Does Sup Forums hate this perfect game because they're bad at it?
Does Sup Forums hate this perfect game because they're bad at it?
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Contrarians and casuals/underage ADD kids that cannot deal with the relatively very high learning curve.
its a MOBA it sucks in general thats why no one would pay 60$ for it
dota 2 is a shit game that only gets a free pass on Sup Forums because of the people who have been dickriding it since its release because it's so "hardcore"
it does some things better than other games in the genre but it's too obtuse and user unfriendly for anyone who isn't a neet to be taken seriously
it's basically calvinball the game
Dota sucks because its community is so painfully fucking retarded. Which just comes with the territory of F2P games. If they'd charge like even $5 a month for it, it would severely cut down on the shitty south of the border faggots plaguing the game, along with the ruskies, That would significantly increase its quality, at little cost to the player. A great bargain really.
Dota is a good game, unfortunately I don't like being shouted at / reported by Russian teenagers because they've fed the enemy carry.
Would have been perfect if they didn't turn it into HOTS
This is the real game
As far as it goes it is the perfect moba. I didn't see op making claims about being superior either. He just likes a game.
Cwizzle not making a PS4 video was one of the greatest disappointments of my life.
I just hate MOBAs, it's nothing personnel.
the game is ok some people are just autistic and get their jimmies rustled over the internet
Keep bumping this thread so we see less Saun on the front page. Teach the spergs the hard way.
Shitters would play it anyway at this point. Just look at CSGO's community. That's not free yet
I've been off for a month and a half, what's new ?
most balanced patch to date right now.
Pit Lord and new hero Monkey King were just announced. Community is still cancerous.
Shit I go out one month and they announce not one but 2 heroes
When are they coming ?
This match I just finished as morphling might be part of the reason.
>high learning curve
Lets not get ahead of ourselves here, it's no RTS, that's for fucking sure. Most of hte heroes are simplistic as fuck. The only 'learning curve' involved is if you've never touched anything in the RTS genre before, and that's based in the unintuitive nature of the controls. The game itself is simple as fuck; It's just that the reliance on ''''teamwork'''' means you're beholden to retards that can't handle even the most basic of responsibilities without shitting the bed.
Seriously, how fucking hard is it to just right click creeps and heroes for 30 minutes while right clicking the ground to occasionally avoid getting right clicked yourself? It's piss-fucking-easy but people overthink stupid shit like placing wards or ganking to make it seem way more complicated than it really is.
Even if you're a retard, as long as you avoid dieing you're doing okay. Even if you're a useless piece of shit someone on your team will carry everyone else anyway.
fuck off smelly ruski
>completely destroy my mid lane
>can't gank or kill a fed Anti-mage who has 9 kills 0 deaths under the 13 minute mark
I think I'll just play games that don't require teamwork or will put this on hold until I find 4 other people who can cooperate with each other
Underlord(pitlord) in a few days, Monkey King in fall. I expected Monkey King to release around Halloween for maximum jew protfit.
I hate it but I still play it. Fucking mouth breathing peruvians are the fucking worst.
I might as well be cancer itself.
damn son. Jungle lifestealer?
why do you still play it if you hate it
Yes, last patch. Not as effective in the current
but Sup Forums loves mobawatch explain this.
Probably because most of them do not have the patient to learn video games. This is 2016, i expect most of them are playing clash of clan/clash royale/pokemon go every single day.
>tfw I don't trust anybody to do support so I always play support
>tfw can't play support so I always hope someone will pick sup instead of me
Thank you user
You're welcome.
Just don't play huskar please, and tell all your friends to never play huskar. I've already lost 75 MMR because I got a 0/double digit huskar TRICE in a row.
