We've got to talk about what got changed between the english and japanese scripts
Zero Time Dilemma
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Junpei's the only one I know of.
Bilingual anons, did he have any more moments like these? I can't believe they actually TONED DOWN his edginess.
What changed here?
that's just from the con uchi was at where he did a panel.
Wait, so the whole game Junpei kept trying to get Akane to live out his erotic nurse fantasies? Why did they censor the US dialogue?
Sorry for the retarded question, I'm still playing the first game but I wanted to see what the localization for the game was like.
guess why.
it's still there, but it's toned down. junpei tells akane to try the doc dress and she reply something like "do you have some strange fantasies?"
Oh, my bad. The first two are very skillful, I'm told. Apparently one of the translators working while playing through realized they fucked up with "June"s codename about halfway through, in a way that messed up the entire plot, but they found a workaround which saved the work they'd done so far. or something like that.
You can't even tell in game; I still have no idea what the fuckup was supposed to effect.
> June was Murasaki, which is purple, the sixth color of the rainbow. It's supposed to be Indigo, but I think that Murasaki refers to multiple shades of purple. Magenta is referred to as Murasaki in the Japanese version of VLR. Also, the 'Mu' can mean 'emptiness' or 'nothingness'.
This might be it.
ohhhhh. thanks user, been wondering for a while.
what? i don't get it what is it, is it refering to her actual bracelet number?
Is the Japanese ending less awful? Is Japanese Akane less of a hypocritical bitch?
I don't get the color stuff, but I assume that's what the mu = 0 = akane and her bracelet means, yes
Apart from the changes that were already posted, does the third game have a good localization?
Am I just fucked up or does Carlos honestly look his best when he's covered in blood?
No, I think he looks damn fine like that too.
The one saving grace of ZTD was her not being in it
...I wonder if she would have been all over Carlos though...
Given all the "I'm not gay, but for Carlos-" I see on these threads, I think most people not taken would.
what a strange little family they've got
>orange hue
It's called make up
Besides, look at the in game model in VLR. The eyebrows aren't orange but they aren't black either.
Hey, 999 Clover was fine.
I'd ship it. Though CarlosxPhi is still juicier.
This is ironic, right? I mean, Santa is actually number 0, not 3, so...
It was a product of manic passion during the time period where people were convinced Participant 6 was actually Nona, and not Akane.
Sorry, sometimes I can't help trashtalking Clover even though I really did like her in 999.
You ship Phi and Carlos too? What the fuck, I thought I was the only one.
From what I gather, "Murasaki" can refer to multiple shades of purple, including more magenta and indigo shades. The problem is that since it's usually translated as just purple, they went with that until they realized that the game was saying that the color is the sixth color of the rainbow, which makes sense in Japanese, but not English. I don't know about a fix, since this is the first time I'm hearing about it, but I wouldn't be surprised if the June codename only came up after realizing what didn't translate well.
Couldn't tell you about the first one, but the second one is very, very good. There's barely a single literal translation to be found, yet the lines used are more accurate to the intent of the Japanese anyway, all while sounding really natural for English speakers. It's really obvious when you play the game with Japanese audio.
It's serviceable enough, but you can tell that having the main guy for 999 and VLR's localizations leave really hampered the project. The new main localizer seems to be much more of a fan of the series, but she's simply not as good of a writer or a client when it comes to seeing what she wants from the voice performances. Both the text and dub are noticeably worse than VLR's, and even Phi's returning actress has a much worse performance.
Santa's bracelet is actually 9, not that it makes a difference. If you multiply the safe combination by 9 you get 129450789 which is the true values of their bracelets
Not that user, but I do ship it too for some incredibly complex purposes...
Meaning I want to see Sigma overprotective dad rage over his daughter dating and make Carlos' life a living nightmare.
>"But that wasn't you who did that, it was you an alternate history."
I want a copper plated Funyarinpa, where could I get one?
There's just too much potential for Carlos and Phi. Phi's sarcasm and dry insult wit not phasing Carlos, thus frustrating her and go tsundere mode. Her growing urge to want to dom him, only to find herself enraptured by his strong, brave, heroic demeanor. Not to mention Sigma dad rage being thrown in.
i want that bucket
>YFW "Somebody set us up the bomb"
It's good in the sense that it's faithful to the original Japanese, but it's TOO similar at times and just sounds awkward.
Like said, VLR's localization was really smooth and natural - they shifted around sentence order in order to give you all the same info, but in the way an English speaker would say it. In ZTD, you get lines like:
>Sean: What were they testing for?
>Mira: Psychological data mostly. It was a closed environment for a group of people for an extended period of time. So how would that mess with the subjects mentally? That was what they were trying to investigate.
The second sentence especially is a mess. I played with Japanese audio and with this line especially, you could tell she was trying so hard to stick to the exact sentence structure of the Japanese script. No English speaker would ever talk like that though.
How many times will he fuck Akane?
>"I love lamp"
Hearing this pleases me on many levels.
Oh, and I think Carlos does have a playful side if the first half of the Suspicion fragment is anything to go off on, so he might even be able to go along with the banter minus actually being offended (unlike Sigma).
Maybe after a while he'll actually get cleverer by being around Phi and her snark...who knows?
When Akane runs away to turn out the lights, it looked like you (playing as Carlos) had triggered the second stage of a boss fight or something. Made me laugh so hard.
