Convince me

Convince me.


Sylvanas is the new Waifuchiefu

but you already like sucking dicks

>buying it from the blizzstore
its way cheaper in retail stores
my local store has it for preorder at 37 euros

I've literally never played WoW before

Is now the time to jump in?

No. Neo-WoW is worthless and in no way resembles the game when it was "a thing".

This. If you get it in stores or other online sites it will be cheaper.

I've been having way too much fun doing Loremaster.

But I wouldn't recommend it. Invasions are boring after the first day and the rewards are ketchup like timeless isle or tanaan

Personally I'm holding off until I see signs of more updates. I don't really see any reason to jump right in at the beginning only to have to wait half a year for 6.2

I dropped $90 bought the game, WOD, then preordered legion. They give you a lv 90 and lv 100 token before anything else, before the next expac even comes out they give you a lv 100 boost with this bundle of shit.

They have fully acknowledged that at this point and time they have to offer level boost, because they have completely fucked up the leveling experience with heirlooms and making the first 60 levels locked forever in Cataclysm as to remove any trace of the original game they have gone out of their way to reconstruct the world even though it locked the entire world into one shitty expansion for eternity, they couldn't even be fucked to push the timeline forward after Cataclysm, because their new dev team was all tuckered out. They have gone very far out of their way to muddle and ruin past content to the point of making the overall game complete garbage. Oh and remember that lv 100 that you can get now before the next expansion level increase, it can go to raiding, because raiding is now has a tour option for the most lazy time constrained mmo player.

AND YET, still an average of 4 to 5 million people throw their money at this developer MONTHLY.

Remember when people didn't whine about having enough time to play MMOs and either just played them or settled on the fact they didn't have the time.
People used to be okay with their setting, now everyone wants to an MLG pro faggot.

If you like wow, if you know what class you would enjoy the most, if you like the wow formula, it will be awesome. If you do not, stay away

either do it or don't no one cares retard

Missed it by half a decade. Best time was ~6years ago. They dumbed the gameplay down and added a cashshop to milk the remaining players harder. (playerbase dropped by more than half)

If you don't mind the stupid simple gameplay it has to offer the highest quality questing in the mmo gerne and ton's of content but also a lot of grind with the latest expansion.

They offer the level boost because expacs went up in price and it's an easy way to offset the cost to consumer versus development.

And yet it's still the most popular mmo out there. Gotta fund that inner coke habit Blizzard developed sometime around the end of Wrath.

You'll have at least a month or so of entertainment with it.

>and the rewards are ketchup like timeless isle or tanaan

You're going to need them. Running into Legion leveling and artifact quests with leveling gear from WoD or even Normal raid gear is a slog and things hit like a bitch.

Having Mythic Raid gear makes it a breeze, Invasion gear makes it so you don't die if you pull more than 2 mobs.

The only reason I am going back is to try out them new artifact weapons.

Also even though I upgraded my computer so I could play newer games, I haven't touched them since and have no desire to.

Its strange.

It's more of WoD so if you didn't like that you probably won't like Legion. There's way more to do this time around but the fundamental task of playing your character is the same (and has the same problems) as in WoD.
At the end of the day if you have friends to play with you're probably gonna have a good time regardless.

>Siege of undercity
enjoy 7.1 patch , being the last of the exp

Yes, if you want to play an old style MMO and maybe do some raid/PvP, as you'll have little to no catch-up to do against the older players. It's literally the best moment since the last expansion launched 2 years ago.

That doesn't mean you should.

WoW is always fun for a month around expansion launch.

Expacs didn't go up in price. They are the same price now as they were on the first expac Burning Crusade. They give them away on the expansions, because they know the player base will flip their shit if they just start selling them without giving their player base a taste so they offer them up on expansions. It's cancer they even offer them, but they have completely fucked the leveling experience. It's even more abhorrent horrendous shit they give you a current max level for preordering the next expansion before the expansion itself is out. And since they started doing it, WoW saw the largest decline in players. Look at Mist to WoD every raider essentially quit because of the preorder to WoD throwing in max level boost ruining the raid scene entirely.

