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Video Games #3488
Video Games
Game's so old this thread is probably in "who gives a fuck territory"
This is satisfactory, right?
But everyone already knows that you slow god damn motherfucker!
These are japanese pirates
Why do you contrarians still pretend to hate the Wii...
Plot Hole Thread
Been playing Dota 2 for about a month now
So Sup Forums I want to start a youtube channel for hobby only and to see if I can stop feeling so bad about myself...
Lol no. Widowmaker one was best. Dragons was cliche shit and Bastion was boring as fuck
The Last Bastion > Recall > Dragons > Hero > Alive
Games that remind you of simpler times and give you that overwhelming nostalgia feelio
Gomenasai. It is time for a Nioh thread. Not long now till the 23rd, and the Beta will arrive...
NPC aggros simply from standing near them
Nintendo 64
#FE Thread
"do not let the Horde die this day"
Is it true that pic related was more fun than the first game?
Everyone said this game was bad
Is there a more overrated game?
Enemy survives with 1hp
I've never been interested in fighting games because I'm awful at them, but goddamn this soundtrack is great...
Will this forever be remembered as the last good console generation?
What's the most metal video game you've ever played?
Name a main viyda character that always loses, no matter how much bullshit he has going for him
Playing Overwatch instead of TF2
Imagine this Sup Forums...
It's ok when Rockstar does it!
Cosplay Thread
Who is your favorite all-women development team?
See you next time, FUCKER!
What video game can I play where im the final boss?
Hopefully he's going to reveal that some of the cut content will be added in with a patch
Definitive version of games
Which letter has the best video games?
Why so much negativity on Sup Forums?
ITT: Games you love but everyone hates
What's the best "quiet" username?
Can any girl compare?
How old were you when you realized online gaming was just a competition of who has the best internet connection and...
It was the best Sonic game in years, right...?
Would you?
E3 2017
Tales of Berseria
Is this just a gimmick, or will it have good games?
Tales of Berseria
Overwatch Vote
Think God of War will be good?
On today's episode of:
Do you prefer Versus XIII or XV?
So what does Sup Forums think of the upcoming Resident Evil?
Ratchet and Clank thread
NMS vs MN9
Which ASSFAGGOTS has the best character designs?
Is cave story as good as people say? Or is it a meme. I'm looking for something similar to shovel knight...
The old vidya classic. Save the Princess from the Evil Gorilla by using your vidya knowledge
End my life
ITT: Games you play AND LIKE that nobody else seems to play OR like
Soon, my friends. Soon we will wreak our revenge on all those Reaper Leviathans who snuck up on us while exploring...
I got Deus Ex Mankind Divided on PC
It's ok
Would the industry be better without consoles?
How to throw Fireball: input ← → ↑ ↓ ↔ ↕ ↖ ↗ ↘ ↙ ← →← → ↑ ↔ ↕ ↖ ↗ ↘ ↙ ↑ ↔...
Tomb Raider Anniversary was the last good TR game. When will Square Enix remaster these for current gen platforms?
Fuck You Id, sending Rage 2 into the bottomless pit so they could make Doom 4
Excited as fuck
Post mildly interesting vidya images
Procedurally generated
Post your legit Pokemons no hackers allowed
We're taking the franchise back to it's roots
What are some video games where I can go fast as fuck?
Has a game ever frustrated you enough that you quit?
Say goodbye to console generations, the future of console releases to be more like PCs
Why was this game considered so difficult...
Why does Sup Forums still hate this game if they haven't played it since launch?
Top 5 favorite games
What went So So Very Wrong?
Hitman Bangkok
I want to play the Sims, but have never played it
Who killed these ghosts in Mario Bros 3?
Is Sup Forums excited for Pokemon Sun/Moon?
Will this thing play fallout 4?
I-it's just a phase, they will stop after a week
Someone compliments your skills in an online game
This is the new AK-47 CS GO skin
You always pick the beast-race, right?
Deus Ex
Dead Pool is on his way to kill you
What do you think of the warioware games?
Is there any game where you lose in the end?
What video game posters should I buy?
Won't let you cancel any orders no matter what, even if it's a pre-order
Turned 21 today. What are some games I can play alone on my birthday?
Give valid points as to why No Man's Sky sucks
This comes out tomorrow, haven't seen a thread for it. Is it good or what?
What game introduced you into financing
Has vee done this yet?
Anyone know what black and white comic strip had a girl come over to a boy's house and they talked about random obscure...
Who.. are you?