Youre talking about things you obviously know nothing about
>teammate plays huskar
> 2/25/1 ratio
>enemy plays huskar
>20/1/40 ratio
I hate this hero
smites more fun
>those few games you don't play support
>spend entire game criticizing the supports every move, the lack of wards or dust or smoke usage
>those games where the support doesn't even buy the fucking COURIER
>go support next game after learning your lesson
Whenever I pick Dazzle I always pray no one my team fucking picks Huskar
>playing team based games
>Someone in my team plays support
>Spot enemy support warding
>Start pinging and saying to deward
>Support won't listen
>Check him up
>He's an AA saving up for midas
Evry tim.
>play support
>carry can't farm shit
>play carry
>no ward and gank to ease your lane's farming
>end up have to carry the game alone because support died in 1 shot or too busy farming level 1 dagon.
user if you think DotA is complicated you're literally retarded. It's easy as fuck, from an individual standpoint. You're controlling one unit in an RTS setting, typically with only 4 abilities(If even that, most of these shit heroes are like half passives anyway). The only 'challenge' is working with others, and selecting some generic tryhard item build conveniently laid out for you in the guides tab at the top left of your screen to make the game as retard-proof as possible.
There's literally no reason to not at least be mediocre at this game within 10-15 hours short of you having 'learning disabilities'.
I got to 5k spamming him ~4 patches ago so YMMV
easiest hero in the game, I'm on mobile currently but my WR with him is close to 70% across roughly 300 games
holy shit it's so obvious you have no idea what you're talking about. here's a hint, jackass, generalizing something as "dude it's so easy you just have to do this and you win" goes both ways since it's just as easy for the other team to do it
dota in particular is definitely more difficult than most competitive RTS games including SC2, I say this as someone that was diamond for 10 seasons when I still played
>play support
>ward enemy jungle
>deward enemy wards
>stack camps
>buy courier and make it fly exactly at the 3 minute mark
>always carry a tp and use dust
>nothing but brown boots the entire game
>lose the game because my carries all can't last hit, never push when the enemy team wipes, and extends the game until the enemy anti mage is six slotted
This game literally makes you need to play carry when solo queuing. Or better yet, don't play the game at all without a stack.
I think it's easy to say it after that many hours. It's easy to know the basics but getting decent at the game can take a while. The skill ceiling is definitely very high.
>Waaaah it's so fucking hard to do my piss easy role
You shitters are what make the game so fucking unpleasant. You don't have to be some MLG dorito-lord to understand your position on the team and do your basic as fuck functions. The game even provides you a means for downloading guides into the game that tell you exactly what to buy, what skills to spec and when, and even include little descriptions from the user so that someone better at the game than you can hold your hand for you. I don't think there's even a game out there that goes as far as DotA does to make foreign concepts easy to grasp.
This shit isn't a flight sim, 90% of the time you're literally just last hitting creeps and paying attention to the mini-map, or nut-hugging another player, occasionally warding, and poking at your opponent while paying attention to the minimap.
I mean shit if you're playing a carry that's pretty much free license to turn your brain right the fuck off.
Most of the guides are trash and item build should be changed every game according to the enemy team comp tho.
Who said that dota is mechanically hard, especially if you already played a RTS before?
The hard part comes by learning what every hero can and can't do, predict enemy movements and plans in order to gank and prevent ganks, splitpushing and be able to know when to engage and when disengage by looking at your and the enmy team in mere seconds. You have 3k hours under your belt, of course it appears "easy" and "natural" to do that after that long time, but don't tell me that even after 100 hours you could "feel" when a gank was coming or where wards could be just by looking at the enemy movements.
my most played hero has e negative winrate
one of my highest winrate of a hero i play often is bloodseeker
Post that webm
you know which one
>Most of the guides are trash and item build should be changed every game according to the enemy team comp tho.
Unless you're up against a legitimately good team that is working together, and you yourself have teammates that are reliable and not window-licking peruvians, then there is literally no reason to take the game this seriously. Outside of very specific matchups, you're perfectly fine just following generic as fuck try-hard item/skill builds.
