Fifty dollars

>fifty dollars


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because you didn't buy it when it came out, goy.

Nintendo won't keep supplies going forever

What are roms?
What is emuparadise?

I need this game to poketransfer from GenIV. Can't do that on emulator.


That's why.

>games should get cheaper as they get older
I never understood this, it's not like the games get worse. In fact, I'd argue most of the older games are better than the shit we get nowadays.

You can do that with any of the gen 5 games, black and white are cheaper since they're less good.

>no wi-fi

>he doesn't have a R4

Huh, that's pretty neat.

Is there no way to connect with retail games though?

Older movies and books get cheaper too.
Its a move to get more people to buy it at the lower price point.

But in this case its just that there is more demand than supply, especially thanks to Pokemon Go.

So what does this do? Can you gen your own Pokemon with this?

It asks to use an action replay code, so I guess an action replay DS thing would work.

wtf is this like an expansion for black/white? Is it a sequel? I haven't played since heartgold so excuse my fucking ignorance

You would need a action replay

R4 is around the same price anyway

>tfw have R4 and legit games
>can use twlsavetoot on hacked 3DS to transfer save files between R4 and legit games

Legit games are also useful for the Pokewalker on HGSS and Pokemon dream radar for BW2, that stuff doesn't work on R4s. Also Pokebank only works on legit games. But you could always convert gen 5 pkm files with pkhex to gen 6

No, hack your 3DS if you want to gen pokes.

more or less. yes

Due to Pokemon GO, demand is high. Want a legit copy? Pay up, fuckboy.


>Largest and varied regional dex to date
Doesn't matter when they're mostly trash.

>Expanded world and continued story
Unova is still a circle and the increased focus on story makes Pokemon worse.

Will Sun/Moon be good for someone who hasn't played since ruby/sapphire?

What is R4?

yes, skip the other 3ds games, SM is looking like the best games in years

But you could play HGSS, platinum, BW/BW2 if you really wanted too.

pokemon games are pretty much the same shit every time so they can get away with the price tag. Also pokemon go is definitely boosting sales. No reason to lower prices

Thanks m8. Not gonna lie pogo kinda revitalized my interest. I think I'll wait for the new game and if I want more I'll grab some of the old ones

drastic will emulate black2 perfectly on an android phone

It does
Currently playing it on my phone

just tried to buy white in a store and it was still forty

online is the only way

Just inject while browserhax 2.0 is still available

>buying games


its fuging pokemon its not like there is some ebin world building and story to experience

>just bought soulsilver for $80

was black 2 or white 2 the one with the hardmode code?
or did the codes work in either games?

not thread related but still related
will i miss a huge chunk of the story if i go play bw2 first before bw?

what happens if I play black 2 without playing black 1

i suppose?
it doesn't really matter though, for the most part theyre self contained stories
for me i liked seeing how the region changed between games

i played b2 without 1, still had a good time

Fuck you, that shit doesn't work anymore

Just emulate it op, infact you can just emulate everything from GBA, PSP, SNES, DS and even ps1.

Another screenshot of emulators that I know work 100% with almost every game for their emulated system.

Did you reset your browser before doing it?

There is literally no fucking reason for used pokemon games to be as expensive as they are
This just proves how fucking retarded gaymers are, and that they'll buy anything up because of their non-existant knowlege of economics

>group of people who define themselves by recreation
well no shit they don't know anything about economics (or most things, for that matter)

If people are willing to pay, make the most of it.

Pokemon Go is why.

I'm even seeing it in Bongland, that game was like $20-25 used now it's like $40+
Good thing I bought White 2 ages ago.

>Doesn't matter when they're mostly trash.
They threw in some older Pokemon during the main game too user.

>Unova is still a circle and the increased focus on story makes Pokemon worse.
You no longer traverse it in a semi circle fashion and there's a hell of a lot more optional areas to explore.

Nothing, they just don't call the previous protagonist by name because you didn't do the memory link thing.

SM is looking like the best game in years? How? Removal of gym leaders?

