Hail the GOTY pls

Hail the GOTY pls


>shoehorn niggers into a game based on the mob
>not using a natural evolution for the game series by basing it on the Jewish mafia
>could have easily taken so much inspiration from once upon a time in america

are vidya devs really so cucked they'll let the most golden of opportunities pass them by to please BBC?



It's the era of "Let's alter history to make it more diverse" look at battlefield 1.






>faces look cartoony as fuck
>game is going to be just a generic open world action game
>pre order now for exclusive bonuses

will there EVER be a game like mafia 1 again

mafia was never that popular and never got much attention until much later. i didn't even know it existed until i said fuck it and bought it from the store two years after its release. was one of the those great times when you find an unexpected gem

Don't you have a bull to prep?

The guy being black isn't much of a problem since youre not even in the mob in this. looks like they simply exist in the universe and youre a freelance errand boy like every open world game.

>>faces look cartoony as fuck
>>game is going to be just a generic open world action game
>>pre order now for exclusive bonuses

you're describing hundreds of games released this gen user

The cutscene graphics are looking better, at least.


I preordered, fuck you. Those vinyls are sweet as fuck.

then don't call it mafia. the fans of the series don't want to play this garbage. that's the whole idea of it though. market the game using an established brand while the game has absolutely nothing to do with the previous games. the people who developed this game are the biggest fucking scumbags around

looks better than wach shit 2 thats for sure

*smacks lips*

What did they mean by this?

>yfw vito scaletta is the final boss

that's dumb, and for a series that is called Mafia, and has had you play as part of it, sounds like a convulated mess to make a nigger the protag, or at the least ride the coattails of an established franchises name rather than create something new.

The lead character looks more black+native than black+white

>game is called Mafia
>it's a mix of GTA and CoD with a drop of BBC

Cool. Not gonna buy.

Judging by the actor's name, he is either Spaniard+black or Mexican+black.

>nigger as MC

In 2002 that game was plastered on every major pc magazine so were the forums, with people either saying how amazing the game was or, enraging at how steep the requirements were.

Italians are black

Reminder of what a mafia member should look like.


That's racist, user.

You're on the wrong side of history.

not coloured mate he was black.

A Black New Orleans crime game sounds really cool (could potentially have a really good soundtrack).

>then don't call it mafia
>splinter cell
>rainbow six
>tomb raider

but devs always do this shit, user. are you sure you don't just hate nigs

and yet no one played it or talked about it. how many copies did it sell when it was released?

Meet Salvatore "Toto'" Riina. This guy was the boss of bosses, the kingpin of the italian mafia for more than 20 years.

He was utterly ferocious and didn't shy away from killing anyone who stood in his way, including cops and judges.

You know what he wasn't? A nigger. Like every member of the sicialian mafia who mostly came from a background of extreme poverty, they were as racist as they could possibly get and it would have been impossible for a nigger to join an organisation like theirs.


I love the mulattos. Great people. Some of my greatest friends are half black.

he looks black man.

Guy in pink suit looks like deformed trump

All of those are still faithful to the franchises tho

user please you don't need to keep doing this

Lincoln or whatever his name is, looks and sounds like a boring fuck that's only good at killing


>A black guy killing the mafia at the height of their power in New Orleans.

Yeah, I'll pass.

Is the italian american mafia still relevant today? Not american here, but I hear it's a massive honeypot with informants everywhere, and they've been reduced to small-time gambling rackets.

I'd have thought you white guys would be happy to see black people depicted as criminals.


>Back off Obama or Bernie gets it!
>Not so fast Donald! I'm two days from retirement and I won't put up with your shit.

deepest lore

We don't need video games for that, it's already a thing in real life.

Yeah it's silly, I'd have thought all the mindless people in today's media would've flocked to this game deeming it racist and a negative portrayal of the afro american

Mexican Cartels is where its at bro

it still exists except it's far more secretive and old school. the days of running labor unions, buying politicians, building and running cities like vegas are over

It's like adding a tie-your-shoe laces mechanic to a game. We do that shit everyday, it just gets boring seeing the same shit in video games that we'd see in real life.

The lead nigger will be portrayed as helpin da peepl n shyt compared to the evil raciss white mobsters.

why couldnt they just make vito the protag again

I liked him

Kek, this is ORGANIZED crime. it's a bit above the petty criminality of niggers, and has rightfully found a place of intrigue in the west.