Holy shit. Arrogant sony is back in full force .
PC is there next target.
Holy shit. Arrogant sony is back in full force .
PC is there next target.
* their .
>No frame rate drops are allowed ever
Guess From has to cancel their country breach with Sony then
>no framerate frops ever
They're talking about the neo. Dumbass
Yeah nice picture of a screen. That definitely makes it real alright.
source on this shit? what sony event was this at?
Not him but that changes what?
Its literally the same console with upscaler.
Fucking sony shitstains. Just like their retarded bucktooth fans. Fuck them all. Bankruptcy awaits
so they're just making a sony brand pc that can't do all the things a pc can and selling it to you for $1000
based sony
Sony... fuck.
>no framerate drop allowed
>but if you bought a regular PS4, you're out of luck
>Country breach
>powerpoints are made by 17yr old interns
welcome to the real world dubmshit
How do you know the specs aren't superior to higher end PCs ?
Only rumors have been leaked but sony delayed neo so they could beef it up to compete with Scorpio. So now its at least 8 TFLOPS. can your rig compete with 8TFLOPS ?
it's just a fan retard power point trolling
not shitposting but sony should actually motivate devs to include minor graphics options or something like Nioh, all console games should have that.
Sony should have better quality control and final say on what they push.
the worst fan base
1) Steam cucks
2) PC master race reddit cultists
3) Nintendo
4) Sony
5) Sega
6) Pokemon
7) Metal Gear
8) Sonic
9) Microsoft
10) Mario NES retards
>Being poor
If you could afford a ps4 for $400 what's spending another 400$-600$ for superior graphics. Literally twice the power for about the same price you originally bought the ps4 for.
>quality control
>3 patches before release
>Gold by sony standards
you should see the powerpoints from the hacked showbiz emails
>Nintendo worse than Sony
But does the NEO support Ultrawide? If not then it's shit.
I really want to see them user.
Got any links ?
All of you are fucking retards. This isn't for the Neo, this powerpoint was made for PSVR. Sony literally hasn't made any sort of press conference or public offerings about the Neo other than "more powerful" and "4K."
You know it won't support it and when they talk about 4k they are talking about just normal 4k in tvs which are now available nothing more
Saw this back then for PSVR
>He doesn't know about souls country
>sony only pretended to be the good guy for 2 years
Now they're back to being Japanese EA