About to buy this. What to expect?
#FE Thread
Waste of money. I got it for free, and still want my time invested back. Anyway for real:
No romance
Story is meh
Villain is meh
Battle mechanics are quite shallow
Tsubaki is kind of shit, and she hogs all screen time
>About to buy this
A good JRPG
please, Neptuina is better
But why user? I finally have a long weekend to play vidya and I'm in the mood for a JRPG
you honestly dont know about Loadiine?
>Supporting censorship
>No social links
Go and play Dark Chronicle 2 instead.
You mean pirate the game? Why would I do that other than any other game?
It's not.
TMS' combat and dungeon design destroys Neptunia
mod your Wii U and play the non-cuck version
it's very easy to do
The reviews I watched paint this as a flawed but overall a very enjoyable game
The only flaw I remember standing iut is the repetitive dungeon crawling sections, but the battles and gameplay are great
It's pure cancer and not because of any censorship like Sup Forums says. The idol industry is cancer, Persona is cancer, neo-FE is cancer, and they mixed it all together.
>Persona is cancer
But user I like Persona
That's okay. But you have to admit it's a little bit cancerous. It's okay to be a little cancerous sometimes. :)
But #FE is too cancer, please don't do that. :(
Shin Megami Tensei x Persona 4 x Fire Emblem
Every part of the dungeons and battle system is taken from SMTIV
The overworld when not being drained of Performa is closer to Persona 4
It's a linear story without a good/evil choice.
The Fire Emblem guys can be fused with monster souls to make better weapons
>What to expect?
Retarded censorship.
>Buying it
The Wii-U is fucking easy to hack and pirate games.
They already made a uncensored version of it, just buy a SD card instead and head over to /hbg/
Jesus christ, there no reason to support the official release.
Really good gameplay and combat.
Standard jrpg plot
Catchy music
Is it a better or worse SMT game than this?
Fates is better than several FE games besides the shit storylines
If Persona is Fisher-Price SMT #FE is Fisher-Price Persona
I'd almost agree with you for Conquest only, but the series is becoming a little too obsessed with stat inflation and collecting class skills for my tastes.
Tokyo isn't a decaying shithole and your guys have a positive outlook on life.
What's not covered is that the main bad guy is trying to revive the Shadow Dragon by sucking the talent out of people.
it's worse DeSu2
>2d 4 life!! we get u guys xD
I hate this shit
But jap otakus really are that bad.
Yes, but it doesn't mean it should be dialogue in a video game. It's as bad as the "they said I was baiting and should go back to neppit" or whatever it was in Neptunia.
Is the censorship that bad? I'm not a thief and I seeing a pair of spats instead of a pair of panties isn't a deal breaker for me.
Some of the characters got an age up, some outfits were edited, no panty shots, a fanservice DLC was removed, and the theme of a story chapter changed from "you're gonna do some gravure modeling as an idol" to "you're gonna wear some dumb stuff as an idol"
Tsubasa's sister was taken during a stage production and wants to become an Idol. She goes to tryouts and Itsuki manages to wander in to that place. Bad guy tries to take her and they both awake to their powers. Then it turns out his friend Touma and Tsubasa's idol Kiria both work for a talent agency and fight monsters. Their boss recruits them both.
Each chapter is then broken up with Tsubasa breaking into a different kind of business and her new boss becomes possessed by a monster. The dungeon's theme then matches that profession. Side stories expand on the characters and open up the idol song specials.
The swimsuit outfits were replaced with a different outfit and a dungeon dealing with gravure modeling was changed to general modeling. That dungeon only has the fashion images in chapter 2/6 then changes to pictures of Tokyo. Censorship people are laser focused on that section and won't discuss any part of the game.
That's mildly annoying but it doesn't seem worthy of the outrage it has caused. Surely people understand that Americans aren't as cavalier about sexualizing minor as the japs are, no?
The thing is, underage B& don't know why the hot 15 year old girl in the next grade would be illegal to like.
You'd think.
Go play Radiant Historia or Mother 3 instead, then.
Beaten both...Mother 3 multiple times.
A great game with a mediocre plot and passable characters. At least 80 hrs for the first playthrough if you want to do all the side content And more is unlocked in new game +.
Better game, more SMT mechanic-wise, but not in setting or tone.
>uses the cheat instead of actually streaming it
>doesn't like TMS
shitter through and through
Stopped playing when i reached the wapanese stage.
Feels like i'm doomed to never finish anything related to smt.
I can't even tell why i lost interest
>implying crashes
>not supporting fantastic JRPGs
>wanting persona shit
Thanks anons. This helped convince me.
...Along with almost all of the negative posts only talking about "MUH CENSORSHIP".
He is literally a giant weeb character based on an actual 3dpd giant weeb.
Expect to use Touma for everything because he obliterates every other party member, especially Tsubasa.
How about 7th Dragon, then? The DS and (first) PSP games are both fully translated.
Download the reincarnation edition from gbatemp instead.
The game is goty so far
>tfw I used Tsubasa, Ellie, and Mamori, the most, with Kiria being there for arena fuckery and Touma just to debilitate the last boss once or twice
I bought it last week and ended up just dumping my copy of Nocturne and replaying that on PCSX2. If you're really hungry for Persona go for it, otherwise there's a ton of better JRPG's to play.
And Yashiro?
I agree, I pirated to try it and I was hooked fast the combat is fluent and addicting
7th dragon isn't near as good as TMS, to be real, fampai.
