

They make good video games

I like em. Hopefully they stay around for a while.


I've been their fan since the NES but they've been on a steady decline ever since the N64. Hopefully the NX turns out alright. Who am I kidding.

They make pretty good games. I don't get the hate.



A decade ago.

Modern ninten is utter shit. They need to go out of business, either that, or drop the gimmicky, wacky motion control/touch screen bullshit they've been so stoked on for years now.

Amiibos were the ultimate sign that this beloved company has finally become a cancer.

I'll still buy the mini NES tho


Fall is coming.

KYS casual sum.

Two decades ago *

Good reddit meme

Should drop out of the console market unless they can make an actual console capable of playing modern 3rd party multi-platform games.

Its shit.

Why would anyone want to buy a Nintendo platform to play the newest FIFA, CoD or GTA?

redeemed themselves with Breath of the Wild after everyone thought they'd be the laughing stock at E3.
Never count them out

You don't fit yet, kiddo. Fuck off.

Not him but why is there a need for a nintendo console when only nintendo makes software for it?

They used to make amazing games.

>Being a Nu-tendocuck
I dont want to fit in with you faggots.


Nigger, I save all my reaction images from other threads or google, I don't even know what reddit is.


I'm not saying there is a need for it. If every single game Nintendo was responsible for instead came to PS4, sure, I would be okay with that, one less console to buy.

But that will absolutely never happen, they'd sooner take their IPs to the grave than publish on the Playstation.

Luckily investors will see it another way.

The ludo the industry needs, but not the one it deserves.

>But that will absolutely never happen, they'd sooner take their IPs to the grave than publish on the Playstation.
Oh, so you are that kind of guy.

If you want to think it'll happen, be my guest. Not my job to talk you out of it nor does it matter.

Of course not, you want to fit with all the other memeposters out there. You're really stupid though, so I guess you're on the right path.

>hurr durr a publically traded company would rather go out of business than make money
I'm sure the ones putting money into Nintendo stock will be thrilled to hear that

Because Nintendo makes software for it, duh!

Eh, I don't care enough about you to keep discussing that desu

Utterly irrelevant to anything but phones.
Fate worse than SEGA desu.

I finally understand why people go "wtf i hate ________ now"

Should EA, Activision, Blizzard or SE make their own consoles? They would make software for their own consoles too.

You can stop being autistic any moment now, you nu-tendo manchild.

Their games aren't good or numerous enough

And Nintendo's are I bet!

Good developer and publisher with some duds, like most companies.