Why don't you just make yourself play a Grand Strategy game?
You'll enjoy it after you learn the basics.
Why don't you just make yourself play a Grand Strategy game?
You'll enjoy it after you learn the basics.
Dont suggest HoI 4 to them, user. It really wasn't that good. Beyond playing China and Canada once I haven't touched it since.
Paradox games are only good for memeing
Which game after three months is more complete, HoI IV or Stellaris
end your life, podcat
your game is shit, your updates are garbage, outdone even by wiz
>get stuck in belgium for 3 years
>8 mio dead in the same province
>almost get to moscow on the eastern front
>get pushed back
>glorious reich collapses
I just want the good guys to win for once.
Because I'm terrible at strategy games
I can't even beat Civ 5 on King
If you can't win as Germany you are legit awful at the game
because I tried to, and even reading the manual I felt in over my head
What's a good easy one for noobs? I own basically all the old paradox games because they came in a cheap bundle
It was my first game.
I play EU4 a bit and still occasionally play CK2 also. Tried Vicky 2 and wasn't really my thing, could not penetrate HoI3. I want to give HoI4 a try but I'm going to wait for a couple of DLC updates for it first.
I get bored of these games easily. You can see who's going to win from a mile away. At that point it becomes a fucking math problem and isn't fun any more.
Fine, I'll do that OP.
What game should I try?
0 experience whatsoever in grand strategy
I've tried playing Victoria 2 a few times and can never get a hang of what I'm supposed to be doing.
I've had more luck playing Aurora than any grand strategy game.
I always seem to just stop short of actually figuring out CK2. Plus I'm annoyed they didn't make the cultural names optional after they turned half of them into essentially moonspeak.
HoI4 is the easiest one by far.
Fuck off Johan.
Dominions 4 is more fun
Was it shit?
I need something more complex than Victoria 2
>40 bucks on steam
Yeah, spending 40 bucks on a game I'm not even certain I'll like, doesn't seem very smart
Try Aurora. I'm pretty sure it's more in depth but like I said above, I found it easier to get into.
Germany is ez-tier to play as, but the AI will NEVER succeed as Germany. I don't get it.
Then pirate it.
>play as france
>tell germany to fuck off when they attempt to militarize the rhineland in 1936
>triggers a communist coup and a war with germany at the same time
>squash the communist uprising and micromanage my poorly-equipped cavalry and motor units to snake around german units, both to widen the front and to cause them to suffer from attrition
>annex germany in late 1936
>become vichy france in 1937 then declare war on and annex the UK and netherlands by late 1937
>declare war on US and annex them by mid 1938
hey it's a shallow game but it'll be fun for at least a few more weeks
Although it's more 4x than grand strategy.
Go for Europa Universalis 4. It's the most popular Paradox GSG for a reason.
Dominions 4 is just a battle simulator.
I had to get a refund because there's no fucking empire management at all and it just didn't feel right to me.
I've played a lot of EU4 and HoI4, but I just pirated V2 today and started a game as Prussia.
I listened to the music for 10 seconds and then exited the game.
Why do people suck V2's dick?
I have #3 already on Steam. Is that a good alternative?
Else I'll just pirate hoi4 like said
I tried but I can never get past the first war against anybody ever even when I have about 8x the enemy numbers they always hold the frontlines against me. I'm just too retarded for this genre.
Alright, can we put the memes aside for a moment and all agree that, for what it set out to do, HoI4 is a success? It gave us a WWII grandstrat free from all the archaic bullshit of Darkest Hour, and also much easier to get into then HoI3. Can anyone here honestly say they enjoy wasting an hour to fix their OoB every time they start a game of HoI3? Not to mention that, rather than needing to tediously micromanage industry like in other HoI games, HoI4's industry is both streamlined as well as more intuitive than the previous games. Yeah, it's true that HoI4 leads to more "ahistorical" scenarios, but isn't that the point? Why even bother playing the game if the outcome is predetermined form the start? Moreover, from a pure gameplay perspective, giving the player more options, whether they be historical or ahistorical, is a total success. Sure, Mosley ruling Britain never could have happened in reality, but it's fun to have the ability to easily do so in video game form.
wait, HOI 4 is on PS4? How the fuck does that work without a mouse?
is it fun
this post made me laugh so hard i almost cried
good shit man
HoI4 isn't bad at all. Ignore the hipsters suggesting otherwise.
