This screen saver is basically the same game as No Mans Sky

>this screen saver is basically the same game as No Mans Sky

>except it has more replay value

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Wait, why did I never see a Wolf 3D version of these things, it can't be hard to swap the textures. DOOM would be even better but a lot more complicated



well, they are both procedurally generated and have no multiplayer

I always wanted to physically interact with this screensaver.

this screen saver gave me nightmares...

>mfw it flips upside down

I know what you mean, user.

pic very related



You sick nig

yeah sure
Now post the sauce faggot


I remember seeing that for the first time as a little kid on my uncle's brand new computer sometime in the late 90's. I was mystified. I thought it was some new game even though there was nobody sitting there to play it, and I desperately wanted to play it. The stylistic choices always looked so comfy to me.

Didn't this shit have a rat jump scare?

Switch by Reinbach


Fuck you

fucking niggers i swear


I fucking hate this heart-pupils shit that has taken over all hentai and anime. It's so fucking stupid.

this meme is extremely annoying to be quite honest.

This meme is retarded

>My sisters and I watched this screensaver for an hour


>call this a "Mod review"
>It's not a review at all.

basically the opposite of what I meant. I want a screensaver that flies through a Wolfenstein or doom level





Thank you, immunity cat!

>that kid that convinced you if you pressed the right keys you could play it

eat dick

so... what were you supposed to do in this screensaver?
I remember a smiley face or some shit
or was I just dreaming?

What got deleted

ur mom