We succeeded in taking that picture, and, if you look at it, you see a dot. That's here. That's home...

We succeeded in taking that picture, and, if you look at it, you see a dot. That's here. That's home. That'sSpace Engine thread

Other urls found in this thread:



>planet so hot it's scorched red on the side that isn't exposed to the light

Using SweetFX + hd texture



How do you take pictures this detailed? I have all my settings maxed out and I still can't get decent textures.



Oopsie day.

it's not even cranked to the max since my laptop is already being pushed to the limit
if there wasn't the atmosphere cloud, you'd see how shitty ground textures are, but for some reason, volcano looks ok


has to be something out there

>tfw there might be alien life forms watching us without us knowing RIGHT NOW
I bet the reason why they haven't made contact is because they think we are too primitive

there is already something naughty orbiting neptune

Not him, but I believe that there are single celled organisms somewhere in the universe not on Earth. I highly doubt little green men are out there though

What are blackholes like in Space Engine?


I can't find any

Stop being so paranoid. We're not "watching" anything

i found one yesterday, think it was forming right next to a star or something, almost went blind

There's always a black hole in the middle of any galaxy or star cluster.
Click on Milky Way and press Ctrl+G
result is spooky though
Outside of that, it's very rare you'll stumble upon them without using search filter function

>Click on Galaxy
>Press c
>Move forward and keep Pressing c until distance is small

They look like this now:

Like staring into infinity, and having it stare back at you.

This is just before crossing the event horizon.

>16 FPS

sheeit user i hope the pretty screenshots are worth it

on a serious note though, making a planet "flat" twisted the mountains in procedural ones and they look like this

>max speed
>leave milky way
>see a bunch of galaxies
>now I'm seeing thousands of them
>they are all just tiny dots now
>what is so big that I can't even comprehend now is the size of a few pixels
>go through the entire universe
>finally pitch black
>shit sinks in

They're legitimately spooky shit. Light bends around them in really crazy ways.


So it's now a desert wasteland, but instead of sand dunes it's rock dunes?



>finding Earth-like moon with oceans and continents as 3rd planet I landed on
>only 2 hours later after browsing deserts understand how lucky I was

sort of

>traveling in a distant galaxy
>moving at FTL cruising speed, watching alien constellations slowly drift by my spaceport
>I have nothing to do but explore
>observe brilliant clusters of stars, thousands of them or more, suspended in space like extravagant galactic christmas trees
>approaching the center of the galaxy
>run a scan to locate any nearby planetary bodies of interest
>several massive stars in the immediate area
>and one body curiously denoted as "category X"
>map orbital trajectories of stars
>they are all orbiting a single supermassive object
>object X
>locate the object, slow down, and fly closer to investigate
>see nothing. Whatever this is, it can't be a star
>fly in closer
>almost dismissing it as a figment of my imagination, I notice some stars in the center of my viewport begin to appear to shift in position
>they are slowly moving towards the edge of my vision. That's strange, they can't be nearby. I already ran a scan of nearby stellar objects
>more stars begin moving
>no--the stars aren't moving
>the very light around me is warping
>a pinprick of evil darkness accumulates to a rapidly growing clump of pitch blackness
>I know this is the end
>my screams ebb into distorted space time as my GPU fucks up and Space Engine crashes

for fucks sake, exiting supercruise in ED and landing in front of a star makes me uneasy but this shit takes it to another level.

How do you think they managed to emulate it?

Thank you

Slav magic.

The dev is an astronomer who actually works for the Russian space program so he knows his shit.

that was one guy tho

>The dev is an astronomer who actually works for the Russian space program so he knows his shit.

Sure but space is simply too large and there could be entire civilizations out there that we'll never encounter due to distance.

is this game relatively easy to mod. Is there any more stuff beyond adding hills to planets and HD textures cuz that's all im seeing on the forums. What mods/expansions do you anons have setup?

