Honestly there's nothing more satisfying than seeing a bunch of buttblasted weeaboos get upset that they can't live out their Naruto power fantasies anymore.
>Main Genji
>all these shitters are playing Bastion bc of the short
What are you talking about?
I still do fine as Genji. Hell, I haven't even really noticed the effects of the nerf. His ultimate being a bit shorter, and no longer being able to double jump after wallclimbing are not major hindrances to anyone who is decent at playing him.
> He payed money for a TF2 reskin
i haven't played the PTR yet but wouldn't you agree him no longer able to animation cancel his melee attacks a big nerf? You failed to mention that his combo got nerfed.
what was changed about him that makes him "balanced"?
I don't give a shit about the Genji nerf, I just want the new content. Blizzard is killing the game by waiting such a long time to add Season 2, the balance patch, the new map, and the new skin to the main game. From now until September 6 the game is not going to be fun at all, especially since Quick Play has become a mix of absolute tryhards and meme players.
A month between content updates is killing the game?
Fuck off.
Without the updates the only thing in the game is Quick Play on the same old maps, so yes. Which not only has gotten stale, but again, since comp is gone all the tryhards are clashing with the people who just pick whatever and like to do stupid shit.
PTR is pointless. It's a waste of time to wait so long before porting things over to the main game.
>he posts this webm in every single Overwatch thread
>nobody ever gives him a (you)
There you go, mate. You can rest now.
you're an impatient babby, rushing balance patches does no good to the game.
This wasn't even mildly amusing the first time you posted it.
Sauce on the date for new content?
They're not rushing anything because the balance patches are already in, but not in the main game despite the fact that the only thing that might not leave PTR are Genji's non-ult nerfs. Other than that everything is fine with them.
The map is done, the skin is done as seen in the reveal, comp season 2 is done, everything is done, but they're taking too long to add it to the main game anyways. They could at least add comp season 2 to the main game since that's going to remain the same from PTR.
>without new shit, the only thing left to do is play the game
You sound like some ADD kiddie.
>Wanting to be THAT guy
What was nerfed? His damage output? His hp? His speed? The length of the parry? His ulti?
Spoon feed me daddy
>without new content, the only thing left to do is play the game mode you purposely didn't play for months because the one you did won't be added back for a while, but even worse because now there are two distinctly different player types making a total fucking mess of it
Yeah, fun.
Read the thread
The content is literally ready. They just want to build anticipation by making everyone go back to shitplay for three weeks. The only problem is it's not nearly as enjoyable as competitive for a lot of people.
Double jump no longer resets when you wall run (genji used to be able to climb and jump infinitely)
Swift strike does not go through steel traps anymore, you get stuck
You can't cancel melee attack into swift strike anymore
ult is 2 seconds shorter
All well deserved changes.
If you weren't triple jumping or utilizing his melee combo you've been playing him wrong the whole time.
>genji used to be able to climb and jump infinitely
>I've never played genji
The nerfs are pretty big but I think he'll probably be okay. I wish they'd revert the triple jump nerf though because that was very f u n.
I don't get this. What is it showing?
I'm in Diamond on the PTR and I played mostly Genji to see if they actually really hurt him and the true is that they didn't. Everything they did to Genji was warranted besides removing the melee attack before swift strike. He really needed that burst. Now, he's more about coming in and out and pressuring the other team in ways Tracer can't. He's fine.
Except his fucking E blocks melee attacks
>forcing memes
.... yikes
>Genji gets nerfed
>but Tracer is untouched
>unlike Genji, Tracer has no real counters other than a flashbang
>unlike Genji, Tracer doesn't take any practice to play
>Tracer has higher DPS than Genji
>Tracer can teleport and rewind damage away, Genji cannot
>Genji's ult is nullified by a single Zen or Lucio ult, Tracer's isn't
It's bullshit to nerf Genji but not Tracer.
>Swift strike does not go through steel traps anymore, you get stuck
thank you jesus
Fighting an aware genji as junkrat was torture, at least now we've got something against him
no it doesn't.
When was the last time you saw tracer get six kills with the pulse bomb?
>>unlike Genji, Tracer has no real counters other than a flashbang
isn't Winston and Soldier's auto aim real counters?
Is it a meme to say his reflect doesn't block melee attacks?
>All well deserved changes
>Now strictly worse than Tracer
I don't think so.
Winston is a counter to Genji, but not really Tracer. Tracer can get away from him easier and rewind the piss poor dps he does.
>trying to consider an ult that kills pretty much every squishy a counter to Tracer
Tracer's ult is alot harder to actually hit. Genji's has absurd range for a sword
I am glad that there are people feeling this way even if they don't stick all the changes from PTR.
basically he can't kill people and more and can't keep himself from dying. I am exaggerating a bit, but you WILL NOT see Genji played at high levels anymore if the changes are implemented as they are currently on PTR.
