How could we possibly improve this chapter as it's proven to be quite short?

How could we possibly improve this chapter as it's proven to be quite short?

Hey, I know! Let's make the player trek back and forth like 14 times and plant fucking irritating enemies that are high-damaging and near impossible to dodge on the route that respawn each and every fucking time the player goes through it!

That's fucking genious!

Is this chapter the worst flaw in game design ever?

You don't know hell until you've done all of Koopa Koots favors.

Now the sewer theme is stuck in my head.

dont remind me.

I think this was one of the better chapters
Fight me

atmosphere, yes. in terms of gameplay it's as bad as the pikmin tree chapter

on your first playthrough, this is is an amazing mindfuck. i still remember my first time doing this chapter 12 years ago. took me a while to beat it but i loved it. on repeat playthroughs however, you already know the mystery so it's not as cool, but it also makes it so the chapter is only 20-30 minutes long, so it's not that bothersome.

This was hell on an no Mario run

>that sidequest where you have to catch the train back and forth multiple times

I'm pretty sure that people completely exagerate when they say it's 14 times that you have to go back and forth. Plus, something new happens each time. I don't see the issue with seeing the same track repeatedly when twists are happening with each travel, as if it automatically makes that chapter bad.

The thing is that the route has very annoying enemies that you almost always have to fight. The actual Loopliss palace and the village are quite alright but the cloud and cleft enemies in-between are not.

and why are they so annoying? the only enemies I remember I disliked fighting in the game were the dayzees and crazy dayzees

>love the atmosphere
>love the music as it's fitting for the level
>love the design of the characters
>love the boss (fighting your partners is awesome)

Actually, I feel like this can describe TTYD as a whole. Chapter 3 will always be the best.

The only enemies in the shit part of the route are
1) daizees, which will make you fall asleep, hurt you and then run away to deny the experience
2) spike clefts with huge defense and "raise attack" specialty which you can not hurt too well

You already admitted to disliking fighting the first and then you're arguing like it's no big deal going through them again and again and again. Are you a woman?

Oh, and also
>goombas that attack you with 8 attack power
>more than 2 of them every time

>You already admitted to disliking fighting the first and then you're arguing like it's no big deal going through them again and again and again.
first, I didn't remember there were daizees there, and second, can't you just run past them?

and you're being so presumptuous, are you a woman?

>complaining about the game being too hard
holy shit, this is a first for TTYD

>can't you just run past them?
You can not. Unless you've practiced that particular spot like 8 million times. That's why it's so god damn frustrating. Shit opponents, shit dodging possibilities and forced to go through it so many times.

>complaining about the game being too hard
Nobody did this. You're making expectations out of nothing, woman.

>>goombas that attack you with 8 attack power
>>more than 2 of them every time

>complaining about the game being too hard
Nobody did this. You're making expectations out of nothing, woman.

you are hilarious, little girl

forgot a meme arrow before "Nobody", woops

Yes. They bring another element of annoyance upon the clefts and daisees, you retard. Why would you think that message is about the game being too hard?

>Why would you think that message is about the game being too hard?
Because he complained about an enemy with with easy to guard patterns having too much damage. The flowers' song is a valid complaint because it's hard to get the timing well.

Were clefts really that bad? I remember that using quake hammer just shuts them down completely.
They're not very difficult to super guard either. The latter goes for the Goombas as well.

Why would it be harder to time the flowers? The flowers are more forgiving because you're not doing a super guard. Without a super guard those goompas hit you with 6 or 7 or something.

The entire thing could've been made a billion times better by just adding a warp pipe between the village and mansion once you reach it for the first time.

for me it's harder because it's a specific part of the SFX that you have to watch out for (unless you're a human stopwatch or something), while the goombas' attacks are much like a rythm game's indicator of when to press A (or B in this case)

also aren't those goombas the ones that use the power up before attacking? can't you just kill them before they even attack?

I could literally, LITERALLY masturbate to the Glitz Pit, like just the whole thing.

You could but that's the point of having more than 2 of them every fight.

there's also defensive options available for you, specially Vivian's dodge

why isn't chapter 3 considered 90% backtracking since you always revisit the same rooms?