It's a bit shallow but it's got great, intuitive fundamentals to build off of and I can't wait to pirate the inevitable DLC.
The really infuriating thing about the game is that it has great potential and had some really interesting ideas but it'll never reach what it could be. It'll just be mediocre.
Also seeing the equipment idea being largly copied from East vs West was kind of a slap in the face. I was actually looking forward to that game before they cancelled it.
Since the AI can't handle naval invasions it will NEVER beat Great Britain. How it doesn't manage to beat the USSR is beyond me.
I have seen Germany rip the shit out of the allies in Darkest Hour, though.
It's pretty simple mate.
Make sure your divisions have a combat width of 20, set a front line, set an invasion marker or whatever, activate the plan, and then sit back.
If you have a numbers advantage, you win. As long as your divisions are well-supplied that is (which is also easy as fuck to ensure by just building infrastructure as they conquer provinces).
When I first started HoI4 shit felt a bit overwhelming at first and it took me awhile to get into the groove of things. But now I see the game as super, super shallow and easy. The same will happen to you if you just keep at it.
>East vs West
It could be if you are a retard.
The worst bit was I downloaded the leaked game and it was largely complete. The game actually only needed a touch up to the supply system and events put in and it would be TOTALLY FINISHED
Because once you actually figure out how they work you realize they are insanely shallow games with absolutely no tactics, stratergy or thought required.
I just looked at the thumbnail and shat out the post
Stellaris by far
Okay OP, I'll give it a try.
which one should I play? never played a gsg before
But I play grand strategy games, but I'm not paying Paradox a dime until they stop with their bullshit DLC.
Its not a GSG which is why its good.
HoI4 is the easiest right now, and the most shallow.
Next up is EU4.
The "hardest" but deepest is Victoria 2.
Once you've overcome the cumbersome interface, HoI4 is a very shallow game
I tried playing EU4 but was only able to have any success as turkroaches.
Hopefully HoI4 is easy enough to get me into the genre so I can work back into older games.
Try Pride of Nations. Same era, much deeper colonisation and event mechanic. Not just clicking a 'send colonist' button to paint half the world.
Oh god he's retarded
>start a new game in a random location in the year 700 whatever every couple of months
>think i'll just conquer the world as the devs intended, like a normal person
>get bored after 10-20 ingame years when i get a kingdom and too much "threat"
>open the console
>marry_anyone and charinfo1
>kill wife and all sons, marry oldest daughter
>do it over and over again as soon as i can marry the daughter of a daughter who is my granddaughter but also my daughter
>end up making my character 16 years old every time he reaches the age of 36
>by the year 1000 i have a good chunk of the map and am married to my great-great-great-great-great-great granddaughter, but who also is considered as just a daughter and a wife
>also cuck the biggest dynasties on the map and keep doing it for hundreds of years until all their portraits ethnicities are identical to mine
I don't even know why i do it.
HoI4's UI is great.
I'm interested in Pre-Conquest England/Britain. Which is the man one for that?
My first game was Ethiopia
It was not pretty.
>think i'll just conquer the world as the devs intended, like a normal person
That's for other games, crusader kings is just medieval sims, that's why it was a hit.
Some people prefer 3 over 4, the mechanics are quite different but the main concept is obviously the same. Both of the games really require certain DLCs to be worth it, though, 3 even more than 4.
Anyone played?
maybe compared to other grand strategy games
things like naval and air management and drawing battle plans are a fucking mess
It's strategic-operational, not grand strategical.
wtf battle-plan drawing is a dream they couldn't do that any better
But absolutely nothing ever happens anymore as soon as you abolish the council. Sure, your uncle who is also your great-grandfather gets his claim pressed every time you die and some peasants get mad that you don't believe in their god, but there's nothing to do but wait for CBs and your current wife to shit out your next wife, who will later on shit out your next-next wife. The last part at least adds some degree of fun.
No but I do like that it looks like a huge Panzer General. I've also been looking at Decisive Campaigns: Barbarossa because of the same thing
Overall, I feel that HoI4 is getting a lot of undeserved hate simply because it isn't a total copy of HoI3 with slightly better graphics. Of COURSE the game is different - HoI3 already exists, there would be no point to making the same game again! HoI4 may be different, but that's by design, not by some unforeseen flaw, and it should be celebrated for the changes it made, not hated on.
