You are sent into the last video game you've played, how fucked are you?

You are sent into the last video game you've played, how fucked are you?

>7th Dragon

A slow painful death by dragon sickness? Count me in!

Not at all since no one dies in the Pokemon.

>Rocket League

I don't think much would change except I'd be watching RL tournaments as a sport instead of an e-sport.

but Pokémon died in Red/Blue/Yellow

>World of Warcraft
I'd probably have a house behind Stormwind. That way I'd be safe from monsters and ERPers.

>watching other people play video games

Hyperdimension neptunia, its a good day to be alive Sup Forums


Im fine until spooky stuff.

This town's finished!
And I am too, probably.

>I'm a mystic
Loving the good life in the new world

>just regular me
Fucked over hard.

I am happy with this

>Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition
As long as I'm in the rich part of town I should be fine.

>Gargoyle's Quest

I'd get infinite number of Vials for more Talismans of the Cyclone. (extra lives)

>Nightmare Creatures

I am fucked in the ass.

Make sure you don't have a bed or any kind of seating.

You never know when a couple of futa Draenei might just be on the lookout for a secluded spot.


OP says nothing about watching people play video games.

>Armored Core 2

I always wanted to learn to fly.

Gotta craft all day and every day to afford that mansion in lavander beds

>Dragon's Crown
aw yiss, time to become an adventurer.

But Mist is way better user. Who would want to live in that stupid flower country

Saints Row 2. I'm getting the fuck out of Stillwater.


> The Division

I believe in me.

Nothing can go wrong for his excellence el Presidente
unless Im a shit eating peasant,in which case ehhh it could be worse

>No Mans Sky
fucks sake

Hey, I happen to like forests and flowers, I actually live near the beach so i'm sick of it

Funny, I was just playing Verdict Day.

I don't want this.


I imagine I would be this card.

>Pokemon Pinball (R&S)
Am I now stuck playing pinball for the rest of my life? Fuck

"Fucked" doesn't even begin to explain just how fucked I am.

>Pokemon Rejuvenation

The region is pretty fucked up.
Would be a hassle getting a starter without any papers.

>regular ol' me
Well kill me now famalam
>lv15 Chantry Monk (technically mage, but not really)
nevermind I'm good

> Street Fighter V

Time to invest in Muscle Power and become a mid-tier character so that Capcom won't kill me off for plot reasons or dramatic storyline whatevers.

>The Witcher 3
Depends if I'm a soldier or if I am a filthy peasant doomed to grow radishes for life, but I'll probably have my guts eaten by a ghul or a drowner either way

>Would want to be one of them
>Would get killed for it


Living in the countryside parts of Scandavia sounds delightful.

Pokemon Black
it's everything i've ever wanted
except that it's not 6th gen, but it's still great anyways

FF14. I'll get to live in a world where Miqo'te and Au Ra are real, and I can actually, physically punt disgusting lalas across the room.

Guilty Gear Xrd: Revelator

Depends on the circumstances I guess, hopefully I live in Zepp.

>Tales of Zestiria
Since I'm not any of the main cast, I will never be struck by whatever I'm weak to, since I can abuse my infinite action points and always be attacking, during which I'm immune to my weaknesses.
My knowledge of the shittily programmed battle system would pay off!

One Way Heroics
>entire world is slowly being consumed by The Darkness
>Demon Lord is popping around fucking everyone up
>monsters are spawning everywhere
>people are gradually being turned into monsters too
>pretty much everyone that's still alive is an asshole

Mordheim... i might last a whole hour, who knows...

>Mount and Blade

Oh boy the peasant life

>implying Aqua can be better than anything

>Legend of legacy

Maybe thw RNG gods will smile upon me and grant me tons of HP.

Or I'll just die without realizing what the fuck I was doing.

Did they make season 2 yet?

Aqua's tits are real
Eris Worshippers>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>virulent kobolds and goblins>>>>>Axis Cultists

Only 5 months to go

Except you'd be turned into a sphere like the crowd


>that filename
Hard labor is fucking great if you are young person and you do your shit in a way that you don't fuck your body up.

Darkest Dungeon... Fuck

>castlevania dawn of sorrow
assuming i can just live my normal life and not have to deal with soma's dracula bullshit i'd be fine


I am literally unstoppable and it's completely canon.

>Baldur's gate
Could be worse

I don't get it

>nep VII

I'm not a cute girl or a robot so I'll probably be a regular citizen.

I should be fine, but I can't decide which continent to live on. Thought about Lastation - the goddess there seems to take things seriously, but their security is really bad.

At least I can spend all day shitposting on N-chan.

No More Heroes
As long as I'm not in the UAA, I'm okay.
Shitstain of a town though.

the main plot of the game is the world is so fucked the goddess has to tear time and space to take a soul from our world to save theirs. A side effect of this is because we're not part of their world we're completely immortal and can quickly master almost anything that would take them years to learn.

>Fallout 2

I want to explode inside of Megumin

Plot of Mabinogi is that you can't die.
Everything's going to be daijoubu

who doesn't

guess ill be fine, just chill with some fuzzy lolis

Then I want to hold hands with her after.


Yo kai watch

So everything's the same except that yokai are behind all my problems

>Black & White 2
Being a peasant in a island were a literal God takes care of my needs and accepts my requests to be happy sounds like a dream to me.

Extra points of fun if i get to be the God and can cast miracles on my own people and throw them off cliffs if i feel like it.

>that one doujin where MC hires Aqua as a whore so he can steal mana from her pussy and give it to Megumin so she can do EXPLOSION twice in a day and fucks him as a reward

Gothic 2: NOTR
I'm fucked/10. Why is this game so hard for me.

And then fall asleep on her chest to the sound of her breathing.


I will use a LBG and hunt jaggis to get money cuz I won't be hunting anything bigger than that, unless I want to die.

Do I get to be a hero?

no you are a normal person doing normal things in a hero infested world.

>DOOM 2016
I will be completely fucked.

At least I get to fuck robots.

EDF. Not coming out of this one alive.

>Death Road to Canada
yeah Im kinda fucked

>dark souls
I'm going to fuck gwyndolin. I don't care about anything else. I will find him and fuck him for hours right before his father's tomb. I don't care if I die a million times. No one will be able to stop me because my motivation runs deep in my blood. I will never give up. I will get him.