He plays rock paper scissors with Junpei's severed arm too, Carlos is a goof in that fragment
Some dopes also said she was Diana - they thought the collar of her undershirt was the string on the music box necklace.
And THEN there was an idiotic image that said she was Phi because they're both girls and their character art has them both looking down. I hated those theories.
I normally wouldn't mind shooting down this random pairing, but Phi was very worried about his bruises and this IS icy Phi we're talking about. Their dynamic doesn't sound too bad either...
Guess it's better than the CarlosxAoi or Junpei shit I've seen.
I'm never getting my ZTD watch, am I?
Nope. And if you ordered from Amazon you won't get that bonus compensation they mentioned.
That shit is wack.
Like, hella wack.
Because of that fragment I kind of envision Carlos as a bit of a closet childish goofball, plus a huge tease, and he's embarrassed about it. Maybe he tries to maintain a leader-like demeanor for the benefit of everyone else.
...or maybe Junpei being around just sobers him up and kills his playfulness or something.
ZE fightan when?
>Akane runs away to hit the lights
>runs back and sees Carlos in the same spot
>"There you are!"
Is she retarded? She's the one that ran, not him.
Junpei's edginess probably makes Carlos realize he has to be the straight man of the group or everything is gonna fall apart. With Junpei missing he probably started to relax a bit. Too bad he never seems to realize how mentally unstable Akane is.
Funny that you mention that. My friends and I goof off and talk about that all the time. In fact, we do it so much, it makes me sad that it's not a real thing.
Either a fighting game or a L4D-like game where you play as Eric and the zombies are replaced by hordes of Seans.
Why was Junpei wearing Marty's clothes again?
The thing that really gets me is why does Akane look NOTHING like Akane in this game
Junpei I can kind of see though it is kind of a stretch but Akane is just a completely different person
>The 4th game is set up by Sigma and Phi, with Phi participating in the game, to control it from within, while Sigma oversees everything else, outside of the main 9
>Sigma makes personally sure to keep Carlos and Phi away from each other as often as possible throughout the game
>His excuse when everything is discovered is being a protective father, and not giving Phi up so easily
This, with the same sound bites being repeated over and over. "Damn brat!" "Damn brat!" "Damn brat!" "Cut the bullshit!" "Damn brat!"
I agree that Akane and Junpei don't look enough like their original counterparts to make me believe it's them. I really didn't worry or feel for them as much because they seemed more like new characters instead of returning ones. I think it would have been better if this had taken place maybe like, ten years or so after the first game. Junpei doing this radical change in like a year doesn't really work for me, though I do like fallen hero Jumpy.
I also think that giving voices to characters from a game without voices makes them seem like different characters as well, at least to me. These aren't serious complaints, but I definitely think that Junpei and Akane had some trouble adapting to the new game.
Someone could add their models to L4D or something. Maybe even add voice files if they were really dedicated.
You always want fighting games of freaking everything.
I can't tell who was more retarded during that fragment.
>Both of them not suspecting Zero and getting swept up into the moment
>Akane ruining everything by accusing Carlos of killing Junpei, he wouldn't have suspected her if she didn't sperg out on his ass
>turning off the lights while darkness can only be detrimental to her attack because of the chainsaw's nosiness
>Carlos has to commit suicide just to convince her that he couldn't have killed Junpei
>being able handle Junpei's death in some 999 timelines but freaking out over this one for some reason
>think calmly, rationally... "WHY DID YOU KILL HIM?!"
>"A-am I being controlled by a demon?!" It wasn't as if Delta mindhacc'd him
>killing himself, though I can forgive him for this because he seems to have some unresolved psychological issues that spurred it on
Should have bought a watch at Anime Expo!
>tfw Carlos actually believes in demons and possibly Santa Claus on top of that
>killing himself, though I can forgive him for this because he seems to have some unresolved psychological issues that spurred it on
He probably has really low self-worth (didn't save his parents, can't help his sister), and will do anything to save others. "Demons made me kill Junpei" is silly, I agree, but if Carlos had a decent reason to believe he was dangerous, it makes sense that he'd kill himself to keep Akane safe/give her an X-Pass.
Why was this a decision?
It's... difficult to boil the reason down to ONE word.
Wo Carlos us literally Shirou? Projecting axes isn't as cool.
...I'll be honest with you: I can't wrap my mind around the complexity of what you're trying to say, but it reminded me of this.
This strikes me as such a missed opportunity honestly. Uchikoshi should have made Phi related to Santa somehow. Even if it was in the form of some super fucked up sex change shenanigans. Would have shat more bricks than any other twist.
Carlos makes everything look good
Anybody else remember that
>Phi has a secret between her legs
meme that kept getting posted before release? I nearly lost my shit when Diana gave birth to a boy at first, and I thought it was actually going to be true.
>Phi randomly says something like "I have a secret...." in one of the fragments
It's no use.
>Akane trying to one-up Alice for the title of worst girl
six six six
I already told you
Gold star.
Did Akane mind hack Junpei in 999 to make him do decisions?
There's a time for each and every decision, but Akane can't see them since her powers suck ass
999 is a huge plothole.
Why did he insist on going through the other door then?
Because the possibility existed and lol I find it timelines.
Also, Junpei is a cunt and a waifufag.
Stupid tablet.
>lol I find it timelines
human decision ARE fascinating, desu