is this Sup Forums can agree about?
Is this Sup Forums can agree about?
We don't need either of those things.
>is this Sup Forums can agree about?
Are you five?
>we don't need videogame discussion
>we need recycled bait
TLOU had a solid multiplayer and a solid story. Even though this board gives it shit.
>great stories
>picture includes fallout 4, skyrim, no mans buy and ellen page zombie simulator
proof that sonyfriends are literally the worst
tlou had great character development but the story was generic zombie shit
True, i still remember the great stories of No Mans Sky, Skyrim and Fallout 4. I just wish they could be more diverse.
>tfw non-consoleized babylocal coop is dead as fuck
Too many brokebrains with no vidya bros letting lazy devs get away with shitass 3 hour movies that make you push buttons.
we dont need stories motherfucker, we need vidya.
>we don't need good gameplay we need shit gameplay with mediocre stories
the west, not even once.
>No Mans Sky
>Fallout 4
>Great stories
Haven't played TLOU, how awful is the story in it.
Is the picture being ironic by posting games with shit stories?
One Man's Lie having a story at all, you're funny user.
Obvious bait image but honestly multiplayer is for fucking faggots
It does but its hidden. doesnt mean its any good though.
Meh Story, but solid Multiplayer. That's true.
From the pics tho, TLOU is pretty much the best Story.
I love Skyrim's story, you are an unknown guy with the ability to speak like a dragon and absorb their souls.
And you solve mysteries, kill bears, pick flowers, jump to the top of the mountains, assasin some dudes and perform magic.
>No Man's Sky
>good stories
If No Mans Sky had ALOT more content, it would have a "You make the Story" kinda way. But since that is lacking it doesn't even apply there.
I tried TLOU recently.
It's boring as shit. The multiplayer made me wish that more of that had made it into the single player experience and the single player experience bored the crap out of me because I knew they were doing their best to get me emotionally invested despite not having much to offer. You can't actually spare bandits for instance despite them begging for their lives and the crafting mechanic is retarded, on top of that melee weapons suck, really an iron pipe breaks after being used to bludgeon a bunch of people to death?
3/10 wasted potential, 'cinematic' games need to die.
Video game designers got into their business because they're good at doing codes and designing. They aren't film makers or script writers. Which explains why virtually every video game story is one big gigantic piece of shit, especially TLoU.
True about the story and what its trying to say and where it goes. It is very predicable except for the ending for me.
If you compare it to something like the walking dead comic these type of stories are more a catlyst for relationships and character interactions which i will defend becasue i thought they were top notch in this game.
We don't need movies
We need good games
we don't need vidoegames
we need great stories
tl;dr, your last sentence is enough to tell me you're just a parroting bangwagoning retard with a worthless opinion, kill yourself
man i wish any of those games had gameplay.
But tlou has multiplayer
>NMS shopped instead of TW3
Absolute madman
When will mods do something about shitters who spam these threads everyday
This is what shitters tell themselves, so yeah Sup Forums will agree with that. Thats why L4D and Dota get so much shit but Killing floor and Marios are praised here.
Go back to your safe space.
tl;dr your sentence tells me you're a faggot kys
>One Man's Lie
>great story
3/10 for making me reply
how do you expect to get invested if you just tried it?
You can ignore 90 percent of fights outright and all of the bandits have tried to or are are searching to kill you.
how is the crafting retarded? It makes you make choices beween weapons. although the smoke bomb is pretty stupid so it makes th choice for you.
What is game balance?
>tfw l live in Poo in the Loo so playing Multiplayer games is not viable for me
Video games arent viable for you becasue your father keeps thinking the consoles are toilets