open paint
draw something shitty related to game
other anons need to guess what game it is
Open paint
First time playing this game. I still dont know how to kill these fags
Drake and Josh from Dork Soles
Summon Sunbro to distract one of them. Always make sure that you can see both of then at the same time allowing you to see who's gonna fuck you up first.
the cuck among us
>implying I have humanity
>implying I have a moment of peace to summon sunbro
Im mad dashing from the first bonefire to this fight without killing all the fucking knights and shit. I manage to kill the fat one easy enough, but when the other becomes supersayan I just cant deal (yet)
I will do it, and I will do it the hard way goddamit
Looks liek Dizzy to me senpai
>putting the name of the game in the title
Oh gee, lemme think, is it Metal Arms?
The only true way to git gud. user, you have my respect.
I never even played it but I know teh meems
cmon Sup Forums you should be able to get this
Literally only you will ever find that, like my mind is blown.
>this game never got a sequel
it hurts lads
this looks familiar
wind waker my nigga
correct my good sir. you have good taste.
OP said draw something shitty.
FarCry Primal
hint its fucking overwatch