Rustchan - a Rust server by anons for anons
Titanfall 2 technical beta test pre hype thread
Give me one reason you aren't playing SFV RIGHT NOW
So people say Mobile gaming killed this thing
Possibly what I'd do too after witnessing what happened
No Elder Scrolls VI before 2019
That was neat
ITT: ugly gear in videogames
How accurate is this?
Pokemon Go is already forgotten after a month
That guy with the forum signature that showed your ip and location
What games do you usually play when you're depressed
I dont like visual novels but i love murder mystery games.ace attorney is one of my favourite games ever...
Is it gonna be MP?
Jesus Christ, are there some good mods to fix this ugly ass game...
Civ VI Steam forum mods
Find out that you're in a lobby with someone who served in your country's armed forces
PC exclusive people will never understand this comfy feeling
This is not a photo
Should i buy overwatch ($60) or rainbow six seige ($25)
So let me get this straight. Dead Rising 4 markets itself with the canon return of Frank West as protagonist...
Are you getting the superior NX version or the outdated Wii U one?
"Western game designers make ugly women!"
Is it okay to unironically like Shadow? I don't care for his character, but I like his design
Alright Sup Forums. The Kojima fags hating on Survive have finally convinced me to play through all the Metal Gear shit...
Can we have a Skyrim mod thread?
Did I interrupt something?
What's the best approach to making a movie based on a video game?
So I just finished this game, 100%
Chrono Cross spoilers
Do you trust Geoff Keighley?
ITT: vidya characters that look like you
Have you thanked your healer for her (male) services today?
Tell Yoshi bedtime story now!
Did you enjoy this game?
What went perfect?
Tfw someone calls you a fairy in an online game to be mean but you're actually a fairykin
Is Time Gal hot?
Outright rejects his own mentor because 'm-muh war!'
In terms of video games, how has 2016 been for you?
Titan shekels
Have you ever tried to quit videogames, Sup Forums?
Why the fuck did the Mario RPGs have to turn to shti as soon as Rosalina was introduced...
Post your face and others will guess your favorite game
You may only post in this thread if you have never played a second of Overwatch
Daily reminder to sit up straight when playing vidya
Why aren't Touhou games sold on Steam?
Should I buy the season pass right now Sup Forums or wait?
Is this game worth my time for £2.50 on steam? If so, why?
You should be able to solve this
What's this, a package for me?
YIIK A post modern rpg
Need some decent games with random map creation...
So is Mass Effect Andromeda going to be a return to greatness?
Resident Evil 4-6 VS. Dead Space 1-3
Danganronpa 3
How does Sup Forums feel about Lollipop Chainsaw?
P1999 thread
Name a better song from a fighting game
Admit it, this is literally the only thing you use your ps4/xbox for
Can any game even compete with this for GOTY?
How is this "game" the second most awarded game of all time ? when did gaming """"journalism"""""" become such a joke ?
The Division
Enough STR vs DEX
One shitty scene where you fight Liquid in a robot for no reason was cut
Final Fantasy VII remake
Because the superior version is on sale, you dumbass
Who /notplayingtillseason2/ here?
Someone tells you "my favorite game of all time is Ocarina of Time."
Game has a soundtrack
Femdom Thread
This game delivered exactly what it promised and pretty much revolutionized gaming I don't know what the butthurt is...
With SFV being the anthony burch of fighting games, have you switched to glorious guilty gear?
They fixed the boxart
Do you plan on getting Sonic Mania?
What are some good Metroidvanias that aren't Metroid or Castlevania?
Hmm interesting, it says here you haven't pre-ordered the new Fallout 4 DLC yet, care to explain?
Wtf I love Sony now
Monster Hunter: Tama is best girl edition
Acceptable vidya apparel
Name a better JRPG character
Tfw no programmers and artist willing to collaborate with as a team
Stop me from buying the comfiest space truck simulator
Dark Souls
Bannerlord yay or nay?
Publisher/dev announce game as ps4 only
While a sales number for No Man's Sky has not been announced...
McCree, what time is it?
Tales of Berseria:
This is what people waited 10 years for
ITT: your favorite character in vidya
Compared to DS3, this is a clunky, shitty looking piece of curio
Should I buy No Mans Sky, Overwatch or Fallout 4?
As wide as an ocean and as deep as a puddle
I play a lot of games, but I've never touched a single entry in either of these franchises
I want to get angry at video gamesOrange Juice thread
Big sale on this and Hardline
People suddenly hate Mega Charizard
These are OBJECTIVELY the best fighting games ever made
Who is the roger ebert of vidya?
In retrospect, was this game really that bad?
This game is dead right?
Game stores
Can you make it across with powers of vidya?
THICC - Steam greenlight
Have you ever been to a midnight release of a video game?
