Girl joins the clan

>girl joins the clan

Other urls found in this thread:

>causes drama for the whole clan


There is literally nothing wrong with female video game enthusiasts.

>playing MMO's

you only have yourself to blame

What happens next?

>You get kicked as the clan just sweeps the drama under the rug and outlaws any discussion of it

>playing mmos

your fault desu

mmo's now consist of degenerates, mom and dad gamers, whores and the korean grinder

Except that they don't exist.

Hell, you'd be hard-pressed to find a girl that even likes Dorf Fort, let alone be a fucking enthusiast.

>girl joins the clan
>takes a raid spot instantly, no fucking trial runs
>gets loot first week even though raider offspec gets priority over trial/new members
>raid leader gives her the fragments of valanyr every week when ulduar came out
>gets the mace over our main healer that stuck with us through 3drake sarth
>she transfers shortly after getting the mace
>turns out shes giving nudes to the raid lead for loots
>guild disbanded
>didnt even kill algalon
jesus fucking christ vaginas and tits man. were all primitive apes deep down to our core

Why do girls joining clans always lead to said clan getting disbanded?

because the people in the clan are usually pussies in the first place

>someone plays bad
>wow dude you played like shit
>dude dont be so mean to others
>girl plays bad
>wow you played like shit
>kicked from clan

then again this is why i play competitive games and not mmos, people are too fucking casual about wasting hours to do nothing well

at least in high level competitive games if you bitch enough people will also either argue or comply

not "oh my god stop being so rude to others"

Because when a guild is 90% single men and a female comes along we revert to old instincts in order to win approval. Over an MMO this equals autistic level sperg outs, really though I actually see lots of guild leaders managing to get girl friend players, they probably see it as power IE leader of the tribe.

>play dragons nest
>join guild
>guild leader is a girl
>no drama
>eventually go inactive
>come back after a few years. Guild and its leader are still super active

female guild leaders are an entirely different thing, they tend to be fairly good from what I experienced and far from drama whores

Girls always ruin everything. You just wanna hang out with your friends, then a girl enters the picture and it's not the same anymore.

>Friend who likes to talk hot shit but is actually shit gets kicked from guild
>He attempts to join the best guild on the server to prove hes better than anyone in the guild
>He get fucking shit on
>Guildmate gets a hold of the application he sent them on their site

>GM is a girl
>one of the officers starts (internet) dating the GM
>one night raid gets cancelled because the officer /flirted with a random female belf and the GM threw a fit
>this sort of shit happens regularly until the Raid leader (also a girl but less insane) takes the core raid team and forms a new guild

>Oi gevalt, is that a WOOOMANN???
>don't be mean to her or kill her or i'll BAN YOU from the server you bully

>girl joins server
>she starts getting reps from everyone
>she starts getting clan invites from everyone
>dudes single her out "heh good shootin' there. You're a real ace with that gun! Whats ur name :)"
>Me: You dumb virgins

God forbid I call everyone out. Just let the bitch play the game. I browse Sup Forums and even I don't have a god damn heart attack when a girl joins a server.

Sup Forums the thread, calm down spergs

>Leader is a skinny and slightly narrsistic guy, but i tolerate since he can get things done
>the others are guy who can joke about alot of things without problem
>suddenly the first woman arrives
>all team-mates turn to mega faggots, fighting for her attention
>before we all were focused, now people just respond "yeah...h"
>find out all of them are typing with a fucking betaboner with her in private chat 24/7
>one guy tells me "he is all messed up" because "she told me about how tough her life is, i just wanna beat up her family for not treating her like a princess"
>the other guy disappears from chat and game completly
>the leader turns into an annoying piece of shit always talking down
>the woman says "why dont you never say anything to me", responds im interested in the game, not gossiping
>leader goes on a long pissy rant, eventually tells me to "apoligize or get kicked"
>tell him to fuck off
2 months later, guy who disappeared flew to her state, she chickened out or something and he was left there like an idiot, became suicidal and reclused before finally coming back and tell the whole story. never spoke to leaderfaggot again

