Why are american gamers such cunts?

Why are american gamers such cunts?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Europeans eat shit
>Americans stay away from shit

>Europeans enjoy video games for what they are, enetertainment.
>Americans go all autist and act like videogames are politics

Second post best post

I see no politics. Fallout 4 is trash, piss off fruitboy.

How powerful does ur PC have to be to play this ccomputer game

Interesting. Are Europeans ruining video games with their shit taste?

not very. it scales very well, hell it ran amazingly in 2010.


I can't tell if these posts are sincere or just contrarian fucks who want to white knight for a company that used FO4 as an experiment to see how lazy they could get with presenting a product to their fanbase.

>Be european
>see how americans go crazy over something as unimportant as video games

>europeans love eating shit
>but no, it's muh america boogeyman, t-they just hate fun
Yuros also love getting cucked raped and killed by Pajeet and Mohammed so I think I know who to trust here.

>americans don't eat todd howard's shit
really makes you think

>criticizing something makes you a crazy person

>Be American
>see how eurofags get shit on by the rest of the planet and accept their destruction like lambs to the slaughter

>europoors gobble up shitty games
>americans demand quality products


third post worst post

>quality products
>posting a anime gif

fuck off

>demanding quality products is politics

Its a multibillion dollar industry and its my hobby. That already means it is more important than your life to me.

>autism the post

They don't understand the technological aspects of games enough to know when he's lying. They probably still believe Oblivion has non scripted NPCs.

Yeah, that confused me because Europeans don't demand quality in their politics either, they beg for shit just like they are doing in the picture.

Euros confirmed for cancer killing video games

You aren't demanding quality, you're demanding unrealistic perfection, which is why you're laughed at.

How is it autism exactly? The enjoyment I derive from video games and the money and jobs it generates are more important to me than a eurocucks life.

>Unironically liking a bethesda product.
I seriously hope you guys dont do this.

Euros have progressed very far into Merkel's patented Nu-Male Communist Re-Education Programâ„¢. They are taught that any form of conflict is bad.

>Australian/Canadian shitposter starts a nation war thread
Wow. What a shock. Can we ban these countries already? Jesus fuck.



Sounds like something chris chan would say.

>Laughed at by shit eaters.

Okie dokie.

>unrealistic perfection
I would just like a functioning RPG that doesn't have a Yes, Helpful Yes, Sarcastic Yes and Angry Yes dialouge system and that doesn't literally rape the lore of the world its based in.

At this rate Islam is doing the world a favor by destroying Europe.

>actually spending the time to cherry pick comments this hard for his shitty bait

>worse than Europe
lets not go there, Islam is the ultimate cancer in this world.

>94.45% likes

>96.36% likes


This. Once we help them kill the Jews the world can finally get some peace. Europe has been nothing but trouble.
>causing both world wars
Fuck em.

>Siding with muzzies instead of europe


oops I meant
>worse than Islam

>Europe is willing to forgive people who have perpetrated against them in the past
>Americans know when enough is enough and want nothing more to do with them

Makes sense when you consider who is being infested by Muslims.

>People saying Nuka World is shitting on Fallout even more

A theme park based around a drink shows how absolutely ridiculous and corporation obsessed pre-war America was. It's a much better location than the majority of what was in the base game of Fallout 4, and its intention is to bring in the ability to play as a Raider with gameplay elements which directly support. Something which hasn't been done before in past Fallout games. Yeah you could be an asshole, but there were never any joinable remorseless Raider gangs you could be a part of that take over settlements.

>the only post about Fallout 4 in a Fallout 4 thread
wow wee wow waa

What's the difference? Once Islam destroys both Yuros and Judaism we will have an excuse to nuke them and the world will be better off.

>Yeah you could be an asshole, but there were never any joinable remorseless Raider gangs you could be a part of that take over settlements.
You can literally become a slaver in fallout 4 and regularly sell people off

>let's cherrypick comments to make a Reddit post

Nuka World honestly seems like a great idea for DLC/map.

My only gripe is that the trailer made the map empty most of the time.