I really like JRPGs and I'm a collectorfag, is it worth to BUY this game? Maybe used
The shitposting is so savage on this game and I don't really know why beyond the butt devastation that it wasn't what people wanted and while the censorship does kinda suck, a lot is still undeterred and the narrative is "literally" VIRTUALLY unchanged. Unlike shit like NMS though, it's a really competent game underneath with nice production values. If you're full-on anti-Weeaboo then I hope you're an M otherwise you will have a good time.
>How about 7th Dragon, then?
come on, don't recommend BAD games to him that are actually worse than this trash
He... he countered things and I made sure he stayed leveled at least enough to get all the carnages and good skills for him.
Is there anything else to do after you get the final carnage?
like, in NG+? Did you beat the dojo bosses side mission and the superboss?
Its like these threads are scripted
Nintendrones are in the same boat as Sonyggers with their cognitive dissonance
There are crashes in the game, it's just rare.
I had a crash happen while turning in those tickets at the hee hoo lottery npc
SMT is a good game.
faggots here are assblasted because muh censorship and AAA IDOLS ON MUH SMT!!!11
Strangely these faggots are ok with completely trash games like Neptunia and the 54165165 Panty Quest games on the Vita.
The gameplay is actually better than Persona, I'll admit the story isn't on par but it's a GOOD game, borrows elements from both FE and SMT.
If there is that much I might just go and do it. I haven't started NG+, but I really liked the game. Just wasn't interested in unlocking the finals then nothing, good to hear there is more.
>7th dragon isn't near as good as TMS, to be real, fampai.
>faggots here are assblasted because muh censorship and AAA IDOLS ON MUH SMT!!!11
>Strangely these faggots are ok with completely trash games like Neptunia and the 54165165 Panty Quest games on the Vita.
Its almost like people on Sup Forums ARE DIFFERENT
The vast majority here is trashing on a good game because those 2 reasons.
If you think people hate this brand of weebshit what makes you think they would like the other
I know Nintendrones suffer from cognitive dissonance and rational thinking (why they can't grasp copyright laws and think fans are GUNNA STEEL DER EYEPEES), but come on.
>a good game
what good game? All I see is a failed crossover
You also unlock Lunatic difficulty when you beat the game once.
You know what you must do...
>buy the game
>shitters tell me to run the uncensor patch
>it causes game crashes
Kek. How desperate can you be
not him, but people are literally trying to recommend Neptunia and 7th Dragon over TMS (despite the later being an actual good game) in THIS VERY THREAD.
Its a good game and im enjoying every minute of it so far since its basically p4 without the downtime. i do agree with many that their censorship was stupid and nonsensical. Other than the costumes, theyre only cosmetic, cept that one scene in chapter 2 where a person is supposed to be sleeping instead but nope shes frozen because muh innuendos.
there are crashes even without the patch.
It seems to be specific to the disc based release.
Because most people here are hypocritical as all fuck.
The second sentence is just plain old projecting and shit that has no bearing here.
If the idolshit bothers you to such autistic levels then don't buy the game and problem solved, but the actual gameplay is actually quite fun.
It's like saying that Metroid Prime is a universally bad game becase "oh I just don't like space shit".
>not him, but people are literally trying to recommend Neptunia and 7th Dragon over TMS
aka two good games over a failed crossover. You your head out of your ass
Did you just compare space games to fucking moeshit
You can't be fucking serious, Neptunia is the lowest tier of JRPGs
What causes these crashes?
Im only 30 hrs in and no crash so far.
Neptunia isn't a game, you idiot, it's the shorthand for a series of games. And no, there is no Neptunia or 7th Dragon game as great as TMS is.
Yeah the censorship is unnecessary and annoying but if the game is otherwise good I don't view it as a reason to boycott it
It's a theme.
If you can't grasp the idea then I'm sorry you have the IQ of a jar of mayonnaise.
>Neptunia is the lowest tier of JRPGs
I have played worse.
TMS is great?
A solid RPG behind a thick layer of mediocre-to-bad story that, in attempting to make the Japanese entertainment industry look good, actually makes it all seem very depressing and shitty.
Remember when Sup Forums said that story and game censorship was bad.
Sup Forums flipflops harder than a politician
Gentle reminder not to respond to Neptuniacancer.
A solid JRPG that never stood a chance because of how bait and switch the marketing was.
Space games are Sci-Fi and don't pander to fanbases or niches
Idolshit is pandering at the core. The entire concept of making a game based on Idols is pretty much pandering.
Play Phoenix mode so I can ship my favorite units.
Yep. 100 hrs on the first playthrough, and I was sad to think there may not be a sequel. I plan to play through it again on Lunatic, but I really should take a break and play other stuff for a while first. Wouldn't want to burn out for too long on it.
You idiots do realize that saying an RPG has a shit story pretty much devalues the game right?
Dont take the game's sceanrio seriously, take it from the same vein as p4 except with idols and even more ridiculous scenarios(like act properly or die, were all fucked if you cant song) and youll have a great time.
Not available in this game, friendo.
kek, please, by all means, what RPG has a "good story". This should be rich.
It's a niche audience but the RPG elements are actually pretty solid and not washed out shit like Neptunia.
It's not a BAD game by any means, you just don't like the theme and it's perfectly understandable.
Honestly, I'm not even into idolshit and got the game because I love FE and SMT, it didn't disgust me.
I was getting crashes during loading screens sometimes on the .iso I had but they stopped once I used a different formatting program for my SD card.
>rpgs ever having a good story
Mamori solo zerker run it is then.
>switch on!
Chrono Trigger.
Leave it to the shitters to circlejerk
It isn't based on idols, though, it is based on SMT, Fire Emblem, and the occult aspects of the performing arts.
Now you're talking.
>It isn't based on idols
You can't be serious.