>Want to get the PS3 version of Nier
>It's on average $20-$30 more expensive than the 360 version
>Always prefaced with RARE GAME :)
People are fucking Jews, I swear.

I bought a DSi and an R4i card for less than what the pokemon games cost used

After you reset your browser take note of where the zoom in button is.

As soon as the screen turns yellow like that, press where the zoom in button would be 3 times and hold your circle pad to the top left and quickly press the top left of your 3ds touch screen with a stylus.

For some reason some 3ds' won't load that page right, but you can still get it to work since the bar that you're supposed to click is still technically there.

Still not guaranteed though. Took me 4 tries to get in on a 3ds that was doing that.

Tell me how then
Every time i try to emulate black 2 on my pc it get's slow as fuck, the music gets fucked up too, etc

>being criminal scum

>he doesnt have $50

no wonder you dont have any stars

well, it is arguably the best pokemon game

>being this much of a faggot

You'll be much happier because B2 is astronomically better then the piece of shit B1

You can do that, but then you can't transfer to Gen 6

why dont you guys like xy or the ruby/sapphire remakes

Sup Forums are hipsters that hate 3D

I like them. I'm still planning on buying BW2

Best game in the series, but not as old as HGSS.

This is pretty much irrefutable

The gen 3 remakes are pretty cool. A shame the battle frontier didnt make it and the maison cheats like fucking crazy.

do I need to play BW1 before playing BW2?

>not having a flashcart

Shut up pleb

Liked xy and found ORAS terrible

You don't have to but you would appreciate it a lot more if you did

Watch out lads. The autistic mods have been deleting star poster's post since yesterday, probably because no fun allowed.

Because they're baby tier easy even without expshare or megas

Why even bother

If you play games on consoles and don't pirate or buy used, you're gonna get ripped off.


>challenge mode and easy mode
So they added this and then removed it in ORAS?

They only had them in bw2 iirc

Also no gym rematches or battle frontier that emerald had

I'm guessing their games are guaranteed to sell like hotcakes so they don't even bother

Yeah they put zero effort in and don't even acknowledge their aging fanbase

Mods can't touch me I have too many stars

Can you read?

It was retarded anyway, you had to wireless connect to someone who had already beaten the game to even access it.

That's such a modern nintendo thing to do lel

That's nothing compared to HG/SS

I e tthe wouldnt even come with the pedometer.

I got White 2 new from the gamestop for 20 euros.
It was neat.

I'd switch ORAS with R/S and it would be perfect

>buy a flash cart thingy for like 10 bucks
>download every ds game for free

>not buying all Pokemon games on day 1

It's your own fault homos.

>buying ORAS on day 1
>buying ORAS at all
What the fuck is wrong with you?

Most of the copies are already bought and nintendo doesn't get a penny, why the fuck should you care how he gets it.

Same as any other third version

I liked XY since it introduced a lot of fresh ideas into the battle system. Also, I wanted to play Pokemon in 3D (mainline, not one of those watered down console spin offs) ever since I was a little kid.

Hijacking OP's thread

what are the "essential" Pokemon games? I hear everyone praises Platinum for some reason. Is Emerald any good?

It has the Battle Frontier, so yes its a fucking essential.

just get the final version of each gen and its k.
or just get the newest one

I got it for free on my phone with the drastic emulator. Quite enjoy it!

The only Pokemon games anyone should play at this point are (in that order)
And I'm not even sure about XY in all honesty, since the main appeal of those games (online multiplayer) is going to become moot very soon while the main adventure isn't all that great, but we don't have much of a choice when it comes to gen 6. Goddamit GameFreak, why did you have to skip out on Z? maybe the remakes will fix it

>tfw currently playing White 1

It's alright.

I mean I'm not that far in it. Speaking of the capable games a modern phone like my galaxy S6 can run on emulators. I wonder if even PS2/360/ps3 games will once be doable on phones

maybe you can teach us how to transfer your mon from your phone emulator to pokebank

dumb question, what DS emulator is best to save on battery life ?

Well that I can't do, but it's not like I know where my old Gameboy is anyway.