>GM is a grill
>Doing ICC alt runs
>She explains the fight
>"Dont stand in the fire or you get gkicked"
>"Everybody should be jumping. If you dont jump you're getting gkicked"
>Wipe twice on Professor Putricide
>"Ok raid over"

Thanks for getting me saved to the raid till next week cunt

Post it plz

>muh pol

Fuck off sjw, this shit legitimate has happened since 2004 and continues to happen regularly. Tbh I think a socialist or psychologist should do a thesis on this phenomenon

>Playing Tibia
>50 year old queen of a woman controls the clan, nobody dares challenging her, everyone seeks her approval
>She was the rooster in the clan, known to even be dangerous in real life, so we are very obedient
>This asshole comes into our voice chat shouting "BALLS OF STEEL"
>Our alpha woman leader flips out and tell him to get bent
>We all crawl up to her bossum later and say "we were so afraid, and we are sorry for everything" she punished us slightly with ballbusting and assbonging

gamergirl greentext is Sup Forums?

you should try having one in your wow guild that talks about Steven universe all day

>Shitlord gamers, all of you cis white males
wow grow a spine woman

>Pretend to be a grill
>Get free loot and admin privileges

>Also a fuckton of messages from owners/admins for nudes, cybering, and e-dating
>Every autist in the world tries to start a conversation with you
>People getting pissy when you ignore them after they send you unsolicited gifts
>Wonder if it's really worth it

I wish I could out myself just to tell every spergburger exactly why they're foreveralone fuckups.

form a guild with just men and make mics mandatory and never
allow females to join. problem solved.

>Come from a unique school, were atleast half of my class belongs to the same clique
>We play games constantly, lots of girls
>We impress the girls in different ways
>One day this black guy is in chat, and the girls are laughing uncontrolably, he starts flirting and they giggle like crazy
>They all add him despite our impotent protest
>Nevermind too tired to continue making up stuff up they got "BLACKED" and you are a cûck

women, am i right fellas?

Have you ever seen a female tank a raid? I've been playing wow since vanilla, had female gm's, but I've never seen a female tank.

>pretend to be girl
>get free shit
>fuck guilds just because I can, leaders are often losers with a lot of time to spare, hence them being leaders making them the most vulnerable
>pop into Sup Forums later
>see spergs whining about women

i cannot get enough of how easily "true serious 100% gamer males" are manipulated

ive had a female bear tank

Women only play as healers and dps, but they suck at both.

You do realize that your personality and character show greatly when you do sadistic shit like that and enjoy it?

It means you are a unstable individual in real life society with inferiority complex and a habit of self justification to live with the reality that you are most likely a shitty human being who practices the same type of manipulation/sadistic tendencies in RL with/without knowing.

T. Behavioral Psychologist who likes vidya

Get help


how do i get vidya gf

Half of the clan basically become her personal slaves and white knights.

Eventually the other half gets fed up at her special treatment for having a vagina and theres a shitload of drama until leader kicks everyone that isnt on his side.

> be 6 years ago
>playing wow, with a guild named charmed whitelighters
>GM is a girl
>husband is high ranking member
>she starts sending nudes to other male members of the guild
>husband doesn't get along well with a particular warlock (husband, wife, and warlock live in the same city)
>Warlock said something fishy on chat to husband
>Husband logs out immediately
>GM goes silent
>50mins in we all start joking about them fucking
>Warlock goes silent for 20m
>comes back saying the husband is outside his apartment swearing
>logs out

fast forward 2 weeks

>GM has been gone for like a week
>husband logs on for like maybe 15m to do daily quest
>but doesn't respond to anyone

Another week goes by

>GM is back, says she is quitting.
>Warlock comes online leaves guild
>Husband comes online a few hours later
>tells us GM was fucking warlock for like 5 months

WOTLK was based

Shit, I'd join a guild with girls if all the dramu was this exciting.