Blizzard's approach to "balancing" this game seems to be "take the best hero/most complained about/most played hero, and make changes that remove them from serious play altogether". It's a vicious cycle that is going to completely fuck up the game. How can you balance the game when half of the heroes are NEVER used?
So you nerf his ult and now Tracer is better than him in pretty much every way. Yet she still goes untouched. Bullshit.
>unlike Genji, Tracer has no real counters other than a flashbang
Genji doesn't have counters other than a flashbang. Tracer can't even reflect it back at McCree.
WInston is no counter when you can just casually dash out of his range.
Tracer is countered by Winston, Soldier Ult, Zarya RMB, anyone with a shotgun. Quit being shit.
Someone trying to force his own shitty meme.
It's pretty much what happened to Little Mac in SSB4. Scrubs complained about him and he was dumpstered forever. He never got any buffs after he got horrendously nerfed, and he is within the bottom 10 characters in the game.
>tfw Jolt Haymaker had its range cut in half
Fucking WHY
It's not like Winston has a jump with more range and faster recharge or anything.
Retards like you are why he was nerfed.
>Tracer is better than him in pretty much every way
Tracer's ult is still worse and can be blocked by any of the 500 shields in this game
She has no reflect
She has no horizontal mobility
She doesn't get a CD reset on kill
>both die to a light breeze
>tracer has one damage mitigation ability and one movement to escape getting hit
>genji had reflect, one movement, double jump, AND wall climb to escape getting hit
A good genji could solo teams, where a good tracer could not
ITT: shit players who are glad that they can finally beat high level players who were able to master a character with a high skill ceiling.
Lets be honest here, the only reason you're happy about this genji is nerf is so that you can play him and not feel bad about yourselves not being as good as other players.
could solo *bad teams
Genji has wallclimb and CD reset on kill to get away from Winston m8
>high level players who were able to master a character with a high skill ceiling.
He jumps, you jump.
He then climbs the walls/double jumps away.
>unlike Genji, Tracer is not a real counter to anything
>unlike Genji, Tracer takes skill to play
>Genji doesn't get one shotted like Tracer
>Genji can relfect bullets to keep him safe, Tracer cannot
>Tracer's ult kills yourself if you're hit by a single Zaria ult, Ana dart, or Junkrat trap
>waiting a season to add Season 2
how dare they
>high level players who were able to master a character with a high skill ceiling
Yes, how dare they make it so the only way to play is through shitplay, the most unfun part of the game.
Except Genji cannot reflect everything, as much as shitters probably think he can.
>Fighting an aware genji as junkrat was torture
>an aware genji
Yes how dare another player notice your big ass trap laying in a hallway, and actually use their abilities to their advantage to not die.
Do you not know how stupid you sound right now?
>make Hanzo's arrows faster
>revert the change to projectile hitboxes
So instead of genji we get to see his one-shotting brother in every match instead. Great.
It blocks melee attacks you gargantuan shitter
It just doesn't reflect them
>deleting your comment
I thought it was a bit silly they did both. I understand defense heros had low usage rates, but I think giving projectiles their old hitboxes would be a good starting point.
Also sniping Meis.
>implying the genji nerfs are that big of a deal
the only thing i disagree with is the wall jump, but everything else is fine if you don't suck.
Why not just make every character good relative to where they are now?
i dont think they should go back to vanilla, but as they were now hitscan weapons were vastly superior. they should be somewhere between the two
His ult was way too fucking long. Zenyatta would ult to counter it and he'd still have his sword out by the end of Zen's ult.
Everything else was unnecessary though.
Oh I totally understand. Once projectiles were nerfed, Solider and McCree shot up. McCree has only stayed up sense then.
I was just suprised they unnerfed those hitboxes, AND gave hanzo more buffs
Thus begins the era of Hanzo and Tracer. Tracer will be the new designated flanker and Hanzo has his old hitbox back plus faster arrows.
Is this really all there is to Overwatch balance? Are they applying same "taking turns! :^)" philosophy as in WoW, without really attempting to make classes balanced?
I haven't played Overwatch and never will but I did play WoW and this is the information I'm roughly getting from observing random threads on Sup Forums since the game was released
>several months ago
>2 months ago
>nerf applied after a month
>HAHA MEITARDS #BTFO wait fuck is wrong with hanzo/widowmaker/whatever? BAN THAT ASS
>now Genji is apparently the king of the hill
>the king is dead, long live the king
How long until this shit makes a full circle?
I mean I understand that WoW was much harder to balance when you take into the account all the stats, specs, skills, professions, everything. But Overwatch is basic as fuck. Each hero has like what, 3 abilities?
uh, unless you are talking about beta.