Sup Forums plays Fire Emblem 9
2nd Deus Ex Review is out, 8/10 from IGN Germany
So now can we FINALLY put this debate to rest. It's no competition
Kirby Thread
Humble is having a Rainbow Six sale. Siege is $25 again
ITT: subtle video-games outfits
Can swallow enemies
What went Wrong
Spooky things in non-spooky games
What are some games that you DROPPED and why?
So is this the next Ouya?
What would a Gungrave game play like?
Is it too late to start playing wow
What would a Monogatari game play like?
What are some games that let me stab my girlfriend
Be me
Pick one
For Honor Classes:
Anything worth getting?
Splinter Cell 2017 (SC7) fisrt inage leak
Why cant this game handle a population of more than 200...
What are some good mobile games, Sup Forums?
Im learning how to speedrun bioshock infinite
When you order food at a fast food joint and they ask you what name do you want, what video game name do you use...
Games where you lose multiple times but you feel like you want to keep going anyways?
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
How would you have made MGSV a satisfying game?
Sexual deviation game
What did they do wrong?
I have never played this game. Should I just install Bloodlines or should I first place Redemption?
Im still fucking salty
Christian game characters?
Out of all the characters to choose, why was Filia the poster child for Skullgirls...
San andreas has fully working mirrors
This shit is a lot worse than Sonic CD
Another Metroid Thread
Is this game gonna be good? Anyone play the alpha?
Why did none of the Stargate games ever got released?
Survival game
So PlayStation All-Stars 2 will be announced at PSX this year
Cute black girls in video games?
Tabata wants to rebuild FF15 just for PC
Pressing shift with your thumb is normal r-right guys?
Final Fantasy XV
Why can't we be as kind as the Reddit gang?
Why do people think a game's playtime factors in to how much that game is worth...
So why is DS Virtual Console only on the Wii U and not 3DS?
Piranha Bytes
Thanks for ruining this hero, crybabies
I think I'll replay Dark Souls again
Shadow Warrior 2 Gamescom 2016
Why did they make everyone look western in the movie when they look Asian in the game?
What will you do first in the hub world?
"Are you lost, little boy?"
So did they fuck?
It's not that bad
Who do you watch?
Eiyuu senki
What games have a multicultural cast?
REmake is on sale on steam. This shit worth getting?
People are flipping their shit over the prospect of new Metal Gear games without Kojima
We will reach a point where people will ironically type "Well played...
Has Sup Forums made any user reviews on Steam?
What are some low specs games that have great controller support?
Why is this still not up for preorder on psn? It's coming out like, next week
Civ VI
Name three bosses from this game
What is the Dark Souls of sidescrollers?
So, what's the verdict Sup Forums?
Civilization VI reveal
Just started with pic related
Fuck you I liked it
Why do underaged people like this game so much?
What's the worst game you've ever finished?
Ok you fuckin' master race what is better for games when it comes to cheap yet good drive
Say something nice to Yukiko
Have you ever needed help in a video game?
Far Cry is a fucking mess of a series with no actually good games yet it keeps getting sequels. Why?
"""""""detective""""""" mode
Why is Mario weaker without his hat?
Game related lines stuck with you forever
Bleach finally ends after all these years
Sup niggers
Is Phantom Hourglass any good? It's like $6 on the e-shop right now
Dead Rising
Space engine thread
You know it's true
Worth A Buy is the best review channel, agreed?
Hi, we're the only good videogame reviewers on Youtube
Loving every laught
Joining freedom
This asshole just boasted about how mature he was acting when the protagonist's cousin got abducted...
What the fuck is this shit
Is there any video game with a trap influenced soundrack?
Has Sup Forums accepted the truth yet?
Tales of Berseria
Jagged Alliance 2 1.13 is a marvelous game
Does anybody care?
Kotick selling Blizzard shares
Cloud n' Shulk
Play SFV
San andreas has fully working mirrors
Gawker Will Cease Operations Starting Next Week
Mass Effect 3
Mfw plebs don't realise deus ex is cyberWAVE, not cyberpunk
Which JRPG will be the greatest?
Itt: post the most autistic vidya related youtube video you can find
Konami Report
WHY would they do this? What's the point in having Ash lose AGAIN? All this hype , he should have won...
Are we paying to pirate PC games?
I'm pretty depressed Sup Forums. What are some good games that help?
I don't understand "tryhard"
Wow... I'm living in a such grey world outisde the master race hub cult
2011 Sup Forums was 5 years ago
Today is my 21st birthday
Who else sobbed?
So, what's the final verdict on the PS3?
