Overwatch Season 1 has come to an end. How well did you perform?
Which gold weapon did you buy?
Are you looking forward to Season 2?
Overwatch Season 1 has come to an end. How well did you perform?
Dunno nigga. I've only watched SFM porn.
>Gold weapons
>This is the best they could come up with as a reward
Yeah, nah. I'll just keep playing casually.
I want something that isn't tacky looking.
no the games gay
59 so pretty bad i guess, coudlnt carry higher
same :/, got one bar off 60 then got a bastion and a hanzo level 30 duo on the same team attacking :D
Placed at 60
The gold weapons are the ugliest looking pieces of shit I've ever laid eyes on
Now bring out Sombra already
76, only 4 ranks away from that stupid gif spray
I only got to 58, I didn't get a gold gun you prick
>only 4 ranks
Unless you're playing with a pre-made team of 6, that's a lot of climbing.
I got to rank 59 and then dropped all the way to 47. I then fought myself up to rank 55. I had 173 wins while the season ended with me in game. I ended up with 293 points by the end of the season. I hate my life
>top 5% in Junkrat accuracy, top percentages in pic related
>similar stats in mercy, and Roadhog
>51% winrate
>rank 44
How the fuck do you think?
Yeah, but they need to undo the soldier nerf and re-fix hitboxes on projectiles.
4 ranks at 76 is the same as any other level. It's just harder.
>placed at 55
>deranked to 52 immediately after my placement matches because garbo matchmaking
>climb back up to 58 after like 60 games because garbo matchmaking
>lose will to play because i could barely gain ranks even with a 55% win rate, one loss sets me back like 3 wins, sudden death is total aids, nobody uses their mics or listens to mine, people still don't know better than to play attack bastion or winston against a reaper, zenyatta, and roadhog
>get 120 points for putting in the bare minimum effort
meh, i hope i don't get placed in retardville in my next placement matches
>top 5% in Junkrat accuracy, top percentages in pic related
These percentages are about as meaningless as elimination and objective capture stats.
Didn't even finish the placement matches, completely bored with the game.
>is the same as any other level
>just harder
So not the same any other level. My point is that if you plateau 4 ranks beneath your goal, that goal isn't close, since you won't be carrying every match you play.
>objective time
>time on fire
I'm doing my part, but getting fucked in team comp, it's what I'm saying
>won 6/10 place matches, placed at 54
>rose up to 62 either via solo que or with one trust worthy friend; every time I played with a full queue they were all garbage
>320 CP
No idea what gun I'll buy. Most of the gold skins look tacky. Who should I go?
Play on the America server. There's barely any latency difference and almost every game has people on voicechat. It makes EU servers feel completely retarded
62 by playing shitpick like bastion and torbjorn
>all the constant butthurt in the chat and the people ordering me to switch, and then reporting me because fuck you I play what I want
>mfw then banned for 7 days from the game because of " gameplay trouble " after all the report
fuck this game
>pumped up for comp
>do my placements go 6 wins 4 loss
>placed 52, thats good right?
>3 firends do their placements 2 days before season ends
>2 get 61 another 59
>they queued together and went 5 wins 5 loss
mad as fuck desu
>mfw no one likes the gold weapons
Such shit taste.
You're pulling your weight, that's cool. Why do you think that means you should be climbing ranks, though?
53 but I only got it like 2 weeks ago.
Now I can rest.
I am playing on American servers though, fampai. US Central, out of my 60-ish games played, about 10 of them had people that would actually communicate with me or listen ot my comms.
I did my placement matches yesterday and got ranked 65. I'll probably get Zarya's gold weapon.
>he believes in these stats
no wonder overwatch players are retarded
>solo queue
>rank up from 51 to 55 in a couple hours
>"that's enough for my first climb I guess"
>friends get on and want to queue with me
>drop ranks like a rock
I want mlg friends.
Rest? You were so close to top 500 m7
>Playing Overwatch competitively
>rose up to 62 either via solo que or with one trust worthy friend; every time I played with a full queue they were all garbage
Oh god I know that feel. When I have to play with 5 of my friends we lose half of our games because 2 of them are shit and it's hard to communicate, but if I only play with one of them we coordinate better and win most of the time
Did one placement match, the quality was so shitty and the people so fucking tilted that I didn't bother with competetive anymore. Couldn't give a rats ass about Season 2.
Placed at like 45 with my friends, and only started playing solo a few days ago. Only managed to climb to 50. Next season I'll place solo.
Go back to r3ddit faggot
Did all my placement matches yesterday, got 51,
Not awful but not great either. All my friends are sub 50 so I'm fairly happy with at least being above that.
I won 7 out of 10 and got 59. Climbed up to 67 and deranked up to 61 in the last week.
I played the placement with other 4 friends (also 7 out of 10) and they all got different ranks.
>mercy on the villain side
what did they mean by this?
Irl I don't know a single person who played this game, and I know quite a few gamers.
Is this some niche shit for pixar fans?
>placed at 48 with 4w/6l
>climbed up to 63
feels great! didn't quite make it to 65 but i'm really happy. got >300 comp points all up
should've played on NA
Got no friends to play with so I never got higher than where I placed and stopped playing Comp.
placed at 66, didnt even bother playing the 11th match.
Not really, having the game flooded with even more retard Hanzo players isn't going to be fun, Genji losing his melee cancel always detracts from the fun of the character. Would have much preferred an equivalent nerf without taking away a fun tool of the character.
Who knows though, they could change it before release like they did with the last patch. Or change it during the season like they did with this patch.
I did not forsee that happening at all. They're all decent when played with no more than groups of 3, yet together it's just fucking horrible. Couldn't get anyone to try or pick proper heroes; it also didn't help that the ranks were pretty skewed.