This isn't a Sup Forums thread, no one is talking about Trump.

Im on board for equality shit, but I fuckin HATE girls playing video games.
The second they enter a match everything gets fucked up. Its not necessarily the way they act, but the way they make these sad mindless virgins behave.
If anyone was talking, they are now silent, being spergy aggressive to her, or dropping a shitton of spaghetti trying to be 'nice guy'. If your team had any kind of rhythm, that shit is now gone because a couple faggots are on patrol to 'keep the grill alive'.

I know its not really their fault, but holy fuckin shit this happens every single fuckin time.

>friend introduces girl to our usual stack
>"Hey, come over to skype with us"
>expect her to be the typical "gurl gamer" and play like shit
>actually plays good and isn't attention whoring our group
>calm and collected, says useful shit and can banter aswell

Sometimes things can go well I guess.

I dunno about yall, but a girl I was dating started playing vidya with us and we treat her like one of the guys. She's pretty good and I constantly call her a casual. She heals in every game that has heals. She always supports me in Dota and I win most of the games playing with her. You're just getting shitty casual "gaemer gurl" bitches. Sorry bros.

which server?

>Being new

Lol. Such a newfag.
Lurk more, faggot.

Get lucky. I did. My woman is a smoking hot Colombiana that loves vidya. She beat Furi on Furier. Made me proud today.

im lurking since boxxy but mainly Sup Forums and Sup Forums, sorry for not knowing every fucking meme on Sup Forums
also your story seemed 100% believable, i have heard worse things happen on Tibia

>Nevermind too tired to continue making up stuff up they got "BLACKED" and you are a cûck

This was golden

>clan mates want to go to a LAN/meet up in real life
>trying to get my phone number and shit

Can't we just play the fucking game :(

>Play WoW from WOTLK to MoP
>Guild is mostly other cripples, vets, and married women
>We were shit at clearing content but we had so much fucking fun
>Quit WoW
>Get email from old guildmate
>Find out one of my guild bros died of cancer

Feels bad man

That story wasn't me. And Sup Forums? What are you? A 12 year old racist white kid?

>gfs mom founded the clan

>That one internet girlfriend you had for a while

Were you seriously gonna kill yourself over me bitch, I was 10.

He also mentioned Sup Forums, regardless, even lurking Sup Forums would mean you'd have to have seen the balls of steel video before.

stopped lurking Sup Forums around 3 years ago, now visit it occasionaly
switched full time to Sup Forums and /vg/

>its me goku
fucking hell gets me every time
i cant tell if hes being serious or not

>clan has no cussing policy

>Accusations of racism used to shut down dissent
>In the multicultural society that was 1920's Russia

you're so fucking rude

I always thought this was just bullshit you guys said, but then it fucking happened to me

>Start playing FF XIV (yes I know) had a plan to sub for 2 months and see if it was worth it
>Just minding my own bussiness, playing alone until someone invites me to a guild
>Usually a nice guy I would help my guildmates and made some nice "friends", Guild is growing more every day and we have 10-15 girls confirmed

Aaaand then it happens

>Join a discussion on guildchat about videogames and casual, smartphone games
>Made the mistake to share my opinion on how people who play candy crush and angry birds are not really videogame enthusiast
>One of the girls sees my comment and blows it out of proportion "omg user i never thought you would be so shallow to think women only play those kind of games"
>but i never stated this was gender specific
>"what the fuck you dumb boy"
>90% of the guild sides with her, even my "friends", next day no one wants to talk with me, so i leave the guild and two days later i quit playing

In retrospect i guess I should thank her, only played like 22 days of it.

>clan has a no singles policy

>harmlessly make fun of her like I make fun of all of my clan mates
>"Woah dude. Too fucking far, you were out of line bro"

>It causes no drama
The gays in your clan on the other hand.

You also can't joke about anything with them. Guys can joke about anything. Girls can't.


my point is Sup Forums is no better

don't get me started on /vg/ lol

You are triggered, Amerifats?