Anne or Makoto?
SMACH Z - "it still exists?" edition
Tyranny game
Pick 1
But TF2 is free amirite?
NMS gets torn another one
Retarded hair
You guys have pretty much ruined my ability to have fun playing vidya gaems, so its time to take responsibility
Thoughts, Sup Forums?
Under the radar but
Just beat Ys 1 and thought of making a thread to talk about the series and other Falcom games
Thoughts? Is it going to be good?
Deefend yourselves, sonyggers
What does Sup Forums think about Let's Plays?
How does your gaming buddy/group look like?
ITT: good 2D games
ITT: Best game in their respective series
What exactly is a "meme game"...
Believing game developer lies
The first 12 minutes of Kingslaive: Final Fantasy XV
ITT: 10/10 character designs
Final Fantasy XV
ITT: Characters who are canonically B L A C K E D
Kojimas face
Overwatch - Bastion Animated Short
Post yfw this Ashole screwed the pouch and ruined everything
How can 343 save Halo?
How to save MGS
It's up
Getting bored of videogames, how do I cope with this
Well, Sup Forums? Explain yourselves
Games where I can be a demon?
Fire dragon kappa. Can't wait for the games desu
PS3 Custom firmware and give 65MBps download
Out of the blue, a magical midget appears in your vidya and let's you call yourself but from the past...
Yfw you discover emulation
WEBM thread
Is this the best anime game?
Super Mario thread
Overwatch stream starting now
Ask a guy who just got his 150th platinum anything
Have you tried the Steam controller?
Cringe thread
Go to Sup Forums
Dark Souls 3
Just got this game. What am I in for?
That one rougelike you've spent waaaay too much time on
ITT: Just Sup Forums Things
I don't know why the fuck i still have press credentials on nintendo's press website but does anyone want anything off...
This is a (male) sim in The Sims 4
Yes, well done, Ash, well done
Why I'll never buy lootboxes
Not maining Cinderella
$35.99 on GMG
Nuka-World Map
Last thread hit the bump limit
The internet age has exacerbated this sense of gamer entitlement to an Nth degree...
Remember game from childhood you loved
People have been saying 3ds and Wii U emulators "soon" for over a year
Fuck it, lets have an EYE thread
Thoughts on Beyond Good and Evil?
Here's your controller bro
Sup Forums says GB micro is the shit
I dun goofed 2 electric boogaloo
Playing Mario Kart 8 with my niece
Sneaky "What went wrong?" Thread
Any video games where you can play as a brazilian?
ITT: that kid stories
Wew lad, reported someone else's psn name and got them to change it...
This is a Fuuka
So, since DHMD use Denuvo, what are fellow pirates gona play?
Your fav game studio is making a game based on your fav movie, what is it
Whats a game that correctly portrays an Orwellian society?
SJW's Civilization VI
Tekken 7
Persona 5
Post future god tier games
Blizzard WoW servers are down
New Bethesda Game Coming Soon
Ps3 games? For a first time ps3 owner
Does anyone here like Miqo'te
Do you like Warframe?
King of Fighters XIV
This piece of shit is harder than any boss in the Souls series, what the fuck?
"With this entry, we're returning to the franchise's roots"
No 2D Metroid on 3DS. Why?
Where is the leak? It's getting released in LESS Than a day
Are DS1 bosses harder because of shittier combat mechanics/hitboxes or something...
Post yfw
Game with colour customisation
Is this supposed to be The Witcher universe's version of Satan or the Devil?
Would you buy a DS4 Elite?
Dragon Ball Games Threeead
Tfw writing about video games for more than 5 years but no one visits your blog because you never shill it anywhere
Buy a 3DS the other day
Steam release announced
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Launch Trailer
Best game of 2017 coming through here
Finally reach Ark
Dude Q3 was amazing lmao
It was so close Sup Forums. It would have been so easy to make it good. So easy, but they just didn't...
Has there ever been a good cooking game?
What are some good games where you can sneak around and assassinate evil motherfuckers?
Sibling deletes your save file when you were at the end of the game
Last video game you played or bought?
Why the FUCK didn't konami just make MGR2 instead of this zombie trash with the metal gear name pasted on it...
Remember when vidya used to be a boys club?
Where were you when Noctis was the most masculine JRPG lead ever?
Meet the Medic was 5 years ago
San andreas has fully working mirrors
Dunmer women are the biggest sluts
Name ONE good games where you can shoot dinosaurs
Overwatch Season 1 has come to an end. How well did you perform?
InjustASS 2 thread / WHO DO U want to be in/
Grove Street
That kid who calls levels 'boards'
PC version is inevitable, yeah?
