Just started playing this and it's great so far. Why did it get so much hate...

Just started playing this and it's great so far. Why did it get so much hate? The game play feels tight apart the cover system which I'll need to get used to.


Nice meme. But seriously, why does everyone hate it?

It was a fun game, but I felt it ran far too far from what Resident Evil is. RE7 is looking like a hard reset back to horror, rather than run and gun 'horror'.

It was pretty much an action game with one mad dash after another from checkpoint to checkpoint and the other game modes being DLC didn't help either.

It wasn't a bad game though, the movement controls in it are fucking amazing, you could run/slide/vault/counter your way through hordes of monsters and not get a scratch if you had the skill for it. Unfortunately though, all of that power kind of dispels the horror.

Revelations was a good step backwards and it seems that RE7 is going to follow that cue. I don't mind run and gun evil much, but I do wonder how and if the main cast will fit into this more 'realistic' take on RE with all their experience.

Because Capcom tried to please every single RE fan and stretched itself way too thin.

>Chris' campaign is pretty badass but they don't throw enough big monsters at you so it feels more like a cover shooter
>Leon's tries to harken back to the classic RE but almost everything in that campaign has been done before. The graveyard and running from the fog in China was great though
>Jake's is generic as hell and he's a Gary Stu
>Ada's campaign was an afterthought when they realized that having 300 people work on a game with three different campaigns was going to create a lot of confusion.
>QTEs are pretty shit. Even worse are the "SHOOT THAT THING BEFORE WE ALL DIE!" because you don't have magic bullets for it, so there's an actual chance you may get stuck reloading during the scene and die.
>Final boss is a Southern Gentleman man/dog

Don't get me wrong, it's fun as hell to play and Mercs is the best in series. But goddamn just skip the cutscenes.

Tips for combat?

Too much Hollywoodish antics. RE fanbase is unsatisfiable nowadays anyway.

Conserve ammo. You can headshot-> Melee your way through the entire game. If you have the skill to counterattack, do so, but don't do it if you're not confident or you'll die.

Save your strongest weapons for shit situations or boss fights.

Run run run, honestly, the movement system in the game spoils you with how many ways you can escape from drugged up chinks and lumbering zombies.

>But seriously, why does everyone hate it?

it was a downgrade in every aspect from RE5

Chris' section ruined the game. RE5 > RE6 only because of how bad Chris' section was

I started on Chris first and I'm enjoying it so far.

I'm playing it again just to play with a friend, and it's still a bad RE game. even more so than 5.
ammo and health are fucking everywhere, I constantly have more than 100 handgun bullets, killing with your melee is easier than ever and for a lot of zombies it's even quicker than using your guns.
non stop action, no tension, no real need for inventory management, puzzles are shit, constant hordes of enemies makes what should be memorable last stand situations such as the gunshop forgettable, can't kill enemies before they jump up from the ground at a scripted moment.

it's just a bad game.

>you could run/slide/vault/counter your way through hordes of monsters and not get a scratch if you had the skill for it.

except you had no i-frames. Your I frames in RE6 are so bad that they make Dark Souls 2's i-frames look good

Way too many QTEs and action sequences with controls that are never used ever again. They had so much potential with the combat and that glorious movement and they just threw it all away for driving and flying planes.
>multipart QTE sequence to start a stolen car
>crashes it before they even reach the next intersection

Not scary.

In general it got REALLY deviated from the zombie-desolation atmosphere of the earlier games. I don't want to check my ipod for the next objective. Or shoot damn uber-mutants hanging from helicopters. Or go on a kung-fu adventure in a cave etc.


4 and 5 weren't really scary either though.

The village of 4 was legit eerie and one of the best parts of the franchise

Then you got super upgraded weapons and the castle and swamp was just shit. The first and second village trips were amazing

which is why they're also on the lower half of the main series.

The game play is a lot better than the original series

Nostagia blind old men can't handle that a series has out grown them, they sing the praise of old games without really knowing a thing about them.
they refuse to acknowledge that RE's creator moved on to make the game he really wanted to make all those years ago
they can't handle it when a character has more control than an overloaded shopping cart with one wheel missing, they shout that action is not resident evil, when there was action scenes even in the first game.

RE6 is a great game, and it's only sin is carrying the name of resident evil

>Just started playing this
Keep playing you dumb bitch. It will all become clear.

gameplay can be more than just combat, pleb.