Dying Light appreciation thread anyone?
Dying Light appreciation thread anyone?
Game sucks
stopped playing after $10 DLC with ranger's bow in it
it's like the devs are pissing on you after you went and memorized every trial in bozak just so you could get a bow and then the fuckers release dlc with better bow specs.
I honestly love this game.
I put like 90 hours into it, very enjoyable game but I don't see me doing another playthrough for quite some time
For a game that has so much to its combat system it sure does like to punish you for fighting anything
It's garbage.
Game is great tbhfam
Game is really fun. Love breaking zombie skulls.
>so much shit blurry posteffects that i literally cannot see anything
Why is this allowed?
a boring game about muslim zombies in a shitty muslims setting
no thank you, Australia/North america/south america/africa/Asia/antartica/artic all make far better settings than shitty sand nigger dwellings
Did the dlc make it harder? I know that the base game combat was only punishing until you got some upgrades and started finding better weapons. Once you started getting enough fancy clubs with buzzsaws on em the combat became fairly trivial unless you fucked up bad
>tfw no cuteboy to co-op with ;_;
That's a silly reason to not like a game. The setting kind of seemed to be 'made-up-istan,' a magical place filled with all walks of life. Hating a game just because it includes muslims is like hating a show just because it references christianity
The game is so boring, holy shit
>not playing it with a friend and calling all the characters terrorists
Everyone shits on this game but I had a blast with it, I'll admit it takes a good minute to get into the actual meat of the game and the story isn't all that great but when you really get going it's a solid and fun experience
People shit on this game? Who? Sup Forums?
>Omg fuck this "game" and it's cutscenes. It's a movie.
>Game comes out that's 99% gameplay and a focus on fun
>Wow, fuck this game it's terrible.
You can't win. Dying Light is a solid 7-8 out of ten.
man, i really loved this game. im waiting for more from techland. the parkour, the survival, the crafting system, the zombies. i love it all. even the story which is kind of generic.
Fuck off you embarrassing retard virgin
ive lost count how many times i've told the game "why not you go do it yourself smartypants" and "thanks for nothing"
yeah, poor crane. he had to go through some shit there. and the ending of the following just makes it worse.
I loved it, but being nearly autistic I burned myself out completing every side mission and most of the non-parkour challenges. Once I beat it and started up The Following I was already over it.
Honestly, what a great game. I bet the coop is fantastic.