People trying to be 'cute' by overthinking shit and acting like they are smart enough to make up their own builds and crap on the fly is why this community is so fucking shit. Almost none of you dipshits are anywhere near as good or smart as you think you are. Swallow your fucking pride and just follow the god damn guides and you'll win more matches, christ.
>ability to deny opponent their exp and gold
>lose gold on death
Yeah nah. Game is decided in the first 15 minutes 90% of the time.
Your itemization depends on the enemy draft and damage type stratifications, and your real time budget hedging potential losses on the types of gold you have, while managing inventory space
>tfw the game is really good but you keep getting matched up with players at 3k who throw a game as soon as they dont get a lane they want or blame everyone else on the team for their own shortcomings
fucking hell
I just came back from a PA/AM/Ursa/Slark/Axe lineup and I understand how much cancer this game can be.
On a sidenote, I discovered how incredibly helpful the mute function is, as someone playing in EU, I use it pretty much ALL the time. God bless.
I don't hate the game but it's only fun in unranked fucking around with friends who aren't tryharding faggots. Serious Dota is boring as shit.
tfw i will never win games as medusa...
>not muting everyone and spamming Slark every single game
>every SINGLE game
20 games with him so far, only lost 3
He's retardedly overpowered
You forgot your trip REDS
>Lets not get ahead of ourselves here, it's no RTS
stopped reading there
confirmed for not knowing shit
i only started playing recently again after not doing so for like a year but i keep losing when im against an enemy slark. what do you even do about him? why does he feel so much stronger than last year despite seeming to be nerfed?
I seriously hope that nobody will take this post seriously, Chi Lon Qua.
I'm sick tired of people rushing midas every single game because a guide told to do so.
I'm sick tired of spectres going vangaurd-radiance every single game because a guide told so.
I'm sick tired of people that pick fucking invo, decide to go full exort and then, when they realize later that the team is lacking initiation, they refuse to pick some levels in W because a guide told so.
Following guides blindly like a idiot is literally the worst you can do. The only way to git gud is to try to come up with decent builds in normal matches and then, when you feel you can adapt with most matchups with that hero, bring him in ranked matches.
>Outside of very specific matchups
Too bad that every single lineup IS a very specific matchup you fucking moron.
> Almost none of you dipshits are anywhere near as good or smart as you think you are.
Neither you are, judging by the fact you are literally suggesting to never adapt in a game that always chages trends and mechanics.
Who /goingtoTI7/ here?
5k International ranked atm, shouldn't be hard if this man is typical of the competition.
Just kidding, he's particularly fucking horrible.
Use your disables AFTER dark pact is finished, and then chain them with your teammates.
why aren't there webms of his TI6 TB games
iirc there were moments like these
Anybody here remember the DotA 1 days when SA had chaos ward and Sand King burrowed underground rendering him invulnerable?
I'm good at it and I despise it because it has the highest quotient of salty asians who can't speak english of any game I've played.
That and the fact that if your team sucks you're stuck with them for 40 minutes even if you aren't playing the matchmaking mode.
>Hey support player could you buy wards please?
>Buys 1 ward.
>Won't listen to you rest of the game.
>Won't use his mek until he's low on health himself.
>Wonders why you lose.
It's just too team dependant for anonymous multiplayer to work.
People learned how to play him and don't max essence shift first anymore.
Anyway, Slark has great escape abilities, but without them he is really easy to kill.
Dark pact dispells most of the stuff ingame for the whole animation, so you need to carefully use your disables. Silence is the best thing to keep him at bay, unless he has a bkb. AOE stuns are pretty nice against him, save them for when he shadow dances so that he can't get free essence shifts charges or just disengage. A hero that fucks slark over big times is void, consider picking him against a slark.
It's funny because when I play the game I can perfectly see what's going on, but as soon as I spectate a game I have no fucking idea what's happening
Is it my sub 1k hours speaking ?
t. dead starcrumpet
That video is horrible and you should feel bad.
maybe you're not as good as you think
a good enough player would pull himself out of that trench given enough games.