Because you'll do it anyway and are just looking for an excuse to jump back in.

This is only relevant for the first couple levels, until you get ilv900 green gear for all your slots. Reports say it takes about 15 hours to reach level cap anyway.

Reminds of the food industry in general. Be it mc'donalds or others, they all grow big, then reduce quality to max out profits and still retain a huge customer base.

Biggest change i ever saw was with stork knoppers and hanuta. Went from good to complete shit but apparently people still buy as they are still on the market.

because its the only time the game feels like a mmorpg
after a month it goes back to feel a singleplayer game
but now with phasing , it hardly feels like a mmorpg anymore even during exp release

No, people quit because over a fucking YEAR of Siege. Correlation =/= causation, please research things before you type garbage, you know the drill.

People were leaving before Pandaria. They needed to offer level boosts to give incentive for players to return knowing they wouldn't have to play catch-up.

I just hit 100 for the first time by idling in a Gadget invasion. I feel kinda dirty... legit leveled all 99 other levels though


Except the player dips way before Siege was even release.
Putting the content drought at the end aside, MoP was an amazing expansion, but too many players never really bought into the tone ("kung fu panda lol").

>buying from retails?

are you braindead? its half the retail price in cd key shops fucking retard

Leveling is boring as fuck after the 5th time who cares.

leveling was boring the FIRST time

All your opinions are invalidated by you dropping money on it again.

The End Times: Blizzard Edition? Seems fine.

>for another mediocre expansion pack

Werent they 40$? jesus blizzard.

Not really. When the game was new to you in that you were learning and exploring, and back when the game was more social, it was a decent experience.

My opinions are a warning, I dropped money simply because curiosity to see how far they have fallen is in order for this thread.
Invalidating that would make you an idiot.

The PVP looks really fun from watching Beta streams and doing pre-patch 2v2 and 3v3 skirmishes has been a blast.

I hated the pvp in Wod and one thing I specifically hated was that it never felt like bad players were punished for terrible decisions (like blowing all cooldowns 5 seconds into a match), and you couldn't really dominate bad teams as much as just smoothly beat them over a few minutes.

My friends and I have won probably 50 skirmishes in a row just absolutely ass blasting people and some of the funnest matches have been quick decisive fights vs 2800 rated players.

I don't think we're back at WOTLK level of PVP, but this might be better than Cata, MOP, and WOD.

TLDR; If you love pvp, this is probably a good xpack to make a come-back.


not him, but learning what exactly? this game isn't exactly 5D chess

are the 'WoW OG' set the cringiest most self-unaware people on the internet? neo wow? wow is a neo mmorpg, they can't honestly think they come from a distant past of "real, hardcore" mmorpg design when they were playing WoW? comon', it has to be bait, every time.

>i hate advanced warfare man, its insults me as a true FPS connoisseur, a modern warfare 3 OG

exactly the same, lmao

In top 3 US guild, done all heroic and mythic raid testing offered as well as mythic10+ dungeon.

If you are going to play at all you need to play from the start, and then make sure you never lapse in your artifact research work orders. These are really the only ones that matter since they give 25%, 50%, etc up to like 2k+% Increase in artifact power gained which after awhile your daily heroic of the day will give you 7k+ artifact points alone. (it gives 400 as a fresh level100 then 500 after your first research order).

Don't I did unfortunately. I wish I could get a refund. They literally cut more content than they added and censored our glorious war chiefs mid riff. I'm going back to ffxiv. It's so freaking easy it's boring. When I was healing in raids I was browsing my phone

Which is more fun?

Warlock or demon hunter?

>forced character boost
>d3 shitty grinding system + garrisons 2

and six times the chance to get scammed

The only people playing the game now are casual dressup fags that log in once a week to do Blizzard's ""content"", almost everything in the game is handed to you on a silver platter, which is a bit of an understatement, and the content in prior expansions is even worse. This is what it looks like when a game decays away, the logo even resembles decay.

