This is your healer tonight

This is your healer tonight

Other urls found in this thread:

I wanted one with boobs

penis is too small

So boobs and a bigger dick. Got it

Yes, please and thank you.

daily reminder to always bully your medic

Boys don't have boobs, and girls are too disgusting and impure to be healers.


remember to give your healer compliments!!!!! it makes them very happy and helps them become a better healer!

>go healslut
>get hit on regularly
>start to play healslut more
>git gud
>no one hits on me
i don't get it. my intentions were good.

Remember to make the compliments still slightly degrading like good girl



Always /pat your healer.

Fuck off degenerate

i'd accuse op of falseflagging and actually being a tank, but the only lying tanks do is on the bed with their assholes spread open

When you lay hands, just keep it above the waist, buddy.

make them bully you

>TFW I met an emo boy who played a healer

>Later found out he was secretly gay accidentally


Fucking degenerates get off my vidya!

>tfw no giant amazon gf with huge tits and ass to bully me

Screw up on purpose


They aren't hitting on you anymore because being a shitty healer makes you look like a girl.

It's a horrible feeling, lads.



Healers were born to be bred desu

Literally scum.


Tank here. I love healers like this, generally nice people who tend to you and actually care about you.

Why is her vulva so puffy
It's like she has tumors instead of labia

/vg/, overwatch fans, and gays all need to be gassed TO BE FUCKING HONEST LADS

Those people should be fucking hanged, holy shit
Trying to cure this fucking disease just for faggots to spread it further

When I pull off those panties I better find out that's a futa and not just a little boy or I'll be very upset.

Be my guest and start the movement edglord

if the feds wanted to make these people disappear no one will ask any questions


>liking females
Kill yourself asap

that circle on the hat really should have an arrow sticking out to the side to make the male symbol. we know thats a boy but it should be clearer for those who havent seen enough traps


I looked

This is the most futa I could find

what is this fucking thing. I see it everywhere
Someone explain


Bugchasers confirmed for worst fetish on earth.

Jokes on you, I take off my headset before opening Vocaroos.


No you don't.

english is not my first lanuage will someone explain to me what happens in this post?


Exposed Hillary is an android.

Don't blame all gays, we probably hate people like him more then you because they are an actual threat to other gay people. It's fucking disgusting to spread a virus that can ruin someones life.

>White Mage Ramza
OP shows how to have your party wipe at Riovanes


I'm going to fuck that healer

can i get mine with bigger boobs and same size dick?

Dude caught HIV on purpose and wants to spread it to others.

The main post is a HIV fetishist (someone who sexualises being infect by HIV) who is bragging about finally getting infect by HIV.


Halfway there, but where's the giant dick I ordered to go with this?

>i dont know this language well enough to read this
>so explain it to me in text in the language i dont know well
eres un pinche genio, idiota

he mains lucio


fag, only comes with even bigger tits

This thread looks pretty gay.

I like it.

>implying everyone is a spic like you
neck yourself

who's the artist?

In the gay community there are people who are actively trying to spread HIV and AIDS by becoming infected on purpose and infecting as many people as possible as some sort of fetish.



>Bug chasers

Just draw it

I think I see a crease going up her leg in the last one.


>it's another one of "these" threads

>all these fags and gaiafucks not liking cute young boys.

I'd suck his dick and fondle his balls nightly.

Why would they do that? It kills people

>wetness between legs imply vagina
get that shit out of here you homosexual


h-hi again holoposter. you having a good day/night?

Faggots are sick in the head, who knew

>what is sweating

I bet you enjoy them don't you faggot.

yiff in hell furfag

Hi there. I am good, and you?

Of course. They're cute.

Sorry user, i'll give you another dick to make up for it

That picture is fucking awful, you don't jam the cap with irrelevant reaction images unless they are actual post responding to the post being capped, otherwise it looks like you're trying way too hard.

im good. t-thanks for asking


Why are you stuttering?

Cute how?
They just seem lewd as fuck to me.

d-dont make fun of my stutter. that's rude.

whore-o makes me want to do things

miss me yet ?

That's a cute pupper.

the pool of gays to fuck is small. its stigmatized so not a lot of gays put themselves out there. the ones that do, dont want you. the ones that want you, might have aids. so theres almost no guys you can sleep with and you are always scared of catching aids, so you deny even more guys.

basically its a mixture of loneliness and desperation. they feel like if they catch it, they wont have to be afraid of it anymore and can sleep with all the guys who have aids, so you dont have to be afraid anymore.

HOWEVER, this is not how this works. of course catching aids is basically saying fuck my life up. shortened life span and thousands in medical bills. this usually comes crashing down on them after the fact. then, theres also different strains of hiv. you can catch your partners hiv and you will literally have super aids, no joke, and die faster.

it is a myth that having hiv or aids will protect you from other hiv or aids. you can catch them as well and be doubly infected. i imagine any one of us could fall for that trap out of the sheer desire for another humans touch, gay or straight

As a homo this makes me sad and scared. But I'm not gonna run into any of these fuckers... R-Right?

No you ruined the right and nationalism forever you muslim lover retarded inept.

Enjoy your AIDS user.