>not playing smite or hots
The game has about a billion more variables than any RTS. This is why even competetive games are a shitshow of mindgames.
Used to love this game after 2k the spark was just gone. I still cherish the memories of the game it used to be
EE, while playing Tiny, accidentally threw his IO into the line of fire instead of the Nature's prophet.
One could blame the IO player for being too close to the Tiny, but then EE might've threw a treant anyway and still fucked up but not as hard.
you sure you're not memeing?
>that incredibly misleading wow/lol trailer that doesn't actually show how characters look in game
>Too bad that every single lineup IS a very specific matchup
>When pub play, let alone ranked, is literally just everyone playing whatever 'flavor of the patch' heroes there are.
Okay, buddy
>game that always changes trends and mechanics
Playing musical chairs with flavor of the month heroes is not 'changing trends and mechanics'.
Stop trying to convince retards that DotA is complicated when it isn't. the community would be ten times better if you faggots stopped trying to reinvent the wheel, let alone 'outsmarting' the meta. You're not that fucking clever. The people that are that clever play the game for money, not entertainment. Unless you're like 5.5k+ MMR the game can literally be played on fucking auto-pilot as long as you know the responsibilities of your role.
This is why DotA 2 is boring as fuck and why I regret sinking so many hours into it. You can get as fancy as you want but at the end of the day there's generic, safe ways of playing the game.
>Barely win game.
>Next game get someone who afks at level 7.
MMR terrorists prevent me from goin anywhere
>garbage of the storm aka 10 minute no items no skills shitshow
Yes. People not paying attention to basic advice and game mechanics is my fault. (You) are correct.
Because I already learned one Moba and the learning curve for that was bad enough that I don't know if I want to repeat it
Which is a shame because dota looks great
am I cancer?
Not him, but post your fucking dotabuff.
I'd bet you're not picking winning heroes or ignoring your team to get items as much as you could be.
I'm not trying to argue that nonwhites who are genuinely bad at the game aren't a problem, but it's a problem we as non-valve employees cannot easily fix, while there are ones that we can that could do with some scutiny on our part.
You know what vidyia i'm talking about and their bullshit cinematic trailers.
>42% winrate
>prophet most played
>AA, spirit breaker, and rubick not far down the list
Could you even play without having global presence?
>all them cucks
You're a retard. If your skill level is actually above your current mmr, you will win more games than you lose because every game should be you + 4 retards vs 5 retards. One good player in a game with 9 chucklefucks does have a big impact. The reality is that you're simply shit at the game and blind to your own flaws while being overly critical of others. I can with almost 100% certainty without even watching any of your games say that you fuck up way more than you think but you've got your head so far up your own ass that you can't see it.
>complain about lack of variation while saying RTS are better at the same time
Feel free to stop posting until you've gained some semblance of cognitive capacity.
>WK ogre and dazzle
you good bro
Luck is a skill, Ogre Magi and PA have it as an ultimate
People play more than boring ass Gookclick 2, ya know.
>as long as you avoid dieing
>doesnt understand the whole meaning of smoke and why LOL has so few deaths in competitve games compare to dota
Nice bait retard-kun
I hate it because in order to climb out of shitsteam turd I am in 3k I have to play mid or carry. God damn, I wanna roam, I wanna offlane, I wanna support for fucks sakes. I like supporting, I like doing rotations, I like teamfightg, I like pressuring an enemy carry but if I want to win I have to go safelane or mid and boop creeps for 30 fucking minutes.
Maybe it's me being shit but I can only reliably cary with ember mid or slark safe. I expected nothing from 3k but I was still let down when my safe lane jugg with many kills and free farm rushed aghanim. Valve needs to make more tourneys and a FUCKING TEAM FINDER BUTTON.
I hate it because it killed WC3 customs by encouraging the whole NO DL! / Bot Hosts / Cancerous insta-DC rager fuckhead fanbase.