I don't really follow XV since they announced it would be for ps4.
What changed then? I thought it was supposed to be a darker FF than ever before.
Caleb Sanders
Well, given that they went through three different builds of this game, have scrapped numerous NPCs, rewritten others, etc
There are probably a lot of cutscenes, storyboards, scripts and designs that won't get used.
Landon Peterson
>I don't really follow XV since they announced it would be for ps4. >What changed then? I thought it was supposed to be a darker FF than ever before.
It was, when the game was VERSUS
They decided a mainline title must not be dark.
Originally, Stella's people were tricked. In the OP they talk about the fairy tale about sacrifice but they were literally worshipping demons/devils without knowing.
Eventually she would confront Noctis to try and sacrifice him and achieve the power talked about in the OP
When the game became FINAL FANTASY XV and the Dark tone was removed from the game in favor of a road trip setting, they axed Stella entirely and replaced her with Luna.
Instead of Stella's relentless determination and endless Strength, we get Luna, a weak princess that MUST be saved
Jeremiah Hughes
I want to touch his paw pads
Ian Myers
Thomas Phillips
Have you been living under a rock? Versus was scrapped in favor of FFXV, a shitty boy band adventure game.
Adrian James
Stop posting this on multiple boards and actually do a google search and maybe you'll learn something
Julian Nelson
Not OP but you cant shitpost by google searching
Julian Wilson
I hate SE. Nobody gives a shit about their homosexual road trip game anymore. When it was Versus, it captivated so many people. Now FFXV is the running joke of the Internet.
Luis James
Sounds pretty shit. I guess they couldn't sell human sacrifices in a game aimed for the broad audience. Oh well, I guess we'll await the inevitable disappointment.
Samuel Jones
>I hate SE. Nobody gives a shit about their homosexual road trip game anymore
lol good one
Levi Wright
I figured they would keep the serious tone. You know, to make it more 'mature'.
Carter Lopez
WOW!!! If only we knew about this over a year ago to soften the blow. What a different world we would be in.
Out of all the shitpost material you have for FFXV this is what you use. You can do better
Gavin Reyes
SE has no idea what the fuck people want. So know they're just throwing everything at the wall hoping something will stick. I've never seen a publisher this desperate to sell a game since Watch_Dogs.
Lucas Wilson
Bum bum bum bum bum!!!!
Sebastian Rivera
>mfw autists will try telling me that Tabata ruined XV even though nomura cant write for shit
Caleb Martinez
This shot of Stella has become iconic. Meanwhile everything in XV is met with mild scepticism. It's tragic. Nobody asked for this when SE said they were going to turn Versus into XV. What they did was simply keep the hype but ditch the game. Cynic assholes.
Jason Murphy
Here was the original character development arc for FINAL FANTASY XV
1.) Noctis and Stella bond slowly, learning about the light and what it represents
2.) Shit goes down as the city is suddenly attacked on datenight and stella/noctis are seperated
3.) Instead of being captured and turned into a princess to save, Stella tries to end the war by her own means
4.) Eventually confronts Noctis and fights him, believing fervenly in her religion
5.) She is defeated and dies to Noctis
6.) Noctis learns Stella was tricked and the main antagonist was behind everything.
7.) It's main antagonist's fault that Stella is dead. Noctis pissed off mode activates immediately.
8.) Noctis kills big bad and remains pissed as fuck for the end of eternity
The blue-hair and red-eyes is "Pissed off Noctis", which is almost assuredly removed from the game now
Christian Robinson
Well user, there is nothing we can change about it. This is the thing with all things that become mainstream, they get adjusted for the broadest audience.
Ryan Price
>FFXV >Cut Content
Day 1 DLC
Noah Long
Just curious, do you actually do something in the game other than traveling to some places and saving some princess? It sounds like some mario tier plot desu
Tyler Edwards
Are they still going to be PLAYABLE cutscenes?
I remember this was something they were hyping.
Aaron Hughes
How do you know all this? That he kills Stella?
Easton Howard
Dude lmao story
Christopher Butler
>Muh headcanon and fan fiction
We barely knew anything about Stella and Luna's only been made to look weak in backstory segments, which are often made to contrast with her doing something cool like pushing a gun out of her face in modern day.
Brody Stewart
>captivated so many people
Fuck off. All eyes were on 13 at the time and nobody cared after it came out. The hype was always out did by KH3 and BBS.
Jackson Ortiz
This, what the actual fuck are you people talking about.
Adrian Cruz
Holy shit I had never seen that before, how did that trailer slipped me?!?! I've been following Versus XIII and XV for a while now.
I'm so fucking sad now, that premise seemed so interesting and Noctins and Stella just seemed so great.
I'm sad now, I understand you Stella faggots now, that dark theme would be so great, and the light that we cannot see yet the characters seem to be able to see right?
Colton Murphy
This is news, how?
Get the fuck out of Sup Forums already!