Paradox titles have always been improved by DLC, but at least with III the releases were more substantive. IV's DLC is pathetic. Common Sense was a particular low, but I've lost track of all the shitty $15 content they've been churning out for that game.
That's why I RP, plus I make game harder for myself, no micromanaging, and then I build dynasty.
I'm not interested in the setting so I haven't played it, but War in the East/West is widely considered the magnum opus of WW2 wargaming
The first 20 hours or so before you understand the game is fun but after that it becomes very simple and methodical and really lacks any strategical variety
Last time I checked, EU3 also has much more substantial mods like Magna Mundi and MEIOU
HoI IV has several major issues
the AI is retarded even by paradox standards and as a direct result the game is hilariously easy. I should not be able to conquer germany as belgium on my second playthrough
>no micromanaging
What, you don't manually shift around your stacks of armies inside your armies to have an equal amount of troops and type of troops on each flank?
And i can't RP, especially when my son becomes of age, i realize i forgot to rename him so he won't be *my name* the VII and he has a fat fucking face and he's content.
>But absolutely nothing ever happens anymore as soon as you abolish the council
then dont abolish the council?
You know playing yourself isn't role playing
>equalizing flanks
>not giving your best commander a larger flank and having him clean up his opposing number, then help your other flanks
Post em
>Since the AI can't handle naval invasions it will NEVER beat Great Britain. How it doesn't manage to beat the USSR is beyond me.
I saw Germany beat Britain and USSR few times in HoI2.
>Since the AI can't handle naval invasions it will NEVER beat Great Britain. How it doesn't manage to beat the USSR is beyond me.
Japan is the major problem in most of my games regarding this, they pick a fight with China and Russia, and then they declare war on the US and the US comes to invade Eastern Europe and Germany has to split it's forces between Russia and France/Spain/Italy.
Taking Russia before this happens is difficult, if you take Moscow, you have to take Stalingrad, then Leningrad, then Irkutsk which is a fucking chore to push to because it's the other side of Russia and by this point Japan has fucked everything up in Asia and is getting their shit pushed in so they can't take it, so you have to either naval invade somewhere in Asia or slog it through the length of Russia. At least that's how it went in pretty much all of my games, but I liked playing Romania/Bulgaria/Yugoslavia so getting into Asia and trying to get the hard to reach Russian victory points is always difficult, but I'm stupid and not very good so it's probably doable.
I only ever got Russia to capitulate once and even then I have no idea how. All my other games it was WW2 dejavu simulator.
I had fun though.
Doesn't Bitter Peace trigger if you control all the major cities in west USSR and Sverdlovsk (which is North of Caspian Sea I think)?
Yeah I had fun the one time I played China but at this point I'm so good at dealing with the AI in Paradox games I have to actively limit myself
She's just what we now days call a gold digger.
>want to conquer neighboor
>bribe the faggot and owe him a favor
>these cunts pass a law so THEY decide whether i can revoke a title
It's fucking tedious.
That's what RPing is to me:
>carefully craft a portrait similar to my face and save it's ID from the save
>paste it into each of my son's data in the save
>copy and paste my traits into theirs
>play as a carbon copy of myself without too much cheating the entire game
My autism has no bounds.
>not having perfectly equal amounts of heavy cavalry on each flank and mowing down every army
Still trying to figure out how to make my daughter marry her daughter. I can get them to procreate, but not marry.
Boys, help me out. I'm and got Hoi4
No idea how to play, but I started research on 2 things.
What's next?
>pic related
If both Germany and GB are controlled by the AI, a naval invasion of GB should not be possible until several years after it has defeated the soviets.
Historically speaking Germany's navy was ungodly inferior to the British and the latter were also outproducing them regarding planes.
Germany somehow getting enough control over the channel they can mount an invasion across would be so unhistorical it happening once every 10 games is still to much.
fabricate claim on france.
in HoI IV there's literally no reason not to research maximum things at all times
It doesn't matter if that's what rping is to you, it's not role playing. Playing as you will never be role playing.
Marry the French king.