Why can't we be as kind as the Reddit gang?
Why can't we be as kind as the Reddit gang?
My anger substains from unfulfilled dreams and lack of social engagement with friends and family
Because we're not little sheltered idealistic faggots who have never had to face adversity
Literally this desu senpai
Neo-Sup Forums think Sup Forums is all about just being an obnoxious asshole.
If I do this then how will I still have time to shitpost?
Being nice all the time is boring. Every emotion has its time and place.
what is literally wrong with reddit
what drives a person to do this
To be honest, I hate both Sup Forums and reddit, but I still keep coming back to them, despite all the underages and shit posts.
Does the NMS reddit board still get a lot of activity?
I went there once and everyone was just posting obviously fake stories about how they're managing to reconnect with their broken family because NMS or that their mother has cancer and this game is really helping her through it.
From that, I assumed they had nothing left to post about the game.
>posting obviously fake stories about how they're managing to reconnect with their broken family because NMS or that their mother has cancer and this game is really helping her through it.
and fucking this. why is this shit even a fucking thing. reddit posters are fucking pyschopaths
>NMSfags have to beg for good reviews
hold me
>I hate reddit
Fuck off underage.
Why am I so disgusted by the "I'm so nice" attitude of Reddit. They go out of their way to be "omg so nice and considerate!!!!!!!"
Am I disgusted by it because I can see that it's a completely transparent and shameless grab for upvotes and nothing more?
Shit, this is me with the Mass Effect franchise.
Because we're not literally forced to be nice to have a conversation or have our opinions heard.
because your entire post history is viewable at all times
wvfdszxyufiopkvdgsfagvu d0asobhvkaxZCadei
If you don't you either get your post downvoted, contacted by moderators, or outright banned. Sometimes they don't tell you that you're banned, either, it just hides your activity from all other users.
>reading this text negates immunities
thats not how immunities work. plus fuck your gay shit, my mom is immortal
why do you do that user
what a terrible website
>I must be a dick on the Internet GRRRR
How edgy. It's almost as if some people aren't angry all the time.
Kill yourself
>if you aren't obviously feigning kindness you're a dick
Bedtime, Timmy.
fuck off
Yeah! We're big bad 4channnerrsss! Lol! We can use the word nigger and stuffs!!
lmao people get clever as fuck for stupid shit
Feigning hostility is as retarded as feigning kindness, uncle Bill.
Do explain to me how I'm wrong, or did you not read the OP?
You idiots who reply to these posts are the same morons who spread chain messages. Fucking paranoid retards.
Yes, but those aren't the only two possible attitudes you can have.
Because the second you give devs an inch they fuck you with it. See No Man's Sky and everything made by EA.
reddit is just an echo chamber, you can only agree with most upvoted poster or you will get downvoted to hell
I didn't expect so many people to respond so I deleted it.
I just wanted to make a small, epic shitpost
That most likely someone being paid to do damage control.
Hey man, I went through your post history and I noticed that you really like monster trucks, so I bought 2 tickets to the monster truck rally next month. Send my your email privately and I will get it to you somehow!
EDIT: wow I can't believe all this karma I am getting! Thanks everyone!
EDIT2: WOW reddit gold! I can't believe it :)
EDIT3: I really didn't expect this much of a response for this simple post. Really, I wasn't trying to stroke the cock of my own ego or anything like that, i was just being a Nice Genuine Person™!
We are merely jesting. Surely none of us believe that IF YOU DON'T REPLY TO THIS POST YOUR MOTHER WILL DIE IN HER SLEEP TONIGHT. :)
>why is this shit even a fucking thing
upvotes, fampai
delet this
You make it sound like Sup Forums is some safe heaven for people who are enlighten and 'dont have to be nice to have their opinions heard'. You sound like a fedora away from being a full on neck beard neet
Oh. We're here for each other, r-right?
a bunch of goody two shoes self righteous faggots. Reddit is that kid who would always tell on people to teacher when something happened. Nobody liked that kid
fuck off reddit
>unironically defending cuckcentral
It wasn't supposed to be like this.