>Meet gril on WoW
>Chat it up
>Eventually chill on mic n shit
>Turns out she's wicked fucking good at games
>b- on iccup, she stomps me in Brood War
>Stomps me in fighting, moba, rts, turn based, basically everything except tanking in WoW
>Turns out she's a qt3.14 asain girl
>Nudes for days

I miss her sometimes.

How about reading the thread?

Someone who just reads the OP and gets defensive like that without reading the thread sounds like the one that is triggered.


I remember when I played on a Wow private server and joined the best clan, turned out the leader and a bunch of other people were girls. It was fun while it lasted.

What is this?

Shut the fuck up faggot, i do what i want

whatcha gonna do?

>two girls in clan/group both in high positions of power
>get along okay with each other
>one is exactly what you expect, tumblr to her very core
>other one is the only person I got along with because they aren't orbiting /soc/ incarnate and can shit talk with the best of them
>cool chick leaves for another group
>eventually get booted because she was the only reason I was still allowed in the group at all

the shitposting was fun while it lasted but the fact a female in a video game group was my only ally was both refreshing and frightening

>waifu set up a minecraft realm today
>trying to rope me in but I don't play that fag shit
>she gets some of our friends to come play
>one is an absolute thespian
>always hamming up on the mic
>I can tell she's getting irritated with them for not knowing the l33t minecraft strats and getting the villagers killed at night
it's funny to watch the opposite of the stereotype happen

well, psychology is a stupid fucking major to get into so that says a LOT about your slacker personality as well

t. chef at wendy's

Sup Forums is actually very white knight-ish.

This. Or shit like Grand Stategy.
Poll on /gsg/ showed that amongst hundreds of neckbeards there was only a single woman and she was a norwegian NEET or something.

>Girl immediately gets promoted to second in command

>Girl gets high priority to all the loot

>Girl promotes complete scrubs to officers in the guild just for being nice to her or referring to her as ma'am.

>Girl and GM get married and quit the game.

cucking is the norm here, I dont know if there is something wrong with me but I dont like staying in relationships and turn into a whiny faggot if im in one. I've spent most of my sex life having one night stands with girls in relationships or married.

One girl I used to fuck every weekend and one time her husband took her to the same bar as me, and later that night she gagged on my dick in the parking lot and a couple minutes after I cum and we step back to the smoking area he comes out and smokes with us.

I'd have to agree with this guy.

What's your real life like? Are you one of those people that no one likes to be around?

There's a difference between waifu and wife, you know.

One is obtainable. The other is not.

it was fucking jen from toronto wasnt it

all this except for the last one doesn't happen until the shit has been going on for so long the all that's left in the clan is your 3rd point resulting in a broken clan full of noobs so she and the GM just leave

I call her that when talking to channers so they don't think I'm old even though I am

Had a Gnome DK main tank back in ICC. She was pretty damn good, was able to tricks the ridiculous cat dps for more damage and he still couldn't pull off her.

they come to fight for white women, so..thats their first mistake. A white woman is a cumrag used by every race, only an idiot would marry one

doesn't make you sound any younger, but rather like you just don't know what you're talking about

not WoW but I was talking to a 16-17 year old girl on TF2 and even though she had a stupid steam bf I got her number and like 7 videos of her fingering herself and an assload of nudes.

im going to jail

nice projection m8. more like because they are the most desirable women but stay jelly you can't get one.


That's different you dumb nigger. Someone who wants to deal with all the bullshit that comes from being on the top is a lot more likely to actually be interested in the game. Just make sure she's not recruiting betas to farm for her.

I never minded I mean I got ass photos every time.

You honestly think you're the only one to do this man? You're not going to jail, relax.

>they are the most desirable women but stay jelly you can't get one.
>you cant get one

who's projecting now my main man.

source? google revealed only memes

>75% of the old conversations aren't allowed anymore because all clan members have a different opinion than the girl

have fun getting reported over and over again because you're rude to a grrl


clans are FPS shit