>Two 60+
>Two Mid 50s
>Two High 40s
I'm glad Blizzard's installing the rank restriction rule; gives me an excuse to not have to play with shitter, even if they are my friends.
I am in top 500 so I am fine with that.
placed 66
got pharoahs
>honest to god 1 win away from 65
>get hit by a losing streak and dropped down to 54
>climbed back to 60
>hit with 6 game losing streak again and ended the season with 58
Got a junkrat golden even though he's completely useless in comp
Kinda regretting it
>main support
>mfw they nerf this fucking trash hero genji into the ground
So fucking deserved. Fuck each and everyone of you genji 'mains'.
I just wish the competitive format was still a thing even while the season's over. Quick play below 50 is fucking atrocious. 4 Genjis flipping around all over the place being useless.
I don't main genji. Just play him a lot in QP because he's the most fun character for me. Didn't have much time on him in comp. It's just a shame they're making him less fun.
All the nerfs were warrented apart from taking away his melee cancel, it's too much.
>dropping from 64 to 54
holy shit my heart hurts for you
If you're playing QP for anything other than training your aim and practicing heroes you've never played, you're doing it wrong.
Played 10 matches in solo when I heard the season was ending, won 9 of them and ranked 65
No, I prefer to play with my friends and quick play is less frustrating
the gold textures look like shit. I'rather take vanilla weapons with gold trims
Are you me?
Same exact thing that I did, but:
8-2 placed at 62
Rise to 64 solo
Play with RL friends drop to 49
Rise to 58 solo
Season ends
Oh well
Peaked at 67 twice. Is the new map out?
Lmao all these posts
"I-I didn't get 65 b-b-because the gold weapon models look like shit!"
"I swear!"
Don't feel bad you're not good at the game 65+ is around top 3% of the game's population.
Got to 63, fucking TWO ranks away from 300 points. Got placed at 47 thanks to fucking leaving shitters during placements and had to fight all the way to 63. FUCKin randoms...
mite b cool w/ tracer and soldiers gold skins
I think I got to 49 after placement matches. Rose to 56, then dropped to 54. So I guess I'm just okay at the video game. Don't play much ranked anyway, those matches take too long for my taste.
fuck off
its not shit taste they clash with like every single fucking skin
el blanco and paragon reinheardt are the only golden gun skins i would buy
and even then it would look odd
Pretty much my dear user, pretty much.
Soloqueued all comp games as a support main. Wasn't that bad since zen was so op after the buffs.
Not really sure which gold weapon to buy. Zen already has golden orbs so there's not much of a difference.
Played 12 matches, ended at 58.
Gee Ngasta how come mom lets you have two sprays
>placed at 50 after some horrible placement matches
>win every other match I play until 56
>hadn't had chance to play since
I think I could of got 60+ if i had more time
I wish harm upon the people who designed the leaver system in competitive.
Fuck's sake. I couldn't take any more of comp as solo-queue when I got 5 separate games with leavers in a single fucking play session.
And they don't look for anyone to replace the person who left, while you still take the loss, lose over half a level, and have your stats look fucking terrible as a result.
Absolutely baffles me that they added in an indication to even tell who's playing in a group with one another now, yet they can't use that same detection to not penalize people who aren't grouped with a leaver, since they have literally no fucking control over that.
Congrats on top 500 and the 300 points
I also rose as Zenyatta. I had a 80% win rate as him at the end of the season. He was bound to be nerfed.
They really ought to bring the ignore feature back. I keep getting paired up with this fucking particular idiot hanzo main EVERY DAY. I swear he preferred me as a player or something but I lose every game I play with him.
His real name is Brian and he lives in NY. It's gotten so bad that I took the time to Google his username.
>Pharah player
Great taste fellow user.
this season was pure trash, genji mains and mcree mains disagree
>tfw one of your players always picked Mercy and said Lucio wasn't as good
At least we always had a Zen I guess
He was pretty much a mandatory pick
>types this post
>calls others autists
Got 66, gonna get rats weapon since I climbed only with him, fuck the people who says he is bad, the damage is insane and no one gets near him
forgot the golden skin - soldier, for the sake of old times grinding gold skins in cod4 on private server
You're an asshole if you play junkrat on offense or KotH
What he said
Junkrat just needs a small change to be competitive. I don't know what it is though.
I've heard people discuss making his shota blow up based on time rather than bounces to reduce the RNG a bit.
golden weapons ain't worth the effort. call me when they have animated cute/pixel sprays.
Playing support in that bracket was suffering on a stick.
Moved to the UK from the US about a year ago. Playing OW competitive is suffering. Eurofucks suck and don't communicate. Ping to the US is ridiculous.
I love junkrat but he's laughably bad against anyone with an ounce of awareness.
Getting focused all the time?
make it like dystopia grenade launcher - hold m2 to denotate grenades on next collision, but they cant be exploded for certain time period after launching unless its a direct hit.
get some freinds who talk?
Not that user but one of the best games I've ever played in competitive was Junkrat on KotH. He has good area control to force people to retreat off the point or die.
Literally just did my 10 placement matches yesterday, 6-4. I fucking hated what they did to koth. What was wrong with BO3?
So do these pictures comfirm that Mercy is actually a bad guy?
>tfw you never once touched competitive
I just enjoy doing whatever the fuck I feel like doing without the end goal of winning, I don't want Metafags yelling at me all the time just because I ain't following their precious Meta and doing what they expect me to do
You would be surprised by how many people get in traps in the heat of the moment
If you are talking about the ult, I use map knowledge to sneak the wheel through backlines to only kill the supports and then push