ver.)
2. Member Select 1
3. Member Select 2
5. Result 1
6. Tiger & Dragon (ART OF FIGHTING TEAM BGM)
7. Departure from South Town (FATAL FURY TEAM BGM)
8. Survivors Under the Sky (IKARI TEAM BGM)
9. Saxophone Under the Moon (YAGAMI TEAM BGM)
10. Result 2
12. Soy Sauce for Koyadofu (SOUTH TOWN TEAM BGM)
13. Splendid Soldier (WOMEN FIGHTERS TEAM BGM)
14. Belief (KIM TEAM BGM)
15. tachi bou ke -Intrumental (PSYCHO SOLDIERS TEAM BGM)
18. Continue
19. FOLLOW ME (Instrumental ver.)

Disc 2
1. Member Select 3
3. Inheritance (CHINA TEAM BGM)
7. ORDER SELECT Before the Battle against Verse
8. Independence from an Aggregate (Verse BGM)
9. Battle Dialogue 1
10. Soy Sauce for Geese -KOF XIV ver.- (Fateful Battle BGM1)
11. Battle Dialogue 2
12. ??? -KOF XIV ver.- (Fateful Battle BGM2) (this is the Ryo v King theme. i can't read the text here lol)
13. Battle Dialogue 3
14. Seoul Road -KOF XIV ver.- (Fateful Battle BGM3)
15. Battle Dialogue 4
16. IKARI -KOF XIV ver. (Fateful Battle BGM4)
17. Battle Dialogue 5
18. Ice Place -KOF XIV ver.- (Fateful Battle BGM5)
19. tachi bou ke (Fateful Battle BGM6)
20. New order -KOF XIV ver.- (Fateful Battle BGM7)
21. Burning On (CREDITS)

Technically they are all Kyo's sons

So that makes them his grandsons

Disc 3
1. Prologue
2. The Middle of the Tournament
3. Antonov Appears
4. Verse Appears
5. Verse's Defeat
6. Epilogue 1 (JAPAN TEAM)
7. Epilogue 2 (ART OF FIGHTING TEAM)
9. Epilogue 4 (IKARI TEAM
10. Epilogue 5 (VILLAINS TEAM)
11. Epilogue 6 (K' TEAM)
12. Epilogue 7 (SOUTH TOWN TEAM)
13. Epilogue 8 (KIM TEAM
14. Epilogue 9 (PSYCHO SOLDIER TEAM)
15. Epilogue 10 (VILLAINS TEAM)
16. Epilogue 11 (ANOTHER WORLD TEAM)
17. Epilogue 12 (MEXICO TEAM)
18. Epilogue 13 (CHINA TEAM)
19. Epilogue 14 (SOUTH AMERICA TEAM)
21. Epilogue 16 (Antonov)
22. FOLLOW ME (Full ver.)

>soy sauce for geese

U fkn wot m8?

Download link when?

Couldn't finish high school BECAUSE he was killing gods. Probably thought "fuck this gay shit for faggots". Is his girlfriend even mentioned anymore?

It's from Kyo's route on Days of Memories. Not sure what happened since it wasn't translated.

>a new Days of Memories were you can date one of the clones when? What if he just wants people to recognize him for who he is instead of being a copy of Kyo?

I'm getting God Eater 2 first, so I'll be occupied with that senpai. I'll be here one day kicking ass with Nelson.

Take it further.
Days of Memories where you only date Kyo clones.

So did I make a mistake by deleting the demo because of the "one button auto combo" fuck boi normie shit they decided to include? Should I give it another chance?

this would probably sell far better over in nipland than you'd realize at first


There's no reason to ever use the 1 button autocombo; this isn't like P4:A, you're better off doing a normal combo in all cases.

What is it? Are you going to deny Mr. Geese his sauce?

>??? -KOF XIV ver.- (Fateful Battle BGM2) (this is the Ryo v King theme. i can't read the text here lol)
I'm going to assume that'll be a remake of the L'Amour theme from AOF1 or something since that's the only song I can think of that'd make sense for a King vs. Ryo theme.

So you're telling me that there is no way to exploit the 1 button auto combo? Out of all the characters they're offering in this game I'm sure its a auto combo team that'll fuck us all over when it releases.


Only exploitable thing is that for some characters (like Kyo) autocombo can be plus on block.

Not significant enough to matter.

I wonder how many times Iori showed up to ruin Kyo's date.

Would that include Kyo's other "clones?"

>Days of Memories: You Are Unique to Me!

>featuring Kyo 1, Kyo 2, Kusanagi and even more clones!
>know them better to discover that each one have different personalities and dreams
>give them a new name not involving numbers
>help them graduating school
>in the final mini game, your clone boyfriend is kidnapped and you have to rescue him
>he is a room with 9999 clones tho, so good luck!
>finish the game to unlock 2 secret routes: Krizalid and Nameless



You can't cancel or link out of them and they're only off a cl.A.


I'd totally play the Krizalid route.

What baffles me is how Iori is able to show up to ruin Kyo's date in the first place. Does he really keep a tally or a notebook or something?

>Petite 18 year-old redhead going to get sandwich´d by two handsome black leatherman

I wish for Kyo vs K' or Kyo vs Beni we'd get Tears XIV version

from srk

Main modes on the menu: Ranked match, player match, online training, viewing other's replays, setting up your profile, battle records, leaderboard and Live.
Ranked match Profile stats show: Your ranked match wins, your ranked match win streak, your ranked match losses, your ranked match draws, victory rate, and your disconnect rate.
Lobby has 3 modes: Tourney, Elimination, Series
Tourney: The losing player is put on hold after a match.
Elimination: The winning player is put on hold after a match.
Series: Two players keep going at it.
I'm pretty sure you can filter out people based on their disconnect rates lol
There's a system similar to SFV where you can set a particular stage to appear for online.
Leaderboard is sorted by: Total points, victories, win streaks, time attack, survival.
Pretty sure Live is some sorta spectator mode.

>US Only
just fuck my shit up Atlus