Owen Martinez
Caleb Clark
>the Dark tone was removed from the game in favor of a road trip setting The road trip shit was always there you banana.
Mason Bell
Weebs, plain and simple.
Charles King
Putting aside all of the conjecture in this thread, why do you think that would have been better than what we're getting? Because it doesn't sound better to me.
Ian Johnson
Wait, so is all of this about the game's tone being different and the relationship between Noctis and Stella actually like that, or is it just a bunch of XV-kun shit?
Parker Cooper
>Instead of Stella's relentless determination and endless Strength, we get Luna, a weak princess that MUST be saved
So you're saying that the people who watched the movie were lying when they said that Luna was actually a real strong woman who had determination and stuff?
Because that's all I saw from what they said. Some even commented that they were so wrong in thinking that Luna was a damsel in distress.
William Moore
>Wait, so is all of this about the game's tone being different and the relationship between Noctis and Stella actually like that, or is it just a bunch of XV-kun shit?
the "Board of Directors" didn't like the idea of a mainline game having devil worshipping play such a large role in the plot
Seems like Versus XIII was originally going to be an anti-religious game in more ways than one and they're axing that
Jack Perry
Not XV-kun, I think the original had a much darker tone, a more melancholic tone, Nomura can do good shit when he wants to and the aesthetic was godlike. OST by Shimomura, Noctis seemed in pain and more mature, Stella looked like she could be a great character ( I know this is based on small stuff but still) and the whole Sacrifice thing and Somnus them was just nice.
It looked liked they were aiming for a more serious entry, thats why it was a ''''spinoff''''' in the first place, but it had so much potential man, now with XV it seems like they dont have a set idea and everything is all over the place and I dont know man, they want to pander to a broad audience so it wont be as good as it could have been.
Oliver Perry
>saving some princess You actually got it wrong. She's the one trying to save Noctis.
10 years now and you people still don't know the new shit and just believe the OP for his bait?
The OP vid has been scrapped for already 7 years and counting.
Chase Williams
Tabata is shit. He's a bigger plague on FF than even Toriyama.
Blake Anderson
Its a bunch of bullshit. We had like two cutscenes and a very brief character description from Nomura and over the 15 year waiting period autistic fans twisted it into their own ideal vision which never existed.
Now those people are acting like their fan fiction game (which never really existed past the concept stage) was nearly finished and then thrown away by Tabata because he hates video games or something.
Really they're just looking for excuses to complain because they're mad about the release date being pushed back again.
Jonathan Phillips
Repeat after me >10 fuck years
Alexander Ortiz
>a much darker tone, a more melancholic tone But why is this inherently good? Dark and melancholic is a tone, not a measure of quality.
Charles Miller
This is obviously a screen shot from FF7R where young Sephiroth had to crossdress to get though Wall Market
Fuck you SE. Fuck you Tabata. This looks objectively better than the boy band shit we got now.
Grayson Cruz
The game has been in development for like 10 god damn years, of course shit got changed.
Nolan Morris
source: your ass
Cameron Watson
Probably because at the very least it sounded like something with potential. Granted a lot of people are just mad about the whole boy band thing and Luna looking more likely to be a standard love interest.
Juan Rivera
It was always boyband shit.
They looked more like a boy band then.
Levi Nelson
I dont know, I like it when it is done well and this game had the potential for it, it had great graphics without trying to go extremely realistic, and the premise seemed like it was a very interesting idea.
I think it would be a quality work, FFXV, if the leaks are to be believable will be such a shitfest and even ignoring the leaks the game just has a much different feeling because it is being directed by Tabata and they are trying to go all out trying to have the impact that FF7 had instead of doing something niche but made with a definitive mindset and vision. Changing director midways and keeping stuff from the original vision 99% of the time doesnt work imo.
Jacob Gomez
Shut the fuck up. This is all speculative shit.
Jonathan Lewis
That looks like an actual band of friends. Now they look like in preparation stage for a gay porno. Retard SE devs. It's like they live in their own fujoshi bubble.
Adam Garcia
>Granted a lot of people are just mad about the whole boy band thing Why are they only mad now? The boy band's been around since at least 2008.
Joseph Murphy
>Probably because at the very least it sounded like something with potential. I don't see how a tone shift means the potential changed. Versus was always boy band (except the launch trailer which looked lamer than anything Versus/XV related ever shown) and Luna in the movie was far from standard. Not that either of those really means all that much in the end, the game itself is what matters and we barely got whispers of that. All vague promises.
Easton Price
Dun dunn
Jayden Baker
You only need one good eye to see it. The dark tone was replaced with cheery LET'S SAVE DA WORLD boy band shit.
Luis Garcia
Why did they turn him into a flaming homosexual?
Julian Miller
>The dark tone That shit was only ever in like 3 trailers.
Kevin Taylor
Are you fucking kidding? That doesn't look like a band of friends, it looks like models in a photo shoot.
Joshua Morgan
It was in all over the Versus footages, including trailers and gameplay footage that lasted tens of minutes per trailer.
