Sup Forumsidya Drawthread

Previous Thread
>Post references and keep them in a single post
>Keep it vidya
>No bumping
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>No OC requests. You can, however, request the creation of vidya characters
>Please feel free to not post a sample of your art with your "taking requests" requests because it is unneccesary.
>Everyone posting "LOOMIS" without explanations and proper criticism is just spam, which should be ignored and reported.
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW:
Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!

NSFW Deliveries should also be posted in
Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky:

Other urls found in this thread:



Requesting a sleepy Manah in cute pajamas.

>shilling this hard

fuck off

Requesting Havel the Rock and the Hulkbuster in a fist fight.

Requesting Ryouna (Senran Kagura) as a catgirl.

Requesting snake and nowi having a wedding together

Forgot pic

Requesting Sora and Alice dressed as each other with Alice adorably and hopelessly trying to lift Sora's Keyblade he he watches her in embarrassment about being in her dress. Or...Just Sora and any other of the Princesses of heart switching clothes, please.

And I thought I was the bad guy.

Requesting massive May mammaries.

Requesting Team Skull at the beach playing volleyball, having a barbecue, burying each in the sand and whatnot.

>Autism: the post

You forgot the crossdressing.

Oh, and sprinkle on a Maldraw watermark. Preferably with a Patreon symbol.

your shit isn't even good

shill somewhere else.

Anyone here open to commissions?

Requesting the bottom pic with Anders, M.Bison and Etemon.

Ephelt is cross dressing as Gay Shulk.

testing my new tablet


(add . before tv)

Wrong bogeyman.

Requesting a large breasted thicc Aegis maybe lactating.

this gif faggot shills his shit by making his works op of drawthreads despite the prev threads has much much better deliveries that's qualified to be the op.
like that layton delivery and andy's copics for example.
he does this everytime he delivers his shit art

btw does anyone know andy's tumblr

i dont think i will keep working on it, but here you go.


yo get a patreon or something set up.

could i maybe commission you?

As in you pay me to draw or I pay you?

Requesting Plumeria in the same outfit as the pic on right, or anything cute.

I pay you.

Requesting Genji as a Japanese delinquent.

I fucking love you, you're basically the only person I've seen drawing her and yet you do it so nicely, thanks for sharing more of your art, especially involving her. Love her expression.

Requesting someone calling out for Mercy to come heal them during some inconvenient or embarrassing time.

i think that he , despite having nspaint tier art, is not the OP

what do you have in mind?

OP here. I just wanted to make a thread and used whatever pic intrigued me the most that was in the anchor post. I am not related to the other OPs or artfags.
tl;dr anchor your shit

heh, are you that german cuck?

Requesting vidya girls resigned with a no bullshit attitude and a unique look.

>they cant tell i'm the same person if i post anonymously
3 strikes faggot

if it's alright, could i see some of your art? i have a cyborg chick in mind with lewd poses., to make a long story short. references are on my hdd but that's in my pc that's still being built. :(

drop a dispossable email and ill send some samples, I dont want to get called shill or something

>do you guys see that layton delivery that got 10 replies and everyone likes?
>fuck that shit, lets use my shit 10 minute mspaint art as the op instead
>this way everyone will like me

This thing is honestly ugly. I know you're hiding behind 7 styles, but it's very apparent you're doing this shit cause you can't draw normally.

Requesting Sharon ( Street fighter EX 2 & 3 ) bullying her sister Blair Dame ( SF EX/Fighting Layer ) with a Full Nelson like in the other image, please.

[email protected]
let's try this cause i'm too lazy to make a gmail

just make a tumblr wtf is this shady disposable email shit

Requesting cute stuff between Naoto and Rise from Persona 4, like Rise wearing Naoto's getup while mimicking her, or Naoto giving Rise a peck on the cheek

guerilla warfare against the soviets

Requesting Bayo using her Umbran arms to grab a new roll of toilet paper, scaring the person in the stall next to her.

Requesting Xanadu tickling Mai's armpit and her belly in this position.

nice try faggot

still dont own one, sorry
I already busy with my own stuff, it would be a mess if i start to take commisions.
Glad you like it, i love her too, she saved me in a lot of battlesvalkyrie too, i think she is next, she is having some fun with the cat team now.

Did Andy deliver previous thread? Can't see it but I need to

Link please

darn, i understand, let me know if any amount of money can convince you to do a quick one though! thanks!

