Well, Sup Forums? Explain yourselves

Well, Sup Forums? Explain yourselves.

Other urls found in this thread:


Because women are gay

pretty much this


>Because Sean Murray has ugly ass feet

why Sup Forums? go ask the devs yourself.

Man refers to Mankind, not the male sex.

But the regressive left's standard of education and critical thinking is just THAT low.

wtf i hate videogames now

Fuck it, I'll take the bait

It refers to the term "No Man's Land", an area between trenches during World War 1. Since that war was fought by men(And war still primarily is) it is called No Man's Land. It is a place were no one wants to go but everyone eventually has to cross.

Yeah, but why is it MANkind and not WEMENkind?

Checkmate you sexist MRA racist GooberGlooper ableist alt-right CIS redpiller bigoted lolbertarian STRAIGHT WHITE MALE neckbearded shitlords.

No man's, meaning it's not for men
So really it could just be called "woman's sky"

In Old English, the word "man" was gender neutral, denoting a human being of either sex.
The prefix waer, as in waerman, denoted a male, while wif-man denoted a female.

Wifman grew into woman while waerman dropped the prefix. It's notable that the sister languages to English also kept "man" for the male gender, while vrouw (Dutch) and Frau (German) became standard for females.

I love being Maltese because of this. Once they realize I'm technically a minority whose country has been owned by several big white empires, they let me shit all over them with impunity. It's fun guilt-tripping libtards.

You should tell them they stole your falcon as well.

seriously, what's up with the bare-feet shit with him?

I'm honestly surprised it took these professional offendees this long to crap this article out.

Oh I do, culturally appropriated it, cut out of our bosom and left us to rot~ What terrible oppressors they are.

if it was called No Woman's Sky, wouldn't that imply that the sky belonged to men? Talk about sexist

to be fair, that's all they ever wanted

Because the name's already taken:


Pretty much, professional victims and all. They get off on feeling "oppressed". That term has really been raped to death hasn't it? When a fair chunk of the world in under the boot heel of some dictator, warlord or extremist group, some fuckface think he's oppressed because a game isn't properly named.

Because in english language dont exist neutral gender Pronouns.
Man or Mankind = The human species collectively.

In addition, the survival of the prefixes 'wer' and 'wyf' can still be seen in the words 'werewolf' (man-wolf) and 'wife'.

Here come the answer:
Female people dont play videogames.

Literally no source

Literally everyone in the thread answering the question legitimately.

Literally the same MO from the past 4 shitposting threads.

No wonder this keeps happening.

It's real
but yeh it's bait

You can't even parody how stupid these SJW's are anymore. They make themselves look like complete idiots..

>I don't know what Google is

I searched the article name, literally the first thing that pops up.


Directly into the trash

Because clickbait