Why did Yoko Taro betrayed us Sonybros?
Some of you might hate the game. Fine
Reminder that Microsoft literally fucking BTFO Sony at E3 this year
Mednafen just got a new experimental Sega Saturn core
No mans damage control
What games even let you have a beautiful fucking sword like this I just want this masterpiece of a fucking sword to be...
Okay, while i'm able to figure out most of these puzzles, there are like 20% i don't get...
Playing a shallow ass game
Only 1% is having issues
Someone play an MMO with me right NOW
The Skyrim remaster looks impressive, Todd really outdid himself this time
Created a whole new bunch of faux-"Metroid" fans who believe that Metroid should be a shitty slow FPS
Post redpilled vidya characters
Which video game girl has the best butt?
Okay Sup Forums, now that the dust is settled
If almost everyone on this board was able to stomp through Victory Road, capture several legendaries...
What wonders will technology provide us next?
What did they mean by this?
My Thrustmaster is arriving today. I'm excited. I'm going to attempt to squeeze some fun out of no man's sky...
It's almost as if there's a mirrored copy of the room model on the other side
This is a game that will release this year. This is NOT a joke
There is now no reason to pick this character in Overwatch. Prove me wrong
I'm hype, but I only have a gtx460 and 8gb ram.. So I don't think I'll be able to play it at all...
Is he a genius?
Would a remake of diablo 1 with current graphics be hard to make? Even a knock'off with changed names and stuff
You think he hates Miyazaki since he's now known as the 'b-team' director along with the other guy?
Oh, yeah, that exists
Daily reminder that you fucks all licked the dick of a nu male faggot who's to afraid to offend anyone...
Yooka-laylee... what went wrong?
Just what did Bowser do in this scene?
3x3 thread?
Is Brutal Doom really that bad?
Bye Bye Blizzard
I dare you to post vidya fanart worse than this
Hey Sup Forums, you like Devil May Cry?
Anyone got any tips on how to beat Ornstein and Smough on an SL 1 playthrough? I'm having a lot of trouble
Still my favourite incarnation of Zelda
Now that the dust has settled... What are your thoughts on Crysis 1?
Yuji Naka's admits Sonic may help Mario during Nintendo financial recovery
Imagine being Nomura playing this game and having to be all like "damn, Final Fantasy 15, you fuckin' fine...
What are some games that will make me cry?
The people behind Sonic Mania have they worked in a fan game before?
(You) are the final boss
Sup Forums have you ever pissed in a bottle during vidya or showed your stream it?
Did you cry?
Karazhan is the first legion major patch
Tyranny, new Obsidian cRPG
I think it's time to apologize, Sup Forums
New Breath of the Wild Video
He uses Adept on anything that isn't CB or GL
Titanfall 2
ITT: Trivialize a characters internal struggles with "Muh ____"
Fuck you Nintendo putting Daisy so far in the background and fucking behind space slut even
No Man's Sky
Post spooky places in otherwise not spooky games
Vidya feels thread
Reaction thread
Great space exploration games
Where does one start with Growlanser? The first one? Any to avoid?
Elite Dangerous
Why do girls play those dress-up games made in flash? Where's the fun in those games?
Tfw you have too many games to play and your back log just keeps increasing daily
Reusing locations for close to a decade
This is the strongest character in the Metal Gear Universe
So Sup Forums, should I join WoW or FF14? I'm getting that MMO itch
Where does the series go from here?
Bioshock Infinite
Why don't you just make yourself play a Grand Strategy game?
What are your favorite video game endings?
Symmetra has a new animation where she makes a shitting loo
Is their any game that does Zombies right?
Trying to get into this franchise
Skyrim character thread
How good is this game? What's your preferred way to play? Features you'd like to see added?
Hey Sup Forums, I need some help...
Its actually a good game
Tfw have a mice infestation
ITT: Shit games
It's another poppo update
Why do toxic peruvians on Dota 2 have this as their profile pictures?
play AC4 as a kid, love the shit out of it
Dr. Pavel, I'm PS4
Your GOTY so far?
Why the fuck doesn't Gerald use a shield? Is he retarded?
Are there any skater girl waifus in vidya?
What does Sup Forums think of the new art direction for Civ VI?
This screen saver is basically the same game as No Mans Sky
Zero Time Dilemma
People always complain about the lack of working mirrors in modern games
Does Sup Forums hate this perfect game because they're bad at it?
Deus Ex:Mankind Divided
Does anybody care?
Gears of war 4 on PC
How's that game coming along, Sup Forums?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...
Sup Forums
Television and Film
Video Games