SEGA does

SEGA does...


Altered Beast is terrible garbage

All the franchises in that pic are dead.

36 games is really low if you are counting 3 generations of consoles.

git gud lmao
shenmue is getting a sequel dude
obviously this isnt all the games they made

*98 percent are dead

>no Monster World III and IV
>Altered Beast

It's fine for a launch title, but I wouldn't call it great.

sega never made those games dingus

Sega isn't a company that "makes games"

Sega is vidya kino

If you're only counting Sega developed games then you need to remove stuff like Panzer Dragoon Saga.

you are retarded

what sonysn't

n't localize any of their decent games.

fucking tell me about it OP.

They stopped localizing them because they didn't sell good enough. What happened? I thought the market was in the millions and everyone loved niche games?

Where the fuck is muh Panzer Dragoon?

I thought the same thing.

guess not.

I'm still Salty about the the PS3 Shining game we never got. and the Yakuza double pack on the WiiU.

That yakuza pack sold like 5k in japan. and wouldve sold half of that here. Sega is in no position to frivolously spend anymore. They go all out for sonic and phantasy star because those make money, but everything else is very delicate. Binary Domain was the game that broke the camels back. They aimed hard for a global audience and it sold 20k first month in united states. They changed up their business strategy after that, focusing on mobile, pc, and digital.

90% shitty shovelware.jpg

name the games that arent shovelware then.

They're still Sega games tho

not exist anymore

its a sad thing you post that pic user
its nothing but a graveyard
i didn't think i would live through the greatest console war, the 4th gen and see sega die like that and i was a nintendo guy

no one should have their franchises forgotten, especially when they were good, like golden axe, sor, vc, phantasy star, nights, etc etc

I want to play Shining Resonance in english...



>tfw no one remembers the saturn
>tfw people dont even remember the dreamcast as a 6th gen console
>tfw sonic has been a third party character longer than he has been a first party character>tfw a majority of people here have never played a sega console before

its scary how fast sega became irrelevant to many people

You're coming off as over defensive and desperate.


i lived through sega man
seeing them go from an arcade maker, to consoles and then becoming what i truly fear of any big company that made good shit; a third party dev.

its going to be even scarier if it ever happens to Nintendo, but i could see them dragging all their IPs to the grave.