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Battleborn rip off

I'll probably give it a try, for some reason "Multiplayer Online Battle Arena" feels better in the third person than it does with the stupid overhead view. Feels like I'm playing an actual video game.

Just kill yourself, Randy

It will still flop.
Too demanding to run on destitute tier potatoes, so no big community is possible.

online games are boring waste of time more often than not
only arcade or fighting games are ok

>fighting games

I just checked some gameplay. This looks like a smite clone. Am I right?

Smite with better graphics and gameplay

I don't touch multiplayer conpetitive games like this with a ten foot pole. I can predict already that the community is going to be shit and the voice chat is going to be worse.



ya blew it

should i donbwload this or paladins?

I have been playing the shit out of this game since closed beta went live. I have made it up to diamond league. I have 1500hrs in Dota and LOL combined. Bar none this game is the best MOBA I have ever played. When the roster grows it will be even better.

Looks too much like Smite for my liking and i never got into Smite.

The verticality of the battles really adds a great level of depth to the game. The graphics are gorgeous and the quick call out system works well.

The lowest settings are pretty goddamn low, and it's also on PS4 with crossplay, the community should be pretty decent.

Is this MOBA or nu-FPS?

Looks slow as fuck, why would anyone want to play something so boring.

It's a MOBA played in third person with very few lock-on abilities.

creep killing mid or feed moba

I have to admit the girls are pretty hot.

So, tell me how this shit works, senpai. I heard it uses cards. This is my biggest concern about this game, actually.

When does this game get released?

You build a deck before you go into the game with 40 cards tailored to your playstyle and hero, and you buy your cards and upgrade them throughout the course of the game. It's a more strategic item shop since everyone is limited to the 40 cards in their deck.
Getting them right now is RNG but card crafting is coming soon so you'll be able to get what you want.

You open rng packs for cards, build a deck from that. Instead of general items you unlock cards from your deck during match. It's completely cancer because the cards have rarity like a fucking ccg so you have to buy a lot of packs for good cards.

Mobas are shit.

All right. I think I'll give it a try, being free and all

I'm not a moba shiteater, even if I was I don't see a point in eating the newest steaming pile of shit when there are already much more polished and fun piles, even if I saw I don't have hardware for this game's only gimmick - graphics. Which are only impressive for multiplayer f2p garbage.

The character designs are all boring and extremely ugly.

Not so boring to my dick t bh famalam

lol. they obviously saw how well battleborn did and decided not to even bother going to retail.

I was in the beta for paragon and it was boring as fuck.

All the character designs are pretty intricate and well done I'm not sure what game you're playing user

I hope all of these games fail

these protomoba things need to die

It was free to begin with

I'm not usually fan of Sci-fi/fantasy mix but this game makes it preatty appealing.
Also nice quads

Excuse for what? I'm a human I can't be free to play, or can I?

got banned twice cause I told retarded console peasants how shit they are, so no thx.

They're all detail and no style. It looks terrible compared to something with actual artistic vision.

This is a tiny imp man riding a dinosaur he feeds molotovs i'm not sure what else you want when it comes to artistic vision user

They're bland as fuck. The only thing going for it is graphical fidelity, there's no unique visual style to the game that lets you know 'this character is from Paragon'.

Look at
they easily look like they could be from 2 separate games

lmao I didnt even know it had released

Thanks for letting know. Gonna try this out, MOBAs are the most fun when you are new and nobody blames shit on nobody, everybody just sucks the same.

Gigantic will be better

When will Western devs learn to make women with feminine features?

Xbox release when?

Return to your DoA extreme volleyball game user

no waifus and ugly western non symmetrical/aesthetic art style

who /dekkerbooty/ here

And it still manages to have absolutely no character. It looks like something you'd expect to see in a lazy indie game that uses public domain assets.

I'm usually not one to yell shill but this screams shill thread.

I don't think *you* even know what you're talking about, user

Who care about that? The real question is when will they learn to make men with bishonen features?

>being a fujoshit
Back to your cave landwhale.

>implying it will run for anyone with a computer built after 2019

Does it have actual graphics?

t. poorfag

It was fucking boring and probably the blandest moba I ever played.

It maxes out just fine on a 970 and an i5. Even the PS4 runs it nearly maxed out, just at 900p and with some framerate hitches. You just need actual hardware to render the actual graphics.

Can I get some webms? Do your job, shills

Didn't this just come out a couple weeks ago?

Nigga UE4 runs on a toaster

Here's a trailer. These are all actual graphics and gameplay.

The character designs are the one thing it does well, you stupid faggot.

>implying that's not a man you're replying to

yeah nothx

Pretty boring/bland character design.

It's been in an early alpha phase for quite some time; I believe they're making it free to play for the release

Someone just please make an edit where the rift is an asshole and the rock is a turd.


>Randy meme
cuck detected