Can someone please do Mai Shiranui posing like Chi-Chi and Bandeiras or any character of your preference looking at her with a happy face.

And Andy watching meanwhile he's hiding somewhere if you want.

That isn't her nipple peeking out of her left it?
It looks like it but i bet its just the quality of the picture.

Animu only?

i bet if andy and the low poly shitter delivered in the same thread the low poly shitter will shill his shit art in the next op anyways

what an unlikable faggot, jesus.

What if i like his low res necali?
Im still waiting for him to deliver my request for solaire.

hasn't lowpoly been around for months now? why would he only now start forcing his pics as OP, why wouldn't he do it earlier
why does the stupidest shit happen so early in the morning

yeah looking for animu style stuff

yo amigo, try this one instead -- [email protected] that one email service i used can't display attachments

>What if i like his low res necali?
Some people have shit aesthetic sense, it's pretty common

Faggots are ass blasted because their pics didn't make it for OP. I don't know why, though. OP doesn't really matter. Low-poly, ignore these cock suckers and do what you like. I believe in you.

Asking for Helena Douglas ( Dead or Alive, Lien Neville ( King of Fighters MI ) and Elisabeth Blanctorche ( King of Fighters ) having fun in a High Class Tea Party with those outfits.

Optional lewd version: The 3 of them lifting the lower part of their outfit that covers their butt doing a similar pose like in the last image.

My guess. He started deluding himself that his shit is now good so now thinks he's worthy of OP status, pushing his own shit.

I would know, this happened to me too somewhere down the line. I'm not the only one either. Delusion among artists is extremely common to variable extents.

he is the same guy who make black and white battlecat shit

both are shit


how new r u?

You have shit taste calm the fuck down

Requesting more cute Gooey doodles.

Requesting king Harlaus from Mount & Blade sitting atop a mountain of corpses with Swadian banners fluttering in the background.


Requesting these two fairies, Eos and Selene from FFXIV, to be wearing frilly lingerie. make them as curvy as you like, just have one accentuate plot and the other backstory

whatever you say, low poly fag

Requesting a pic or comic of Yomi cutting Homura's hair in to the bob cut she has in the left pictures. They should wearing their casual clothes, as seen on the right.

wanna know whats even worse?

You can pretty much just use some filters to make this shit and OP will still suck his dick dry for it

Requesting a picture of Edea's butt based in the angle of Ringabel and Tiz are seeing in this image.

replied to that email if that's how you want to contact each other, i'm down

I've got you on my backlog user I'll try to get around to it within the next few days

explain to me this backlog thing

how do robots lactate?

oh wow, did you draw that?

I'll give that other user some competition and shill myself. Who will you choose? The choice is your's and your's alone.

Cool boss battles requests? Feel free to redirect if there already are

I've been meaning to commission you eventualy, but I'm having trouble deciding which character I want you lewding.

no I didn't draw it I drew this though. Backlog is code for: I'll do it but I'm about to go to bed after working a double shift/drawing and will desperately try to squeeze it in tomorrow or the next day because Ryouna is best senran.

you there. more pink mayor

w-woah, h-having people fight over me.......

in all seriousness, why not both? i can do that. i'll shoot you an email in a second.

Yu (Persona 4) Minato (Persona 3) And Hamuko (Persona 3 Portable) Vs the Velvet Siblings (Margaret, Theodore, Elizabeth)

>My rules have changed, I’ll draw lewds, or pretty much anything, but hold the rights to turn down anything I feel uncomfortable with. Feel free to ask and we can work something out!
how the mighty has fallen

Draw a vidya character from something you played recently in a Jojo pose

Requesting Team Skull as a Jet Set Radio gang.

Requesting the MC of Haydee doing stretching like Cammy but changing the legs position like in the references.

If it's possible a frontal and back view, it's up to you if you can do it like in the first reference or with her normal outfit ( or both ).

Draw a Male video game character and a female character switching roles

Modifications so they can lactate anything they want.

They don't. It would be a leak that needs to be fixed

they can lactate oil user, either that or nano bots

Right after I made that edit to that post I had to turn down like 5 people because they asked for stuff that was just way too weird, if that makes you feel better. I've done a few lewd things for these threads before though, so it isn't really news.

Well... I'm here whenever you decide, user. I will wait for you.

Leak oil.

Give me a girl and your favourite DBZ attack

Samus, Breaking Vegeta's arm

Princes Peach, Body Change.