Mei was only nerfed when all projectiles were nerfed. Infact she recieved a buff from self-healing boosting ult charge, and currently has a buff on the ptr.
I dont think bastion has had any changes since the game came out.
D.va is fucking trash now and Zen is still better than Mercy and Ana. What are you on?
But they never nerfed Mei or Bastion, they actually buffed Mei because she really needed it.
Yeeh, I always thought tracer was a good genji.
but now that his ult and some mobility were nerfed it's now objective.
But Genji has a higher skill ceiling than all the other characters, except for maybe Ana
>still no symm buffs
Kill him during the Zen ulti. How about that?
the characters you named were just complained about by actual really awful players and they were never nerfed
Most Genji players play him because he's fun as shit and actually has depth.
Now because of whiny shitters who can't aim, the game's become even more shallow
>waaaah it takes me .5 more seconds to spam Defense Matrix and nullify all ults now
Fuck off. The nerf was fully justified, if not too lenient. Defense Matrix is just a better Rein shield that can take more damage, can literally absorb or at least nullify almost all ults, and keeps herself alive far better. Plus she has the benefit of having two lives.
Also Mercy got a 20% boost to her hp/s and Zen's orb is not as useful as it was before. I fully believe Mercio will make its return as a result of this.
Nice "no true Scotsman" argument. On high ranks genji was team wiping groups with relative ease. They didn't nerf him into the ground they took away some ways to make it harder for players to go lone wolf with him.
He dashes away and waits for the ult to finish. If you follow him then you'll be outside Zen's range. Best bet is McCree shooting from far.
Unless you have a highly coordinated team and everyone moves with Zen.
i liked playing genji because of the mobility
now he feels like he's carrying a backpack full of boulders instead of feeling like a ninja
>McCree can one shot tracer with a flashbang and slowly lined up headshot
who thought this was a good idea
Aware as in aware of your movements and traps and knows when to use all his abilities to get around them. Genji was a hard counter for Junkrat because of his reflect, dash, and erratic movements. I'm not against hard counters, but it was kind of shit that he just dashed through traps which are there strictly to punish not paying attention, especially when you can just double jump or wall run over it
>complaining about literally Tracer's only counter
Fuck off Tracer main.
Mccree is still the top offense and zarya the top tank. Defense literally doesn't matter because all those heroes are still trash. All this patch did was tone down zenyatta, indirectly buffing winston and hog) and throw one of the 4 viable offense heroes into the trash.
>Getting caught by the flash bang as tracer
Seriously at best that combo did 160 damage with an enemy stabding still and he can only do it once every 8 seconds. A tracer could out perform genji every time.
Really I am more upset about him being unable to damage traps. Yes letting him trigger traps his fine but removing his ability to damage them is bullshit
The most I'll give you is that McCree is on par with Tracer, but overall Tracer is better.
>plays overwatch
I don't think you know what the word means
If he dashes away, he won't be able to catch up to Zen and his teammates
Use that atrophied muscle between your ears to think.
It's just the dash that can't damage traps, not genji as a whole. Removing the damage is necessary to trigger them because they'd just instantly die when he got near and would never trigger anyway
>He dashes away and waits for the ult to finish
Most Genjis use their dash to get close with their ult. If they do this, they're most likely dead if zennyata uses his ult.
If they conserve their dash and use it to escape, they've wasted their ult, so mission accomplished for the zenyatta If he tries to go back, he's going to die and not kill anyone thanks to zen's ult and the fact that he now doesn't have a dash
>Unless you have a highly coordinated team and everyone moves with Zen
Don't act like this is a stretch. We're talking about players who aren't retards and actually work together here
>roadhog doesn't hard counter the fuck out of tracer
what world am I in?
do people seriously STILL not know how to grab enemies properly
here, I'll fucking spell it out for you retards
>right click when looking at enemy
>throw hook at the same time
>when they come to you shoot them in the top half of their body and melee
you can kill reapers in one shot with this method
Genjis dash does 50 damage junk rats trap has 100 hp. Genjis dash could never kill a trap unless it's weakened. Now his dash does no damage to the trap so even if it's almost dead he can't use a dash to finish it. It's dumb that all of a sudden a sword slash doesn't damage whats in it's path. Fuck he can't hurt widowmaker mines now too. Let him still damage it but if it's not enough to kill it he gets traped. Don't outright remove the damage
Mercy was only good for her ultimate which charged ridiculously fast and had a huge impact. That thing would fully charge from 0% mid battle.
She is the only healer who cannot deal damage and heal at the same time (and even the way she deals damage is horrible). She will remain trash as long as they keep the ult nerf or give her a way to deal damage while healing.
Not to mention Zen still deals the same damage with discord orb himself which still makes him a tank shredder, unlike Mercy who just sits on her ass healing a target.