Having learned nothing, the dips managing the WoW team will continue the trend of churning out shallow content that players eat up very quickly, leaving the development team unable to keep pace. If WoD was half of a bad expansion, this is the other half.

You don't need convincing. You're already going to buy it.

I don't know which class/race to play

I haven't played since end of cata and I have no idea what I'm doing.
That whole garrison shit? No idea what to do.
Crafting? No idea.
Stats? Well, there's some evasion shit or something, no idea.
New areas? Flying? Quests? Raids?
The game is full of new bullshit you gotta learn


man shut the fuck up you faggot....everybody who played this game from classic to woltk will tell you the game was better back then. for class, pick race that looks the coolest, be 12 again.

>internet is a scam
hows being 80 years old feel?

I played from Classic to early Cata and I always think to myself "Maybe now is the time to come back" or "they surely changed the game to it's old days".But I only get disappointed,when I look at the Ingame footage and comments from people.

I really wished I could come back and have the fun I had from Classic to Lich King.But I know it's not gonna happen.The fall started with Lich King and it went absolutely downhill from Cata.

It's just sad,to this day it was my favorit game.

hi there retard

Yeah man. I know that feel.

It feels bad.

Yeah, except the people who are still playing.

You know, the ones who never stopped and then decided their experience was the peak because now whenever they try it's too hard for them to understand the new systems.

Cata would have been good if it had content. Literally the only reason people pin everything good it did as a negative.

they somehow are making rotations even more streamlined and boring. why the fuck would anyone play this shit anymore. I thought they couldn't make it any worse than WoD, pre-patch already shows.

>so sad I don't have moose yet
>help me Sup Forums

Don't its like WoD but worse.

pay a mythic guild on your server to run you through archimonde on heroic. they'll probably charge around 20k-30k

fucking buy it for 10k you cheap shit
>wasted 200k in mounts/pets last month
i was bored , i dont know how to play the ah and fuck buying legion to make gold again

It's physically impossible it being worse than WoD.

>The fall started with Lich King and it went absolutely downhill from Cata.
To be honest with you, a lot of major red flags first appeared in Burning Crusade.
>items and levels made redundant
>lore starting to get progressively more silly
>more zones and less players in the actual world of wow
>everything beginning to be made easier

Not to mention dungeon finder and cross-server instances.

It's only by around Cata that all of these problems had become so exacerbated that most people began to notice. I stopped playing once WotLK was released because I saw the trajectory the game was heading in and didn't want to deal with any more of that. I'm sure it was a decent expansion in and of itself though.

Part of me still wants to play vanilla again. In fact, if Blizzard released a vanilla server (and promised to keep it online for at least a decade or so) then I'd happily re-sub.

They did it with Legion.

True. WoD is an extreme low point and legion can only be better or equally as bad.

If you had to choose between warlock and demon hunter, which would you choose and why?

What I hated the most about Cata they completly changed the old Azeroth,that wasn't the problem tho.

What the problem was is they only changed it for low level players.When I saw all the previews to it I thought "Finally WoW will feel alive again,People will stop hanging in Ogrimmar/Dalaran and go out to experience the world,travel around do quest/dungeons and I can world pvp again."

When in reality they did nothing with the world and endgame content.I really thought they would revive the feeling of this open world that you could explore and interact with other players.


Do you primarily pvp?

I don't know yet. I haven't started playing it.

Don't turn this into an MMO fight please, just asking a question.

Why is healing so fucking boring in WoW compared to literally anything else? It's conceptually the same in other MMO's, it just feels 10x less fun in WoW.

I think that's what they're trying to do with world quests. I'm not sure if it'll work though Will people be willing to roam all over the world to do quests that bring them 0.5% closer towards one of their spells having a 1% higher chance to crit?

Demon hunter.

Casting is fucking boring.

