Which Grand Theft Auto game did you like more - IV or V? Why?
Grand Theft Auto
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If I wanted to play poland simulator I'd buy a tracksuit and find and abandoned industrial estate
I found the gameplay in IV - the shooting and driving - more fun and satisfying than in V.
Single player: IV
MP Solo: IV
MP with Friends: V
I like my games imperfect but personal
V with a realistic handling mod to make driving not shit. Though Nico was probably a better protagonist with a more interesting story, GTA 5's better map clinches it for me.
IV, probably because of the setting and details. Was disappointed when I called the ambulance and they wouldn't heal me in V
The premise of V was awesome but it ended up being so dull. I thought there would be more bank robbery/heist style missions. IV had better characters and missions overall. That heat style bank robbery was one of the best GTA missions I think.
IV, it was just more fun fucking around, and that was even before i knew about the missing TECHNOLOGY on V
Also this, I thought I was gonna get a bunch of heist/team missions depending on how the member system worked
shooting things was much better in gta 4
IV. V was a huge downgrade on a lot of aspects. IV had perfect driving, perfect protagonist, perfect serious story with just the right amount of fun.
Also the huge amount of work dumped in V MP means less effort was spent on SP.
Ballad of gay Tony was GOAT But I'm a fan of V's multiplayer
V has a better multiplayer, that's it. V is the one GTA that doesn't feel like a GTA. Just because it's called GTA and you go around shooting doesn't mean it's going to play out like the others. Give it a circle radar, 2 extra weed missions, and more clothes, then you can swap the title and it'll be a Saints Row game.
The characters are the worst part. Whoever wrote the script for GTA V needs to be killed.
IV. Simply because I played it at a time where I was more easily impressionable also TECHNOLOGY.
V is good though.
both were great 2bh
They're both fucking boring and big but empty as shit
i liked biker wars better
Much much better story and characters, Niko is awesome
Shooting was better too
The city was more alive
The driving in 5 is sooo good tho
San Andreas
I liked the more serious story. And the multiplayer was just more fun. Nothing in V's multi was as enjoyable as playing in the airport with only RPGs and friendly fire turned off.
Honestly, they added so many things to do in V but I just feel as if there was more to do in IV.
IV because it has better vehicle handling and combat.
IV because i'm not underage.