Isaiah Russell
The road trip aspect always existed because I distinctly recall Nomura saying in an interview that was the reason why they had to push it back to this generation. The overworld couldn't retain a steady fps while driving.
What, did you think the entire game was going to be as dark as the intro?
Nathaniel Allen
Difference is that the whole boy band thing wasn't fully known then. Most just assumed you'd have more (female) party members and didn't realize that it was so focused on 'male bonding' or whatever it's supposed to be. Also while I can't say what Luna will be until the game comes out, she certainly has that generic love interest look to her. Being a sort of childhood friend doesn't help.
Caleb Cooper
>Versus XIII looks great >Tabata gets his hands on it and it turns to shit are Nomura and Taro the last Square Developers left that can actually make something that's not shit?
Leo Sullivan
>The overworld couldn't retain a steady fps while driving. As if shit changed with FFXV. The game looks even more ass than the Versus footage did. I don't know what the fuck went wrong with this game. It's like running a PC game on the lowest settings.
My guess is that retard SE made the groundwork after high-end PC and then mediocre consoles came around and they just turned down every graphical setting instead of building the game around the console like any competent dev would do instead. So that's why you get a FFXV that looks even worse than PS3 games.
Ryder Martin
Maybe I'm wrong but there's no way the whole game would all dark and shit like that. If it was people would rag on it for being too edgy.
>Most just assumed you'd have more (female) party members That's their fault for making assumptions out of nothing.
John Wright
rick rolled me again op
Ayden Cox
The game would be soooo much better with cats instead of humans. Everyone would buy it madonnnamadonnamadonna she is the princess her name is.
Zachary Hill
Yup, this is it, instead of sticking to FFXIII graphics that looked great even though they werent fully realistic, they tried to be the freelancers of game development like always but this time it resulted in a poorly optimized game with grainy graphics.
This game ended the moment Tabata took control.
Christopher Fisher
>Most just assumed you'd have more (female) party members and didn't realize that it was so focused on 'male bonding' or whatever it's supposed to be. Why is it a bad thing to not have female party members? I've played games with only girls, why not a game with only boys. Also, having it be only male party members on a road trip is a far more unique premise than being "dark." Unless you have never had friends in your life and are sexually insecure.
Ayden Johnson
It's not inherently bad. But when the party looks like flaming JPOP homos, then it's bad. Especially when we're supposed to believe these characters are royalties in the middle of war.
Robert Lee
>This game ended the moment Tabata took control. If it ended then it was never a game to begin with.
Thomas Parker
Joshua Peterson
the protagonist he is named All is black and white and a bit gay but not too much. Goes around with his bros who all have a different dad.
Where the fuck did all this gameplay go? Did someone just enter the offices one day and click "delete" on everything?
David Gutierrez
>It was a 10 minute demo with a single location 5 years ago
Blake Hall
Bentley Thomas
>But when the party looks like flaming JPOP homos, then it's bad. But they always looked like that. Their clothes were different but the comparisons were always made to jpop and the Backstreet Boys. Why would they look less like that with girls in the party? "We may look like we smoke twenty cocks a night, b-b-but there's a girl with us so it's fine, n-no homo."
Nolan Garcia
Connor Anderson
user your box has eyes
Wyatt Baker
Prey 2 looked like it was in pretty good development stages when it was revealed as a scifi bounty hunting game.
Gabriel Hall
Its not eyes its All the protag :)
Jack Lewis
REMINDER Trump will be President before this game comes out
Zachary Brooks
And SE released a five minute demo of FFXV that had one closed down location with even less gameplay.
Jonathan Bell
>iconic by who?
Bentley Gomez
This will be a highly mature game. Real work of. Based on philosophy and smelly.
Jason Morris
shut the fuck up Kagari "MUH STELLA"
Thomas Baker
This is speaking as a old man who rarely plays games but used to be an addict ok?
I have to say this aesthetic is really amazing... I love the entire idea of a Italian language game in 2016 with random Opera/Musical themes. That's pretty much it, my first impression of viewing this trailer is that I would buy this game.
Bentley Garcia
That's what we all thought until SE foolishly dumped the idea in favor of generic boy band saves the world story.
Levi Ward
>Italian language game Japanese devs should really stop with this
Italians are not pleased
Isaac Nelson
Yeah, this latin feel, opera, dark themes, drama, etc. It was so good.
Luke Green
Not that person, but it wasn't just the darker tone. It seemed more mature and like it had an actual idea about itself.
All Tabata's done is tone it down and make it more generic to appeal to a wider audience of casuals. It looks like a clusterfuck now. It doesn't have a sense of direction at all.
Aaron Jones
So was it legit pushed back to Nov. 30?
Andrew Cruz
So? The actual game is way better
Landon Richardson
There's an official video with Tabata on the FFXV channel.
Daniel Baker
The road trip was always there you fucking idiot. And they didn't remove the dark theme at all.