What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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No Handheld Version as of yet.
not enough flat grindan
Shitty story and characters.
it was launched...
Pandering to lolicons
It wasn't on PC.
When the fuck are they porting the other games over?!
Probably made it too easy. It was the only Disgaea that I actually rebirthed an entire party to max because it was so simple to reach the first few 9999s and hit the Instagrind so quick.
Considering the first one was Arkham Knight levels of bad of a port initially, probably not ever.
I thought they mentioned that a handheld would be hard because of all the effects in the game would cause massive fps drops or something along those lines
Laughable, since Disgaea games aren't that graphic intensive
>paying for Etna
Fuck you nis
Killia doesn't turn completely evil, instead he just turns good from that repressed power somehow.
Also not fucking Seraphina
>What went wrong?
Not enough bunny.
Other than that, 2nd best Disgaea ever.
Was way too easy. Replaced feature with a version that only made things easier, like allowing you to have a higher starting level on a new character or only costing HL to make characters
Best gameplay and worst cast in the series.
The best Disgaea cast was in 4. Fuck nostalgiafags who suck the first game's dick.
Nothing was wrong, the game just flew under the radar. People get burned out on Disgaea, and a lot of people came back and played 4 after the shit that was 3.
Best character was Red Magnus by the way, this is indisputable.
Douchebag + slut = fail
NIS doesn't know the first thing about optimization. This series has run into issues on all the systems it was placed on.
Released on a console with only 2-3 worthwhile games. Everything decent is multi-plat with my Vita or PS3. Disgaea 5 isn't worth 400+€
The engine is ancient and already had problems in the other Vita ports
I've only just started playing the first game 24 hours in. Tell me, how can they fuck what's appearing on my screen up?
what I don't get is why they removed death heal and the RES based attack the healers could learn in other games. They gave every unit some cool unique skill but took away the healers fun attacks. Other then that the game is great.
That didn't stop fucking Disgaea 3 from having framerate issues.
It's honestly mindboggling. How can this happen when something like Killzone Mercenary can run at a solid 30 FPS without any drops?
I loved the gameplay in 5 but the cast isn't exactly that memorable. Except for bunny.
needs more prinny, dood.
She surprised me. I was expecting Fuuka 2.0 when I heard about the curry shit but she turned out pretty good.
Red Magnus's unfunny lines. Or why cadence and text format matter.
He was suppose to be a Luchador Wrestler or something? But it just came out wrong.
Why didn't he fuck the slut?
We just got Phantom Brave.
Disgaea 2 is quite probably the next one.
You got Makai Kingdom first before you get D2.
I'm assuming because it lacks Vyers
I didn't see Vyers anywhere in the promotional footage
Vyers is up in Celestia with his wife in Disgaea 1's ending.
Shame we won't get to see him and Christo/Lamington(?) interact with each other.