So a megacain dominating one hemisphere that keeps the rest of the hemisphere from becoming glacial hell like the other.

Holy crap this game is incredible.

It looks like southern Utah, which is in fact a bunch of solidified sand dunes.

Do things like this occur in vanilla or do I have to mod the game?

its like the first sentence on the SE wiki article

I'm not sure I'm remembering this right, but when I donated some money to him he had an email at Roscosmos or something else space related.


I'm pretty sure that planet just doesn't turn, so one side of the planet is always facing the sun while the other never gets any heat. The hurricane is just a neat side-effect.

Anybody have any trouble with the hd texture pack? Doesnt seem like its working for me.



LOD all the way to the right

Also our solar planets looks like ass with the hd shit

Just fuck off to a different solar system and "land" on a planet .

not vidya

works only in the solar system, and yes, its noticable. Increase the LOD

Delete this

That's the old black hole, the new one looks like this.

>we want interstellar audience

I only found lackluster ones

>Literally flew into one
>Black,black and more black
>Suddenly stars

What happened?

>Not using ayy spaceship

It is, actually. You should try space engine and see how much of a video game it is.

You actually run into stars if you go deep enough into a blackhole? It got too dark for me so I warped back to Earth

Gee, bill. TWO event horizons?

Go further to the left or right and a bit closer.

Or get a better graphics card and turn on the details and get more mods.

You probably flew through it. I don't know if black holes have collision like planets do.

macro for enabling/disabling hud for screenshots?

got slingshoted, i guess


lmao master race my ass hahahaha more like stutter race rofl

Funny thing - if you have two black holes orbiting each other gravity goes crazy and you get an infinite amount of event horizons.




>tfw there might be alien life forms watching us without us knowing RIGHT NOW

not really, no. you don't know shit m8.

But can you find Wormholes ?

anime and nude mods

>What is the zoo hypothesis

The error is that it would need 100 % of all aliens to agree that they should only watch.

A civilization which has the technical abilities to travel that far just for a peep show shouldn't judge us.

No. It aims for realism.

is there a flying saucer mod for spaceships?
I really wan't one for the sake of it

Maybe not 100% of aliens have the ability to make it to Earth. NASA is very careful with their missions to Mars to avoid contaminating the test bed where they are looking for life. Once SpaceX gets up and running that will all be for naught though.

I'm sure that if we found life on another planet the government would lock that shit down so people could study their language, culture, biology and all sorts of shit.

how do I into blaneds?

Oh wait, space ENGINE thread.
I thought space engineers.
Nevermind the post, then.

too late, fucker. Now we're laughing at you.

He just need to add some gameplay to this. Is it true he plans vegetation dor 1.0 build?

I don't mind.
Glad I made your day somewhat brighter.



Some have accretion disks so theyre a bright swirl that sometimes turns faster than a mixer.
Those without accretion disk are just spooky magnifying glasses flying through space that will scare the shit outta when when you quickly fly towards them.

>see two white stars
>Cool ice giant
>black rings
this is my aesthetic




śledze development od kilku lat i z tego co mówił to nie będzie 3D życia na powierzchniach, będą światła miast na nocnych stronach zasiedlonych planet, tak jak teraz wygląda Ziemia, ale nic konkretnego na powierzchniach nie będzie ale możliwe że będą ogólne tekstowe opisy fauny i flory planety na jej wiki

HOW? i want my space engine to look pretty, i have a nasa computer so it wont be 16 fps

That's cool, if they could harness that twist for normal planets they could use us to simulate the effects of plate tectonics (Tilted Plates)

You have to melt your computer on purpose for those kinds of shots

Show me ... Pulsar!

nothing melts me quad sli 980 ti :)


sorry for the shitty bitrate

The most unsettling terrifiying experience you can have staring at a computer screen.

They're the NOPE trigger.

Forget slenderman or amnesia. SE black holes are the most terrifying thing in a videogame and THEY'RE NOT EVEN AN ENEMY.