You may want to pick Lock on the basis that you are new alone. Demon Hunter is kind of subtle and a lot of bad players think they are underpowered in pvp and feel very weak, even though they are relatively powerful at the moment even with a lot of abilities missing. Lock always fits snugly into any battleground role, any arena team, any raid or dungeon, and is nice and mellow paced to play. You have a lot of tools to work with but your primary mode of dealing damage is very mindless and obvious and doesn't require you to expend much thought on your positioning and set up. Would definitely recommend lock to new players in general I think.

>internet is completely safe!
hows being a faggot feel like?

>If you love pvp, this is probably a good xpack to make a come-back.

This is actually the worst expac for pvp. Not only did they dumb down the gameplay by removing shitload of skills, they also made gearing up the worst grind ever.

You need to grind bg's for pvp levels to unlock your pvp skills and you need to grind artifact weapons which will take months while nolifers will get ahead running pve and gear drops in pvp are rng compared to previously just buy with currency what you want. Overall a new player will have to grind months til he can have equal chances while it only took days before.

The whole pvp design was changed to cater now to nolife idiots.

Alright thanks man, I'll try lock out first then.

This is another really important question.

Horde or Alliance? What are the pros and cons of each?

No. You begin to hate World Quests after a few weeks because you have to spend so much time traveling to them when they only take a few minutes at most to complete.
What you're gonna see are the hardcore dedicated players stick around and grind it out while a good chunk of players will complete the requirements for Pathfinder and then quit until flying is available.

>That feel when people are charging 3.5 million for it on my server.

>everything beginning to be made easier
I think TBC was the perfect mix off difficulty and time investment.The only thing that was bad were flying mounts killing the experience of an "open alive world".

Because honestly Classic also had flaws,some specs were not viable,unless you wanted to be a special snowflake.Some Mechanics were also not well made in Classes and the general game design ,like stacking resistance.

Also the PvP-Systems,literally encouraged you to have no life,you didn't play against the other faction you played against your own faction(since you had to have the most honor).
It wasn't based on skill to be a High Warlord,rather time.Of course many were good but that happens when you have to play 10 hours a day and grind with a premade group.And Arena proved that many High Warlords were not the best in terms of PvP.

Arena is another aspect,tho.I liked and also achieved Glad,but to be honest Blizzard never gave a shit about it or to late.So many classes went completly rampage in certain Season.Like Deathknight S5-6 or Druids and Sl/sl locks in S3-4.

So is the demon hunter trash?

PvP during the game's absolute prime required even more grinding than that, and involved some chance based raid drop farming to top it all off. If the pvp is fun, it's not really a grind anyway, and I think that's how most players felt including myself. It felt fun to get better pvp gear and grind BGs because it was in service of making the already super fun pvp even more fun.

There are a lot of abilities removed and some of the spec ability specialization stuff is lame (like frost mage not getting arcane missiles) but the game has been like this since Cata and it was in the worst state ever in WoD.

Like I said, It's not WOTLK, which was probably the height of creativity in pvp for WoW, but it's above and beyond not looking to be the worst xpack.

>Blizzard releases Vanilla server
>Newfags realize half the specs are complete dogshit
>Game is a grindy buggy imbalanced mess
>Over 70% of the playerbase quits in a month
>Players aren't actually retarded
>OP af specs
>Every raid cleared in a day
>TBCfags come in screaming for a TBC server
>Wrathfags do the same

What do?

Alliance kneel and scream like bitches before dying

Should I shell out another 20 bucks for a fella talker mount? I main warlock since TBC

why would you play the faction that's filled with humans ? might as well play real life
i hate humans

And Horde runs away like chicken shits, your call

unlikely private servers have more players than retail.

>completely safe!
dunno you tell me
by the way i dont even trust amazon but you sure are a fucking retard

But the retail won't have the free boost

>Over 70% of the playerbase quits in a month
Did you even see Nostalrius?

If you hate humans, Why would you play a faction full of lesser-humans

I wouldn't be surprised if private severs are mostly experienced players and not people completely naive to vanilla WoW like that user was saying. Imagine some backpeddling male blood elf retard trying to figure how to level as ret paly. It'd be a nightmare and that's a huge population of WoW current live player base.