>He thinks machines are people

Bethesda made damn sure that not a single REAL human being was actually visibly sold into slavery. It's only ever mentioned by specific characters as a past event like with Cait. Only Synths are enslaved, and they're all faggots.

Nah, Islam will be even worse. After the leftist fags ruin everything something similar to Sharia will be forced in for stability and we'll get a giant version of pic related.

Assuming Euros don't chimp out first.

Literally 60% white

I hope you see the irony in your comment amerifriend.

You could enslave real people, even children, in Fallout 3.

We're talking about Fallout 4 here though.

Nuka World is reintroducing human slavery to Fallout 4, as can be seen by the collar on this character here. It was completely absent in the vanilla game, and normally I'd consider this a half ass attempt at responding to feedback. However the idea that it's the player being the main trader of slaves makes me moist.

>cherrypicking comments

>Sup Forumstards actually believe this

>europeans dont believe this
Cute. Actually, no. Extremely scary.

I don't care about Muslims. I've never had issues with them. Also America promises freedom of religion

No, no, please elaborate.

You can't enslave real people in a videogame.

>the evil Muslims are taking over Anakin
You're right, I don't believe it follow your stormfront propaganda.

>I don't care about Muhammad blowing himself up in a public area and taking out as many of my countrymen as he can
>I don't care about Muhammad raping my daughter
>I don't care about muslims dude wtf do they do? Bring instability to a country? Dude who even cares?

Eurofags will slurp any old shit up won't they



why are you lying

Yes, I don't care about that. What was your next meme response?

thanks for validating how retarded you are, friend.

>E-Sports tournament
>Normal people and not autistic manchildren

pick one

America promises freedom so long as it doesn't infringe upon the well-being of others.



My daughter will be Muslim so your point is moot.

>call of duty

pick one

Probably because you're too busy with pushing a disgusting liberal agenda. Oh well.

>posting a autistic weeb "kawaiiii so cutee XDDDD" webm


>Insert McDonalds joke
I just found funny you made your point with that wording, as it is known that most americans have a really poor diet.

Europeans = cucks
Americans = cucks but not as bad as other white countries

That segways nicely into my next point: Japan refuses to house Muslims. How many terror attacks have they had compared to the rest of the world?

You Europeans actually believe those memes? Do you actually think all Americans wear shoes and clap 24/7?

>A theme park based around chocolate shows how absolutely ridiculous and corporation obsessed pre-war America was

I'm sure there are plenty of other corporate parks around the world but I doubt they wouldn't have been scrapped to shit after the war.

Have fun with your alt right propaganda, friend

And? What was your point? Islam is protected by your Constitution. Time to either abolish the document or get over it

Why do people deny statistics? I'm pretty sure you're doing something that has been determined efficient by some so why the denial?

>inb4 the people who make statistics are the bad goys!!

Due to my job I have to travel constantly. The amount of fat/obese people I've seen in the states is yet to be matched.

Better than a nutjob right one

>sexual assaults and rapes in Europe have gone up ever since the introduction of refugees
>terror attacks and attempted terrorist attacks in Europe have skyrocketed since the introduction of refugees

Go to Greece, or Mexico. Also the US is huge

>Mfw Europoors got btfo in this thread

We're discussing Muslims, not Syrian refugees, retard

Because you base your opinion of americans on thumbed up youtube comments you dumb fuck

>tfw fallout 4 looked like garbage
>tfw want to play RPG rollercoaster simulator
>tfw just know there's going to be some fucking bug where the coaster flies off the tracks and backflips out of the skybox
what do

>the people I saw when I traveled on a business trip to the worlds third largest country by area is obviously representative of the whole population
You really believe this? Yuros always said they were just being ironic.

>live in an area with a mosque and large Muslim population
>very low crime
>lived here 30 years, never seen any Muslim rape or sexual assaults
I prefer my own experiences desu

Oh yeah my mistake, totally forgot that Syrian refugees aren't muslim.
By the way, I wasn't talking about Syrian refugees, the """"refugees""" coming into Europe are just brown men from the Middle East

>refugees are syrian

>I prefer anecdotal evidence over actual statistics
European education everybody.